Dont u hate it when...

don t u hate it when u have to use another truck/jeep in my family, and my sister takes it without asking the plans for the jeep, i had plans to go out and already had dibs on the hoppy ( thats the truck's name) and my sister takes it without communicating with the owner if he needed that jeep? Dad's grring at my sister abt this and told my bro in law to tell my sister next time ASK before taking cuz i had plans since my truck broke down ( rear end brake is out)
don t u hate it when poeple use neon colors on posting or in chatrooms? hard to read poeple! dang!
Don't you hate it when you learn that living in a house has more responsiblity than living in a condo? LOL Whew... but giving a choice between a house and a condo, I'd rather live in a house - thankyouverymuch! :thumb:
I hated being home early so I wud make excuses to stay out late ;) but I hated mostly being told what to do blahh I just go :roll: and make them happy heh. :mrgreen:
I hate it when the bursur office at administration office does not have my apt address. I was pissed off royally. I went to other bursur office near my dorm, they have my apt info on the computer system. I hate that SFSU office system does not have my address info. RME at hearies.

I finally got my damn parking tag at last after visiting two bursur offices!! :rl:
When a friend says he will help you after certin time but is friggen no show and ignores your pageing him.
Fly Free said:
u visit the dentist to have a tooth fixed and the dentist use novacaine to numb the area and it takes a while to get the numbness to disappear :o

finish the sentence after the "Dont u hate it when..." we might be surprised on what we hate when something happens LOL

lol I remember when i was a kid going to the dentist he'd have me sleep and then put novacaine afterwards.. i'd wake up feeling numb inside ont he sides of my mouth.. i didn't know better that time, I was only 6, i think.. bit on the sides, and i now have a long scar on one side.. :\ ha

dont you hate it when you watch a good movie and there's too many commercials???

Dont you hate it when your kid sneaks out doing something he/she is not supposed to be doing while you're asleep? :lol:
awww teekie LOL!, at least u not have to worry abt the denist all the time, but for the two little cuties to sneek off DANG!

don't u hate it when someone obesses and doesnt move on like i did ?
Don't you hate it when someone is a tattle tale and doesn t handle plms by talking to the person with maturity?
don't u hate it when someone's got a ego plm and brags abt thier relationship?
Don't you hate it when people from work make pregnant women get up and show their belly almost every single day? :roll:
Don't you hate when the teacher with multiple personality disorder tends to talk off the point? RME at her. I am just overwhelmed with too many homework assignments. I hope I will finish them out this saturday, so I will have less stress somehow.

do you hate it when ur parents didn't tell you about ur grandfather went to hosiptal couple of weeks ago?