Just to let you know that not all people are bad or good tippers. There's a major differences in term of proportion of deaf population and hearing population. As you know the number of deaf people in the resturant are very small compare to number of hearing people in it. If one or two groups of hearing people gave a poor tips compared to the rest of the hearing people in that same resturant gave great tips. Ok? Think of that concept. As for waiteress, they get sterotyping of how they hear about deaf people giving a worst tippers. This happen in Rochester, NY.
Here's one story when I hanged out with group of terps during lunch hour, and we all signed. Suddenly, one terp noticed two waiteress from the distance, acting like in disgust talking together. Then one waiteress came to our table and bravely tried to sign "Hi" and she wrote her name down on paper. One of the terp said, "We are hearing" and the waiteress gave out a big relief and said "Oh! Sorry". One terp (who catch the waitress acting in disgust) asked, "Are you afraid to communicate with us because we are signing?" She said, "Oh no, communication is not a problem, they can point it out that is all. It's about deaf people giving us a bad tips!" Then one terp said, "Oh yeah we all know about that."
You know, major of deaf people go out and eat in low cost resturants like Denny's, iHop, Red Lobster and most of the watiresses complained about how deaf people give very low tips or none all, compare to mid to high end resturants. If deaf people go to expensive resturants and they are well aware of how much the tips will be in average, they tend to give out a good or decent tips. If deaf people go to Denny's.. of course some do give tips but how many time they tend to give out a very poor tips? You know when waiteresses see the frequency of when deaf people walk out with very low tips or none at all. That's where the waiteresses have a reason to act in disgust. It's because it's easy to detect deaf people compare to hearing people.
So, with this story above, you know sometime deaf people giving a very bad example of putting a poor tips, it's spread around the US and many of the waitresses heard the story. Same thing here, I'm sure all of you read it from other post about how once of the resturants not allow deaf people come back for deaf happy hour? You know we are small community and if deaf people giving a bad tips or left without paying, the rumors spread like a wildfire among the waitresses world. I mean it's too late now that there's no way to stop doing this. We are setting a bad example and stereotyping to them. Now just what happen to OP said... $1, just for a measly mistake over the water?? I'm sure the waiteress will act "NOW WHAT I DID WRONG???" She/he probably scramble him/herself figuring out what did she/he do wrong? Then she going to interpreted..."OH!! Deafies way!!" Great example Derek..you know?
It doesn't matter how much waiteresses makes, it'a all about US, we the deafies giving out a bad examples. If they are tight on money and don't want give out a tips.....com'on! Don't go! Be smart, If you can't afford $2.00 tips....Then don't buy anything else... like getting a $2.00 snacks at convienence store, or $2.00 just to buy newspaper. Wow, you can afford that?? I don't understand, you know?
Yes, I rant cuz I'm part of deaf groups and how waiteresses will look at me and my wife?? They going to view us as a poor tippers at first, but they are happy at the end.