Don't play X-men Legends 2

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Heh about Cyclop. Scott nailed it... who wants to play as Cyclop? No one.
Hmm... interesting.

Is this really true? Is it that bad? I've never played the first game so I don't know the differences.
VamPyroX said:
Hmm... interesting.

Is this really true? Is it that bad? I've never played the first game so I don't know the differences.
Well all I know is that it's supposed to be tons better than the first one, that's all.

I never even played the first one as well.

because I'm not too interested in those types of RPG games bleh.
Have you play X-men legends (1)

Honestly, I tell you the game: X-men legends once I played on xbox. this is worst sucks than batman: dark tomorrow. Because this game did not give you wide camera as 360 degree where you can see at spot.. game's camera give you limit where you can't see and gameplay is F---King sucks!!

I advice you, don't going to buy this game... but I aint sure about if X-men legends 2 is improvement from part 1..

Have you play batman begins on xbox before? the batman begins is so awesome gameplay!! I love it.. I highly recommending you get this batman begins game.. ;)
No I haven't played Batman Begins but according to, they said it sucked lol

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