Don't forget 'Sweet Nothing in My Ear' starts in 30 minutes!

I think it was smart of the writers to end the movie like that so nobody can feel that one side was chosen over the other as an ending. Clever, very clever.

Good observation Shel90,, I said just the same thing. But it was good that it showed hearing people some of the pain and the struggles that exist...
Really, in my experience it still varies..I have a student who was born deaf who has a CI. She can easily switch from spoken English without sign support and ASL without voice without a problem.

Then we have an older boy who is in middle school who was born hearing but became deaf, I think around 5, who has absulotoly no oral skills.

However, the chances of recieving better benefits from implants are better with postlinguals than with prelinguals so you are right to some degree.

That's why I believe in exposing all deaf/hoh chidlren to ASL along with spoken language cuz we never know who will benefit from whatever hearing they have. Heck, I can speak and read lips better than some HOH people despite being born with a profound deafness in both ears.

TechBill posted on a different thread that his Deaf daughter was implanted, but she and the whole family learned sign first. They don't have a real big Deaf community I think, and the daughter is mostly in a hearing environment. The daughter started to drop sign all by herself as she needed is less, but if the CI fails for whatever reason, she has sign as second language, and she can also fit in with the totally Deaf because she knows sign.

so, knowing sign did not stop her from becoming good oralist. Now she has both because she belongs to both worlds, the hearing and the deaf.
I thought the movie was good throughout but I agree with Skullchick, the ending was like... um. So what happened? I want to know what happens to the boy and the couple (did they get divorced)? Blah. It could have been a lottta better.

I believe the end of the movie they works thing out to save their marriage. Because he would have not showed up on her door step and she let him in. I think they working hard to get their marriage back and the both confess their feelings what was missing between them. Every marriage will have their troubles.
I was born HOH but later in life i lost what was left in my right ear
so i had to switch my hearing aid over to my left ear since i had some
hearing in left ear which i still do to this day..i hope i dont lose any
more hearing but if i do, that means i will be completely deaf.
I was taught to speak and to lipread when i was a child so i didnt learn
any sign language till i was an adult.
I just wished CIs existed when i was a kid..but alas they didnt cuz i
would defintely would love to have CIs... i would practically beg my
parents to get me CIs but im sure they would love to get me some,
no problem!
Sorry to be off topic....
But i still dont like the movie...i still think they should ask
the son if he wants the implant..he is OLD ENOUGH to understand
about the CIs..dont you think?