Don't Drink the Water......


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Near Aberdeen, South Dakota there there was a large German-speaking population, and a farmer walking down a snowy country road notices a man drinking from his nearly frozen pond with his hand.

The farmer shouted:

" Trinken Sie nicht das Wasser! Die Kühe haben scheiße es."

Which means:" Don't drink the water, the cows have shit in it ."

The man shouted back: "I'm from New York, and just down here campaigning for Obama's health care plan. I can't understand you. Please speak in English."

The farmer replied: "Use two hands, you'll get more."
Hmmm. The German isn't correct.

" Trinken Sie nicht das Wasser! Die Kühe haben scheiße es."

Should be

"Trink das Wasser nicht! Schon haben die Kühe darin geschissen."
Heard this joke a while ago and thought it was a riot.

BTW, would you let a hearie continously mess up his ASL or give him a hand and show him how to do the ASL better? Also, the Germans tend to agree that their language is difficult.
Had nothing to do with the language at all.
The joke is at the center of it all, not a correction of some foreign language. Now the sheen has worn off. I'm done here.