donoring blood

Actually, I do not faint at the sight of blood. My veins are tooo tooo small and hard to find. From my experiences growing up, after doing the blood testing so many times, I now cringe at the thought of it becuase it can be painful especailly when the lab technican attempts to move the needle around and push around inside.. ugh.. Now the thought of going to blood donor center? No thank you..
Interesting. Have you gone into hospital at all? If so, did you get your IV in? If that happened, what was the situation like? (Talking to BIF.)
Allison, EAT before u draw blood. I learned my lesson the hard way. =oP The nurse offered me to eat, I naturally delinced the offer. Nurse also offered me blanket because the room have to be COLD to keep the blood running. I was like wtf and said no. Shit, I was freezing my ass off and passed out. pfft. It took me an hour and 15 mintues to fill the pint up. :shudders: I was watching a woman who filled up the pint in like 30 mins. I was sitting here and thinking, " You lucky bitch." : smh :
Got a friend who wanted to donor blood but couldn't cause of low iron in blood. she cried..lots saying she felt like she wasn't helping. :shurgs:
Originally posted by Aberrrcrombie03
Allison, EAT before u draw blood. I learned my lesson the hard way. =oP The nurse offered me to eat, I naturally delinced the offer. Nurse also offered me blanket because the room have to be COLD to keep the blood running. I was like wtf and said no. Shit, I was freezing my ass off and passed out. pfft. It took me an hour and 15 mintues to fill the pint up. :shudders: I was watching a woman who filled up the pint in like 30 mins. I was sitting here and thinking, " You lucky bitch." : smh :
I didddddd- I ate a meal right before I went to donor blood, :o. Oh well :dunno: and, 1 hour and 15 mins???? :shock: whooooaa! That's friggin' long! It took my friend only like 7 mins!
SEVEN minutes? AW LUCKY!! Ohh, where did u do the donor? at school? at local hospital? we did it in the classroom. weird, i know.
At school ((mainstreaming one)), at the old gym. The red blood cross [or whatever its called lol] came n bsbs.
Yea? hmm interesting. Red Cross did the donor so we can win the auburn/alabama football game tickets. we didnt win. one lady from the blind school did. pfft. our school is right next to the blind school. blah. They said I will get a donor card and I never did. =oP Aint going to donor blood again. I lose enough thur periods. ;)
Hey Ally, I have done so 7 times. Next time, I get my 1 Gallon cup (which should be here at work this week). I wish I could do more, but it seems like I come down with a cold every time a blood drive comes here to URI.
I may be sick of thinking like this but:

If I'm afraid of needles, can I donor the blood...through :quietly: period?

:looks around:

now, you can laugh at me.
:rofl:, Aber, about losing blood through period, HAHA, omg, soo truee!!

Yeah, that's interesting, Matt. Hmm. But I learned something new from the experience! Donoring blood is no fun! Hehe.
I never been donated my blood. Some day I should. It d be nice to help the others.

While you are giving your blood to other. Whatever you did in the past or current... like you smoke...alcohol...and drugs. They stay in your blood. While transfer the blood to other.. they will carry kind of things in their body system
Originally posted by eternity
I never been donated my blood. Some day I should. It d be nice to help the others.

While you are giving your blood to other. Whatever you did in the past or current... like you smoke...alcohol...and drugs. They stay in your blood. While transfer the blood to other.. they will carry kind of things in their body system
I don't think it matters :dunno: because the guy who did the needle work even said "if u want to drink alochol, do it in 1 hour and if u want to smoke, do it in 4 hours" or something like that- why would they even metion that if they don't want any of those in the blood, u know? Ahh idk.