Dog the Bounty Hunter going after fugitive MMA fighter

Pictured: The moment US marshals capture fugitive MMA fighter War Machine 'who stabbed porn star girlfriend and ruptured her liver in horrific assault'
Pictured: The moment US marshals capture fugitive MMA fighter War Machine 'who stabbed porn star girlfriend and ruptured her liver in horrific assault' | Mail Online

MMA fighter who allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend arrested after manhunt

MMA fighter arrested in beating of ex-girlfriend
Well he wasn't the brightest bulb in the lamp, nor did he have that much money to his name, so it seemed a safe bet he'd go someplace close to home. I'm glad the authorities worked together to get a dangerous person off the streets.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was filled to the gills with steroids, which tend to make "alpha males" even more aggressive than men already can be with testosterone overload. It's like adding fuel to the fire, just not a good idea if you want to be a functional person in society.
As Lt. Kenda from Homicide Hunters once said, "You need to be in a cage, locked up and stay there". Something along those lines.