Dog found with its muzzle taped shut (WARNING!)


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Jun 8, 2004
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Dog found with muzzle taped shut recovering, says Charleston Animal Society
The Charleston Animal Society said a North Charleston stray dog was found with its muzzle taped shut for as long as two days.

North Charleston Animal Control is investigating the case and looking for whoever is responsible. The Animal Society is offering a $1,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest and conviction.

The group said Caitlyn, a 15-month-old chocolate Stafford mix, was a well-known stray in the Chicora-Cherokee neighborhood, and was regarded as friendly.

Last seen on Memorial Day, Caitlyn turned up early Wednesday on a person’s doorstep with electrical tape tightly wound around her muzzle. The dog’s tongue was caught between her teeth, and the tape was so tight it stopped blood flow to her tongue, the Animal Society said.

Her prognosis “is guarded,” said Dr. Lucy Fuller, the group’s senior director of veterinary care.

Fuller said part of the tongue may have to be removed surgically if the tissue dies from the lack of blood flow.

Caitlyn was doing well late Thursday, considering her condition, said Kay Hyman, a spokeswoman for the Animal Society. The stray will be transferred to a specialty care facility on Friday, she said.

Caitlyn’s treatment is being paid for through Toby’s Fund, which is funded by donations to the Charleston Animal Society.

An investigation into the incident is ongoing. The penalty for ill treatment of an animal is up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

For more information on Toby’s Fund or to donate, go to

Christina Elmore contributed to this report.



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Reward to find person who taped dog’s mouth shut in North Charleston grows to $6,000

The reward to find the person who taped a dog’s mouth shut and severely injured her tongue has grown to $6,000.

The Humane Society of the United States announced a $5,000 reward Friday. That’s in addition to the $1,000 reward the Charleston Animal Society is offering for an arrest and conviction.

A 15-month-old chocolate Staffordshire called Caityln was found Wednesday in the Chicora neighborhood in North Charleston. Black electrical tape was wound tightly around her snout, trapping her tongue between her teeth for perhaps several days.

Her plight drew sympathy and outrage around the world.

“Caitlyn is a friendly dog who may have suffered for days and is now fighting for her life,” Kimberly Kelly, the Humane Society’s state director, said in the announcement Friday. “Anyone capable of such a heartless act of cruelty should be held accountable, and we hope this reward will encourage anyone with information to come forward.”

Shelter staff said Caitlyn was doing better Friday and they were optimistic that at least some of her tongue could be saved.

“She is eating small portions of wet food and carrying around her bowl, which is a good sign of her mental health,” veterinarian Lucy Fuller said in an email. “She is undergoing Hyperbaric treatments every twelve hours and is receiving IV fluids and antibiotics. Caitlyn may undergo surgery to remove necrotic tongue and lip tissue early next week.”

CAS Chief Executive Officer Joe Elmore said he was outraged by the incident.

“There is no reason for cruelty against animals or humans, especially in this intentional and heinous manner,” he said in an email. “Someone had to take the time to find or buy electrical tape, then take more time in finding this innocent, adorable dog to bound its snout with its tongue between its teeth. These are the same type of criminals who murder and rape women, children and other defenseless living creatures. We will pull out all the stops to save Caitlyn’s life and to find the culprit(s) who did this to her.”

The shelter asked people who were donating toward the dog’s recovery to say where they lived on the Society’s Facebook page. Countries listed included Mexico, Ireland, Australia, Guatemala, England, Germany, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Canada, Belgium, Scotland, Indonesia, Estonia, the Philippines, Iceland, Hungary and Japan.

The story was picked up by CNN and the Daily Mail in London, to name just two major outlets.

Caitlyn’s treatment is being paid for through Toby’s Fund. Donations will also help other abused or injured animals, such as Louis, the dog found impaled on a tree branch in a marsh on Wadmalaw Island on May 4. It’s believed Louis climbed the tree and fell off.

North Charleston Animal Control is investigating Caitlyn’s case. The penalty for ill treatment of an animal is up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

More information on Toby’s Fund can be found at


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Been reading about this and the updates on FB.....they finally caught the culprit!....and the dog (Pit Bull) seems to be doing fine and eating . This is in I don't know the Laws regarding animal abuse/neglect there....but am hoping this man will at least be given a huge fine or jail time!
Arrest made in case of dog found with muzzle taped shut

North Charleston police have arrested a 41-year-old man in connection with the animal cruelty case of Caitlyn, the dog that was found with her mouth taped shut.

William Leonard Dodson, of Quitman Street in North Charleston, was arrested Monday night in the area of Quitman and Calvert streets, and charged with ill treatment of animals-torture, according to police spokesman Spencer Pryor.

A 15-month-old chocolate Staffordshire called Caityln was found Wednesday in the Chicora neighborhood in North Charleston. Black electrical tape was wound tightly around her snout, trapping her tongue between her teeth for perhaps several days. Her plight went viral and drew sympathy and outrage around the world.

She has been recovering in the care of the Charleston Animal Society, which offered a $1,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for taping her muzzle. The Humane Society of the United States also offered a $5,000 reward.


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Been reading about this and the updates on FB.....they finally caught the culprit!....and the dog (Pit Bull) seems to be doing fine and eating . This is in I don't know the Laws regarding animal abuse/neglect there....but am hoping this man will at least be given a huge fine or jail time!

I am really happy to read this. I turned off the notifications on FB because it was too upsetting.

Sometimes I really hate people.
Affidavit: Caitlyn abuser laughed after he taped dog’s mouth shut

The North Charleston man who taped a dog’s mouth shut laughed about it to the dog’s former owner, according to a court document.

William Leonard Dodson, 41, of Quitman Street in North Charleston was arrested Monday after a dog was found with her muzzle clamped so tight with electrical tape that her tongue had turned black. Rescuers named the dog Caitlyn, and her story has drawn worldwide attention.

Charleston County Magistrate Priscilla Baldwin set Dodson’s bail at $50,000 Tuesday on an animal cruelty charge. She also said animal-control officers would take another dog from Dodson’s house into protective custody. According to jail records, Dodson had not bonded out as of Tuesday afternoon.

At the time of his arrest Monday, Dodson was on probation for a weapons conviction and out of jail on bail on a more recent drug and gun charge.

Dodson was convicted in May 2013 of possession of a firearm by a convicted violent felon, sentenced to six years and put on probation, according to a criminal background check with the State Law Enforcement Division.

Dodson was arrested again this March and charged with possession of cocaine and unlawful carrying of a weapon, according to SLED. He was released from the Charleston County jail on $110,000 bail.

For the charge of ill-treatment of animals, Dodson faces from 180 days to five years in prison and a fine of $5,000. The felony penalties are applied by state statute to a person convicted of acts such as torturing or cruelly killing an animal. He mutilated the dog and inflicted “excessive and unnecessary pain and suffering,” according to the arrest affidavit.

According to court records released Tuesday, a woman sold a dog named Diamond to Dodson on May 25 for $20. The next night, Dodson told the woman he had taped the dog’s mouth shut because he was tired of her barking, and the dog got loose from her chain. The woman said Dodson was laughing about it, according to the affidavit. She knew Dodson and identified him from a photo lineup.

The dog was found the following day in the Chicora neighborhood in North Charleston. The staff at the Charleston Animal Society said she was a 15-month-old chocolate Staffordshire bull terrier mix and named her Caitlyn. The shelter offered a $1,000 reward for an arrest and conviction. The Humane Society of the United States put up a $5,000 reward.

Caitlyn lost some of her upper lip and the tip of her tongue but has been recovering, according to Aldwin Roman, the Charleston Animal Society’s anti-cruelty and outreach director. It’s possible she may be able to lap up water without reconstructive surgery, he said.

“I don’t think $50,000 really matched the pain and suffering Caitlyn has had to go through,” Roman said after the bond hearing. “She is healing, but the damage has been done.”

Treatment has included time in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, cold laser therapy, minor surgery on her lip, antibiotics and intravenous fluids.

The society has been raising money for Caitlyn and other injured animals through Toby’s Fund at Donors from around the world have been responding.

South Carolina has some of the nation’s weakest penalties for animal abuse, according to the animal society. A petition for stronger laws on the site has drawn more 2,800 signatures this week.


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Bond set at 50k for suspect who wrapped dog's muzzle with electrical tape

On Tuesday morning, the suspect arrested on Monday evening in North Charleston, South Carolina for taping a 15-month-old Staffordshire bull terrier's muzzle shut, bond was set at $50,000 Tuesday, reports Live5News.

On Monday night, William Leonard Dodson, 41, of Quitman Street in North Charleston was charged with the ill treatment of an animal involving torture.

Magistrate Priscilla Baldwin issued the bond requirement in the amount of $50,000 and Dodson is also required to surrender another dog he currently owns.

According to court records, on May 25, Dodson purchased the dog - then named Diamond from a woman for $20, who told authorities she had been threatened with eviction if she didn't find a new home for her dog immediately. The woman stated Dodson told her he had taped the dog's mouth shut because she wouldn't stop barking. Dodson is stated to have laughed about taping the dog's mouth shut.

Dodson also claimed he had tethered the dog, now named Caitlyn in his front yard, but she had broken loose and returned to a neighbor's porch when she was found.

Dodson is a convicted felon and is currently on parole for possessing a firearm.

If convicted of animal cruelty and torturing Caitlyn, Dodson faces five years in prison and/or a $5,000 fine.

Caitlyn continues to improve. She is expected to undergo more surgery on her mouth this week. Her tongue has shown marked improvement, and veterinarians are hopeful the dog will make a complete recovery.

More than 50 potential adopters have come forward.
This painting by Janet O'Neil is being shared on facebook and many are making it their profile picture in support of finding the person who did this to Caitlyn.


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What is it about the stereotype of blacks abusing dogs?
Originally Posted by The Joker View Post
well dog wont shut up what you expect?

Dogs barks for reasons ,it could been barking b/c it was being abused! And you train dogs to not bark all the time. You don't kill them ! But I guess that is what you would do in a heartbeat!
well dog wont shut up what you expect?


I would expect the dog owner to unchain the dog and bring it into the house and train it (without the sadistic torture).

The guy only had the dog for two days; the poor thing was still adjusting to a new home. That area is an old, run-down urban neighborhood. I can imagine that if the dog was chained in the front yard there were constantly people, bikes and cars going by, which would possibly cause the dog to bark.

I would expect the dog owner to unchain the dog and bring it into the house and train it (without the sadistic torture).

The guy only had the dog for two days; the poor thing was still adjusting to a new home. That area is an old, run-down urban neighborhood. I can imagine that if the dog was chained in the front yard there were constantly people, bikes and cars going by, which would possibly cause the dog to bark.

It took my hearing dog awhile to get settle into his new home and Finlay had 2 years of training . We both were nervous going shopping alone the first time. At end we were inseparable , the poor dog was not given a change to . :(
Well when it keeps barking. Neighbors want it shut up and it doesnt they call cops on you. What will you do when cops show up at ur door?
Well when it keeps barking. Neighbors want it shut up and it doesnt they call cops on you. What will you do when cops show up at ur door?
Which do you think would upset the cops with you more--a dog barking or a dog with its muzzle taped shut?

Really. :roll:
well dog wont shut up what you expect?

if your own kid won't shut up... it should be ok for me to slap your kid and yell SHUT UP, right? or maybe I should tape your kid to a chair and his mouth because he won't shut up. it should be ok, right?