Does your parents approve or disapprove on the things you've done in your life?

some peoples say my parents are not enought dicriple on me and i said they dont know what kind i have a background when i grow up ...... they dont know nothinggggggg and i was laughed at another people think about my parents and me....... they cant tell me what i am doing .....
it is example when i am married and i never control my husband s lifes and it is up to my husband want...
i noticed lots of wifes said no you cant go out some place where is the husband enjoy his life? let the husband enjoy and have a fun...
i never told my husband said no but if i have reason if i dont have enought money and i can tell my husband no and it is not enought money to go some place .... he will understand thats.....
Fly Free said:
clean for over 3 years -- thats wonderful!!!!! WTG!!! i myself have been drug clean for 11+ years and still counting! :D keep up the great work! :thumb: :grouphug:

Awesome!! WOuld love to be sober for as long as you!! :D

Good question.

See, my parents never told me to not smoke, not do drugs, and not have sex. They never told me i couldn't do anything. And the thing is, i don't. I don't drink, i don't smoke ( I wouldn't anyway, i have very bad lungs) and i don't do drugs. It just doesn't appeal to me. However, i do have friends that do these things but i don't look down at them for doing so. Everyone to their own. I have more respect from my parents who let me do whatever i want coz they know they can trust me. If they had told me that i can't do those things, i probably would've gone out and done them. But they let me do my own thing, and i'm glad that they do.
You've gotta feel sorry for them - your parents, that is. They spent the first 18 years of your life making almost every decision on your behalf - from what you wore on your feet to what you ate for breakfast. Imagine how hard it must be to break a habit that's lasted 18 years. So parents who refuse to let go are just having a hard time adjusting to the fact that you don't need them as much anymore.

So now you understand why they're doing your head in, how do you convince them that it's okay for you to stay out late with your mates, wear whatever you like, stick posters over your floral wallpaper (nice!), and spend all night on the net?

Now that u live on ur own they might still disagree on some things U do in ur life but sometimes they do agree.. but I do know every parent that u have that raise you support u 100 percent. Aren't we glad that we raise up as a grown human being? even through maybe life wasnt that great.. Cuz I know I never had a mother that love me or care about me or support me she wanted to leave me behide when she found out my sister And I were both deaf at the age of 5. I was also Abused by my mother growing up my hearing sister never once got hit or thrown or grabbing hair etc. It was hard when my dad divorce my mother things got soo worst it was unbelieveable. But Now that im a grown person living on my own with my two children nobody tells me how to raise my kids or how I raise myself. My dad supports me 100 percent even through he might have some disagreement how I do things but most of all he always been proud of me.
Living My Life

*sigh*...Ive given my parents no end to grief all my life...and still do. I do try my best but as Ive told them, I try to live my life the way I want to...they know Im bi and have had quite a few ... and that I'm not always the perfect daughter, but they do love me and I do love them. No matter what happens, we're still one happy family.

DreamDeaf said:
*sigh*...Ive given my parents no end to grief all my life...and still do. I do try my best but as Ive told them, I try to live my life the way I want to...they know Im bi and have had quite a few ... and that I'm not always the perfect daughter, but they do love me and I do love them. No matter what happens, we're still one happy family.


yea true, u are right abt that.. my mom accpeted who i am lesbo... but my family in michigan havent know yet.. i will tell them when the best time... oh well.. smile.. if they dont accpet who i am then i am proud of myself.. smile.. also i am so happy that way i am now..
butterflygal said:
Awesome!! WOuld love to be sober for as long as you!! :D


and u WILL butterflygal!!! take it 1 day at a time (thats my personal philosophy whenever i ever get pissed with life and come close to relapsing) -- its worked real well for me all those years -- u will be fine and keep the faith in urself and u will make it!!!!!! :thumb:

Sometime my parents disapprove or approve me of something but they always love me

My dear daughter -

I know how you feel - there have been times when I've just wanted to throw up my hands and just slide back into my evil ways - which has been almost 15 years ago...*sigh*...anytime you feel the urge, just page me and Ill be there for know that, FlyFree.

I know we all do things our parents dont agree with..i know they just want whats best for mom passed away in dad passed away nov 2003...the last time i saw him he got mad at me cuz a guy he didnt approve of called my cell phone while we and a couple friends were out to dinner... i looked at my cell friend said who called i said *he called* my dad got mad.... but when we dropped him off at home... i said i love you..and he said i love you too....i still feel bad ..cuz that was the last time i saw him i thought he was mad at me..but my roomie and her father ( her dad and my dad were like best friends) said hes not mad at you..hes mad at your choice of not sure if that makes me feel any better... but im sure my dad is happy now cuz im not seeing that guy anymore ha (dad was also pissed with my labret piercing..but thats a different story)
My mom has given me a lot of trust while I was growing up, she'd give me disaapproving looks, and that was more than enough to get me to stop. But even then, she knew I knew what to do, and I always tried to do the right thing. My dad had a different perspective and a different way of expressing it. He felt I was doing everything wrong and I had to be disciplined for it, even the littlest things got harsh punishments. Now I've nothing to do with my dad (because of other reasons) and my relationship with my mom has grown so much. But we cant be perfect, so naturally, parents will disagree with their children :D
Well, my parents don't approve of my boyfriend. Let's put it this way, me and my boyfriend are in love, both of us have very strong feelings for each other. My mom and dad don't think he has strong feelings for me. They think I should date other guys and cheat on him. I think that is selfish and rude. I know for sure he is the one for me, and he also think that also. But my parents think somebody else is better for me. i'm like, no way, I love him and he loves me. That all that matters. but my parents are so closed minded and are very rude.
Well, my parents don't approve of my boyfriend. Let's put it this way, me and my boyfriend are in love, both of us have very strong feelings for each other. My mom and dad don't think he has strong feelings for me. They think I should date other guys and cheat on him. I think that is selfish and rude. I know for sure he is the one for me, and he also think that also. But my parents think somebody else is better for me. i'm like, no way, I love him and he loves me. That all that matters. but my parents are so closed minded and are very rude. :pissed: :pissed:
I don't know. They died many years ago.
I was the one that never got into real trouble, so my parents never had any real reason to disapprove of the things I did. My sister was usually their favorite target for things like this. However, for the last 15 years or so, Dad has always had a "thing" about my internet usage. He disapproves of it. I've never been able to understand it, but whatever. I just do what I do. Mom doesn't much care about what I do, so I'm not *that* bothered by it anymore.

I was never into trouble. I was pretty much go to school, come home and stay in my room. The cycle goes on and on til I get to college. After graduated from college, I got a job and new car. So my mom never disapprove of me of anything cuz I was pretty much staying out of trouble. She knows that I do make the right decision. Also if I do make mistake that where I learn my mistake.
Interesting thread here.

I dont know what it alike because I dont have proper parents like you all have. They are nothing but alocholic and gambler.......

Anyway, I was raised up by strict catholic Grandparents. They dont like to see me to marry man with different reglious but catholic only. They often said this to me during my teenage time.

Until I met my hubby and found out that he´s not catholic. I knew straight way that Grandma would never approve if she learn that he´s not catholic. I told my Dad & his girlfriend (his 2nd wife) that my hubby is not catholic but their answer: "So". They advised me to not tell my Grandma the truth yet until she learn to know my hubby better before our engagement.

My Grandma love him and kept on telling me how lucky I am to find a wonderful man like him and know right way he would be good husband to me etc etc etc. She never thought about asking him about his reglious. She´s pleased to heard our engagement annoncement and never once ask me which reglious my hubby had. She insisted that we should marry in Catholic church, that´s church where our relatives married. We do not against it and accept it.

My Aunt from Tampa, Florida flew to England to attend our wedding. She asked me either my hubby is also Catholic or not. I answered her questoin honestly that he´s not. It shock my Grandma & said nothing for a while and told me why I never told her about his reglious. I told her that she never ask me question until aunt...... My grandma is speechless because she likes my hubby alot and accept him..... :)
lately, mom and i dont get along again..
she disapproved or always remarks the way I raise my own kids..
(grr)... so i blew my fuse last week with her.. because she took kids and told them " DO NOT TELL YOUR MOM" stuff.. I totally dislike that.. I do not like people tell the kids "do no tell your mom or dad" excuse me.. they are my kids.. you cant tell them like that.. but ask them kindly to behave or stuff like that..
so I told her not to say that again.. she blew fuse and started to say stuff on me that what she dont like.. too strict.. uptight on ground thing.. I just nod my head and asked her go home.. i dont want agurements front of kids..
its been on going on for long time.. before kids born.. and now this..
thats why i beg my man.. do something asap.. wanna move out east.. need peace in my mind!
Interesting thread here!
Ahem, my parents approved me but for most of my life in summers I've been away to be traveling with my grandparents and during school years till I graduated (looked like I was very much busy in my life) I was busy in school include after school which I was in cheerleadering and other sports. Especially was that my parents were not approve me even if I involve with someone who was doing drugs! Only thing they let me make mistakes by what I was so stupid enough to married azzhole man arghhh but they let me making mistakes and we can't be perfect only God create us as human being!!!

My mum doesn't express her approval or disapproval outright.

By the time I was born, she was older than most mothers and already had raised most of my siblings. So she was a bit flexible and yet overprotective with me. I haven't given her much causes to entice an disapproval from her as she knows I'm not into drinking or doing risky things.

However, I would know immediately when she doesn't like what I do or wear by sliding a look from the top of my head right down to my feet. Also if she doesn't say anything then you know it's a sign of disapproval. :roll:

Overall, she's a cool momma and doesn't restrict me much.

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