Does Your Animal(s) Bite?

lilo doesn;t bite BUT when she needs my attention and if im standing up or my back is turned she ll either butt head me or grab my arm with her mouth its her wat of letting me know her bone is either under my bed where she can't reach it OR wants outside and other times lilo slams YES SLAMS my keyboard drawer to let me know she needs my attention and whenever she gets mad at me she ll arm wrestle with me with her mouth OR if shes hungree she ll let me know with her mouth but i do not get any bites from her at all :)
Thanks Cheri and Angel for your small twin story : D

My aunt has a cat called Cleo for Cleopatra. Anyway, she is evil! I went to visit her and she likes to get into the room and look at everything that I have. She will sneak under the bed, and if you're near the bed she'll grab your feet. I can't tell whether she's playing or just being evil, but boy I hate her claws. They hurt and I just hate having her anywhere. If you walk by, sometimes she'll grab your feet.

One time I had my luggage on the bed and the top flap opened. She got in the middle under it and I try to get her off by patting the top flap, and she came out and grabbed my arm. My arm was swelling from her nasty scratch. I can't say that I like that cat. I really don't like that cat. I don't hate her, but I dislike being around her. Sometimes she'll jump at you out of nowhere. Ugh! Unpredictable cat!

When I was little, we had a big dog and my bro and I were lying on him, then all of a sudden he bit my arm. I thought I was careful to be soft on him. I Have a small scar from it, but I was bleeding. My uncle and mom decided to take me to the ER later on in the evening. Grr, I hate them for it because I hated them injecting my bum with something--maybe tetanus shot?

I had a friend who had a dog bite her face by a Chow. She had a minor scar, and I my cousin was bit on her thigh by some dog. I don't know if it was a Chow or a
dalmatian. Never get a Chow--they are the ones with blue tongue. *shudder*

I want to get a small pet, but I am afraid they'll reject me and not be friendly. I don't like unfriendly pets. They make me dispise them.
ohh yes my cat really hate the stranger ppl or someone who come frequently ... my cat wouldn't allow almost anyone pet her ! unless my cat is on my arm .. she might let them pet her ... know what ??? my cat really hateeeeee my roommate guy poor him .. he is scare of my cat very much ... my cat would bite me for some reasons like piss off at me for some reasons ..
Malfoyish said:
I too have a hamster. Two, in fact. One of them is satanic 24/7. The other one bites, too...just not as bad. I won't touch either one of them. Mike is the only one brave enough to put his hands into the cage. I absolutely refuse to touch those things...LOL.

You DO? Since when? LOL I've known you for two years now, and I still am learning news things about you! :)

I don't have hamsters, but my sister and I did as children. We also had guinea pigs for awhile. And, I hated them. They made me nervous, and even kinda scared me as a kid. I never did take to anything that squeaked! The hamster was DEFINITELY Sis's idea! (probably, because, she knew they scared the MESS out of me!) LOL
I have a Boston Terrier.....she doesn't bite, but she playfully nips. When she was a puppy (she's 12 now), she bit my brother's nose...he still has the scar. Pepper has all of her rabies shots updated and wears a tag to prove that. :) Since Pepper is older now, she doesn't bite anymore, but she does love to nip when she's only playing. :)
My brother and his wife now has a Chiuhauha puppy...their puppy, Henna, bit my brother's ear the other night. She was just playing with him. :)
Puppies loves to chew, run, and playfully bite! :)
I am aware that this is about 'your' pet and if it does bite you...all the pets I have had never bit me ever (well, the hamsters we have will occassionally nip at my fingers or at the palm of my hand)...but I do know that other people who have pets such as dogs will bite newspaper carriers and mailmen...I've been biten on three different occassions when I was a newspaper carrier many years ago...and one other dog missed getting a chunk of me when I swiftly moved my bag over where the dog was aiming at and ended up ripping out a mouthful of the bag and before the dog could attack me again, the owner was able to restrain the dog....

Cheri-sis, try the cage and allow your sweet and cuddly hamster to come out into the palm of your hand instead of picking it up in her cage...that may lessen your chances of being well for me! :cool:
Cheri said:
Today I wanted to play with my hamster all sudden she bited me for the third time...All I wanted to do was to take her out of the cage and play with her... but she gave me this looks like "Leave me alone Looks" :(

I have have two dogs who have never bitten anyone. However, my one dog Schooner, was in a REAL bad mood one evening several years ago. And, I went up to pet him. *BIG MISTAKE*.

Schooner snarled at me, and showed his teeth. I was quite surprised at this. Actually, this was SO out of character for either of my dogs that I mentioned Schoon's behavior to my father.This hasn't happened since, but, it just goes to show you... No matter how friendly you think your animal is, there ARE times when they JUST DO NOT want to be messed with!
Levonian said:
I have a Lhasa Apso/poodle mix that I recently adopted from an animal rescue facility. The little bastard is definitely a career nipper. I only had him a week when he bit my neighbor’s pants leg. A couple of days ago I took him to Petsmart and he tried to nip two people in less than 15 minutes. Now he has to wear a muzzle whenever he’s outside the house. I have an appointment soon with a trainer who’s going to evaluate him and tell me the best way to break him of this behavior. It’s too bad he has this nipping habit—other than that he’s a great dog. He’s housebroken, and he’s usually very docile and friendly. He’s cute as hell, too—here’s a picture.
Aww hes cute! well, according to my vet, all poodles and since your dog is part poodle, bite worse than other dogs! He had to have the poodles wear muzzle before he could examine them! My dog is a pitbull and he dont bite but he growls alittle haha...cuz he dont like the shots!
I was in Buffalo, NY the last two weeks and we went over to my sister in law's house and i found out that they have a pet Guinne is sooo cute and sooo friendly! he let me pet him and loves to have his nose scratched!
I never had hamsters so i dont know if Guinne pigs are bigger or smaller than which are bigger?...
From i what i understand..some hamsters are meaner than others so its possible that your hamster is a mean one? Cheri.... :eek:
Defee said:
From i what i understand..some hamsters are meaner than others so its possible that your hamster is a mean one? Cheri.... :eek:

No she is not mean at all... Lately she hasn't bite me...Just because she bite that doesn't mean she is mean.

and for your information Guinea pigs are bigger than Hamsters...
I read in website about hamsters.. and it pulled up something I wanted to know....Hamsters bite only when they are frightened. If your hamster does nip your finger, it is best to put it back in its cage and leave it alone a couple of hours so that it can calm down

Now, that shows that she isn't mean or Sick just frightened.. ^Angel^ was correct all along... Thanks Sis!;)
Yes I do. Dog, rats, gerbil bite my hands. Most rats bite not lots. Two rats have problem to thinig...

Gerbil is bite me all time. I think I hurt her. I was child.

Dog is bite my hand was accdeint. when I was young child. I take the ball plan to throw. Dog is excite bite me...

Bite was not hurt not much. Like ouch that's all.
*ahem* I cannot remmy where I was posted about "hate hamster or rat else"
Now I realized it's cute.. which my daughter request and wanted have hamster for her bday.. (gluped cracked my voice) ahhh, you wanna one.. Okay btw your money earn from bday gifts.. I have to kept postive and really doesn't want tiny werid animals in my house. Few days later, My daughter got her own hamster and happy very much unfortunally can be bite her. I suggest leave her alone which likes to be alone and not want companies.
Hamster name is Chocolair and pretty cute color light brown and has nice tan eyes.
It's called "Teddy Bear Hamster" Pretty quite activing during night time and loved play wheeled. I bought hamster cage which there has awesome quiet wheeled no sounded. My daughter tell sme Love that cage so much because no sound wheeled when chocolair playing on wheeled. I said, Good! then setteld. She will not wake up during play hamster on wheeled. *smacker perfecto*

My litte son got jealous and wanted have his own hamster. In my mind::: $$$$ another cage::: ((chuckles))
Cheri said:
Today I wanted to play with my hamster all sudden she bited me for the third time...All I wanted to do was to take her out of the cage and play with her... but she gave me this looks like "Leave me alone Looks" :(
Yeah, I did. My old mice bites my finger then, I was going to see my doctor. So, my old doctor gave me a antidote, I was using it so, I will be fine as no more posion.
Once, my sister's dalmation bit me in the arm. I think it was because it was too scared to go outside. Apparently, he touched the electric wire outside with his nose. :crazy:
Oceanbreeze said:
You DO? Since when? LOL I've known you for two years now, and I still am learning news things about you! :)

I don't have hamsters, but my sister and I did as children. We also had guinea pigs for awhile. And, I hated them. They made me nervous, and even kinda scared me as a kid. I never did take to anything that squeaked! The hamster was DEFINITELY Sis's idea! (probably, because, she knew they scared the MESS out of me!) LOL

Actually, the hamsters are "new additions." They were hubby's/kids' idea. NOT mine! LOL.
Got another hamster name 'sneaky' for my little son..
He is quite happy..
*rolls my eyes up* ((chuckles)) no more jealous each together.. :lol: