Thanks Cheri and Angel for your small twin story : D
My aunt has a cat called Cleo for Cleopatra. Anyway, she is evil! I went to visit her and she likes to get into the room and look at everything that I have. She will sneak under the bed, and if you're near the bed she'll grab your feet. I can't tell whether she's playing or just being evil, but boy I hate her claws. They hurt and I just hate having her anywhere. If you walk by, sometimes she'll grab your feet.
One time I had my luggage on the bed and the top flap opened. She got in the middle under it and I try to get her off by patting the top flap, and she came out and grabbed my arm. My arm was swelling from her nasty scratch. I can't say that I like that cat. I really don't like that cat. I don't hate her, but I dislike being around her. Sometimes she'll jump at you out of nowhere. Ugh! Unpredictable cat!
When I was little, we had a big dog and my bro and I were lying on him, then all of a sudden he bit my arm. I thought I was careful to be soft on him. I Have a small scar from it, but I was bleeding. My uncle and mom decided to take me to the ER later on in the evening. Grr, I hate them for it because I hated them injecting my bum with something--maybe tetanus shot?
I had a friend who had a dog bite her face by a Chow. She had a minor scar, and I my cousin was bit on her thigh by some dog. I don't know if it was a Chow or a
dalmatian. Never get a Chow--they are the ones with blue tongue. *shudder*
I want to get a small pet, but I am afraid they'll reject me and not be friendly. I don't like unfriendly pets. They make me dispise them.