Does Everyone Knows Deaf Heather Whitestone McCallum ?

she now has bilateral implants and seem to be doing great with them
Huh? I thought she had one implant and an aid?

Also I thought that the controversy was about her not using Sign?
Like I remember hearing that her mom is kinda a stereotypical AG Bell parent, and kinda looked down on Sign......Not bashing speech skills, but it does seem that a lot of the stereotypical AG Bell parents are ones who are all " I want my child to be "healthy and normal." Using sign will be like admitting they actually have special needs!"
I dunno.............she's OK, but I mean she's not really anything to be a role model about........all she did was win a title. It's not like she actually acheived something, like wrote a book or sang a song or fought evil or something like that.
I dunno.............she's OK, but I mean she's not really anything to be a role model about........all she did was win a title. It's not like she actually acheived something, like wrote a book or sang a song or fought evil or something like that.

Actually, Heather has written 2 books. I have her first book, autographed too.
Well yeah, but she's not famous b/c of the books. She's famous b/c of being the first deaf Miss America. If she'd just been an average Joe, she would not have been able to get a contract to write.