Not going to happen personally to the hearies, and they don't care about what happens to deaf.
Perfectly ok to them to take any chance to make a deaf person a partial hearing person.
That is certainly an obvious answer to a question that everybody can see but the hearies pushing a surgery they won't have.
I don't know Bottessini.
I DO CARE what happens to the deaf and Deaf.
Just because I don't like misinformation being spread, which includes telling tchochkies like "you can have an entire arm paralyzed from CI" doesn't mean I don't care - it's precisely because I DO CARE i oppose spreading unproven crap.
The first thing I did coming here in 2005 was.... checking the facts about CI
which is:
Facial nerve damage:
Cochlear Implant Surgery Risks | LIVESTRONG.COM
Benefits and Risks of Cochlear Implants
Damage to the nerve that moves the face on the side of the operation
Cochlear implant: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Not once it is mentioned anywhere that nerve damage can occur anywhere else on the body.
How is that possible, anyway, unless during the surgery a surgeon drops
the scalpel so hard, it cuts thru the tissue anywhere else?
which, btw, can happen during ANY surgery.
People have cosmetic surgery done.
Parts of their face are cut every which way, skin's taken out, repositioned, and so on.
Seem to me to be more risky procedure than CI surgery when it comes to facial nerves being involved.
And somehow, they don't lose the use of their limbs

Just a thought.