I have some problem with other vehicles, most are using cell phone. I almost got in car accident when one woman who ran off from red light (that means STOP) and busted her that she's using cell phone, that scared me. When I drive on road (only 2 lanes road, one on forward, one on backward) and one car was so slow, running around 15 mph on 40-50 mph area then I got upset and passed them then busted one man that who enjoy to talk with someone on cell phone and fuck him off.
Do you have problem with drivers who use cell phone when drive on road?
For my idea. I want law to pass, if anyone use cell phone and pull them down then consficate their cell phone (can't give back to them), give an fines and can be force on them to pay termination fee for lose cell phone. I will like this law and make scared all drivers off.