Ouch. That was kind of unnecessary.
From what I can understand, Travis is a sweetheart, a really, really, genuinely nice guy.
From what I can understand, I think what Travis has to say is valuable, which is why I would really, really like to do better at understanding him better.
I think if just once in a while somebody would be willing to help by walking through a post and translating it into English for people with rigidly English brains like mine, I think I could do better at beginning to figure that out on my own. I am well aware that it's not anybody's job here to help me figure out ASL. That's just- I dunno, a wish? An explanation?
My one deaf friend in real life also writes like Travis. I love her, but sometimes I am totally confused about what she's trying to say to me, and I'd like to get better at figuring it out, that's all.