Does Anyone Still Use Dial Up?


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Sep 14, 2006
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I'm at my parent's farm and they're still on dial up and I just realized how spoiled I am by cable at home. :P I had to reset my account so I don't view images. I got disconneted 3 times already.
My dad still uses dial up and wonders why he gets disconnected. Ha ha ha...
When he comes to visit me here I am sure he will see the difference.

My sister also uses dial up. No way for me. I am on DSL.
My sister's husband uses dial-up. it's such a slow connection compared to DSL. I have a DSL connection at 1024/256 kbits
Long ago I used both dail up and cable internet. I usually pay both accounts. Because dail up can be used for travel if motel have phone that I can use it for internet purposes. Today's wireless popular is growing fast. If old and cheap motel or hotel still not have wireless so use dail up through my laptop.

Earthlink never disconnect. Why anyone never try it? Earthlink was my first internet I established in 1998. Never problem with me because its never let disconnect on me.

I could not get my earthlink's original username back I first decided to name after my son and daughter. Alynjt (Aly, my daughter and JT, son)

I love cable internet really fast! I enjoy watching Google's science movies with Closed Caption.

Maybe future 3G or faster wireless mobile phone will replace dail up. It works with laptops. It is amazing.
Dail up is SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it it keep kicking me out when I am at my grandmother's to use her computer lol :lol:
Nope, no longer have dial-up connection anymore, I'm so happy with cable connection, more faster and easlier than dial-up. :)
thanks god i changed from dial up to modem last feb. I love modem. I didnt realized how fast it was. smile
I don't like dial up. they are so slowly. I use dsl with cable. Its faster!
no wonder why everyone hate dail-up? dail-up never bother me. patient. :sure:
i do have dial up.. i am not complaining.. :D i live in country thats why.. dsl is not here yet.. may be set up within 5 yrs or less they said.. but after i settle in my new trailer (not set up with concerete block yet) it need to be hook up to electricity, water, phone and etc.. after that then i will set up satellite internet so i can go online faster. where i am at.. for now dial up- its better than nothing :P .. i have patience and am used to it.. ;)

reasons why u get disconnected is too many are on server and will boot you off. usually need to use other number then u wont get booted off. or if someone is trying to call u.. u can get booted off.. so u have to use *,70 or *70, look up in your phone book cuz some area are different on that. just few tips to keep in mind.. :)
Once upon a time, (was it long ago? :lol:) clicking away on the 'net...hey...this is cool! But gee man, loading a picture or website can be a tad bit slooowww...therefore, many personal 'breaks' were convient back then, i.e., fixing that sandwich, grabbing a drink, not missing 'most' of the show or movie that's on TV....during the days of using a dial-up modem. Today...once again, clicking away on the 'net...hey...this is cool! But gee man, everything's time to have a 'break' :lol:...we're all 'zoomin' along at high rate of speeds, allowing those not on a dial-up modem to do more in less time. Of course, we might be :bowdown: to the world of better and faster modems instead of using the 'dial-up' modem--heh.

But then again...I'll never look back, never will use a dial-up ever again...I'm spoiled.... :laugh2:

I don't use dial up but my neighbor still does (she also uses AOL).
hahaha RR, cute.... I used to have dail up and ummm....kinda of still do but RR was kind enough to add a cable line into my computer but it's not as fast as his ....:ugh:

Time for a new computer for me...
My parents used dial up for many years until 3 years ago. Now, they're using Comcast. :)