Does anyone have any New Year resolutions ?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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I think I am going to try and get to bed before 12 AM next year and try to find a better groomer for my dog.
I won't have one for losing weight because that never works but I will have one for trying to commit to going to the gym at least 3 to 5 times a week. I haven't been good at it in 2014.

Paying off my car is another one but that will happen easily as I owe only $900 on it now. Can easily pay that off by March.

I have done well with saving $$ in 2014 so I will keep that up.

The only resolution is to try to get together with my deaf friends and Deaf community more often as I miss being in the Deaf community since starting my new job.
My 2015 resolution is to make the year a very memorable one. And to keep my negativity to a bare minimum next year. Also learn new places to travel to, as well.

For budgeting.... I'm getting an early start on that, so hopefully that'll set the tone for next week. As for weight? I think I accomplished that one.
I am not doing too good with mine , it's 11:57 PM and I am still up , my dog feel asleep on his dog bed waiting for me to go to bed , he was ready at 9 pm . Smart dog!
My new year resolution had failed for 2014 I'm gonna do it so it will be to finish my goals, own our own home for my kids and i, focus more on postive and get out of my shy shell.

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My friends and I have talked and will be going to the boys are laughing...:lol:....I'd like to get in better shape (doesn't everyone?)....
Why need it to make true or false promises to self and/or to someone if you can make it happen like yesterday. ;-)

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Yes, I started on one of my resolutions. Back in 2014, I had like 15 or so bikes in my house.

My new rule for 2015 is to have 2 bikes in house at a time. No more opportunities of hogging up space for 15 bikes.

One of the bikes will be my personal bike. The other bike will be the bike that I'll be working on getting rideable to sell.
Keep up working out with my kettlebell, eat in more and cook my own food. By God's get into CNA school in the summer
I would have to start off with a 1 pound kettle bell . I never used one before but I have seen a guy jog while carry one.
Best to start light and build up to your comfort level. It's an intense workout.
My resolution is to get to know God on a more personal and make restitution to those I have hurt. Also, kick this seasonal depression to the curb along with it's friend negativity. It might be a lot to do but I got to get back to being me even with my excessive amounts of analog hearing aids in my drawers. :D :D