Does anyone else put significant thought into their dreams?

Do your dreams mean anything to you?

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Sometimes I do, but not in an analytical way, even trying will drive me crazy thinking about so many variables and its symbolic nature. Instead I look at what I dreamed about, the more disturbing, it probably means I need to reasses something in my life. But that is still a rare occurence. Usually, my dreams are more about as if I had another life. Honestly, I’m still waiting on that chainsaw wielding creep to chase me around! ;)
I try and not read too much into dreams. I have no control what will be dreamt always seem to have sad or morbid ones such as last night I dreamt I saw a malnourished and neglected dog who was so weak it couldn't walk down stairs and as a result collapsed and died. I couldn't face it after that point and it woke me up.
aw, poor dog. do you ever think about dream analysis?
Sometimes I do, but not in an analytical way, even trying will drive me crazy thinking about so many variables and its symbolic nature. Instead I look at what I dreamed about, the more disturbing, it probably means I need to reasses something in my life. But that is still a rare occurence. Usually, my dreams are more about as if I had another life. Honestly, I’m still waiting on that chainsaw wielding creep to chase me around! ;)
lol. i know what you mean. I can spend weeks obsessing over one dream. thinking about what every little detail could mean. i usually settle on whatever the dream makes me feel is what it means. like when i have a nightmare about my family, i take that to mean some issue with my family is bothering me.
Um, a little bit i guess. Its more like a psychology theroy that says certain symbols in your dreams correlate to your real life feelings and events. Like if you see a baby in your dream its supposed to represent you. Or if you dream your teeth are falling out it signifies that you feel at a loss for control in some aspect of your life.
My brain told me i was pregnant with twins and when I lost one my brain told me before it happened and what day my daughter was born on. My dreams often tell me things I need to know before they happen. I once had a dream I was pregnant with triplets, but they were all taken in a zombie apocalypse, I hot pregnant with triplets and miscarried them at 2 months will playing a video game about zombies.
I trust my brain and dreams for everything.

That sounds very sad!

There are ordinary dreams that come and go and then there is other kind of dream connected to the future or past life.

I had a dream about having my head stuck in a guillotine and then I woke with a sore neck. I think the dream was telling me about a past life as I never forgot the dream and I usually do.
I have had dreams that had little prophetic tidbits in them that while mostly not even close to exact had a weird relativity to them. I do not remember the ones I have very often but now when I do I look at them real close and respect them. Then forget them until oh no that handshake with the new boss with the missing fingers.... voodoo dreams beating in the distance ahh I seen this beforrrre ahh while keeping a straight face.
I believe that dreams can be an indication (I was going to say premonition, but that sounds foreboding) for something. It doesn’t have to be a negative something. Just something you are aware of in your subconscious, but just hasn’t registered with you yet.
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I usually don’t since I barely remember most of my dreams, unless it’s something that really stands out. I don’t analyze their cognitive relevance to death. I think it can be anyone’s guess based on their experience, be it prediction, reflection, or whatever you feel it represents.
I have heard a time or two, that if you dream of a deceased, loved one, it means that they are okay and doing well. A visitation as you sleep?
I had this one reoccurring dream, when I was a college student. At least 2x. It's me trying to walk a tight rope bridge across a dark stormy sea. Waves lapping at my feet as I frantically try to cross the bridge in nothing but my tighty whities. Thoughts?
I had this one reoccurring dream, when I was a college student. At least 2x. It's me trying to walk a tight rope bridge across a dark stormy sea. Waves lapping at my feet as I frantically try to cross the bridge in nothing but my tighty whities. Thoughts?
Well, I like the tighty whities.

But in all seriousness, the dark stormy seas tell me you were troubled with something. I don’t know what since that was long ago for you. Does anything come to mind?
I believe that dreams can be an indication (I was going to say premonition, but that sounds foreboding) for something. It doesn’t have to be a negative something. Just something you are aware of in your subconscious, but just hasn’t registered with you yet.
I do agree...
Believe that some meds can have an affect on ur dreams too...I remember years ago, I was prescribed a Depression drug...and for several nights, I had some of the bloodiest dreams ever in my Life!...Threw them in the trash and was afraid to go to sleep...I've also had dreams of things happening...and they did.
Hey, I agree that dreams do have a connection with our future and past life. Many signs in the dreams, try to give us indication of some events that are going to take place in our life. You can look for the help from the voyance pure phone psychic readers, with whom you can get connected over the phone and get the right interpretation of the dreams.
I have had many different kinds of dreams over the years. My most vivid was that I had dreamed of something before it actually happened. It felt more like I was experiencing astral projection (if you believe in it) than I was a dream. I was due to be sent to a place called the receiving home in my old home town. Back then it was like a group home for kids in trouble. Anyways, I went to sleep and felt like I was floating above the place. I dreamed of the people who lived there and even *heard* their names. I saw the way the rooms and building was set up. Later upon arriving at the place everything was exactly the same as I dreamed it including the names of the other girls. My only reoccurring dream is always a nightmare for me as I dream of being surrounded by spiders. ( I truly suffer from arachnophobia.) I have had dreams that warn me of things to come and dreams that will in no way come true. The dreams that I have of deceased family members as if they were still alive are the ones I try to make sense of and cannot.