I don't feel that my life was ruined by mainstreamed school. In fact, I feel that my life would have been worse if I wasn't mainstreamed.
There was one thing that kept "pushing me back" and having a negative effect on me (although I fought it and got through)... and that was the deaf department (deaf program).
Half of my interpreters were the WORST ever. They were rude, annoying, and just plain mean.
In one class, I was taking notes from what the teacher was writing on the overhead. I could tell that she was voicing out what she was writing, so I didn't have the need to just sit there doing nothing while watching the interpreter. Yet, the interpreter reached out and slammed my desk to get my attention. In the process, she hit a pen that was sitting on the edge causing it to flip over her shoulder and through the doorway behind her into the hallway. The whole class looked at me and gave me that, "WTF!? You retard!" look. I tried to explain that the interpreter did it, but the interpreter said that I threw the pen. Of course, I got scolded by the teacher for lying and almost got detention for my behavior. In that same class, my interpreter would always leave 10 minutes before the end of class because she had to take her medication. So, I was always struggling to understand what my homework assignment was and always had to meet the teacher after class to make sure I got it right. I asked the interpreter if she could wait 10 more minutes before taking her medicine, but she ignorantly said, "No! I must take it at 12!" Jeez!
Then there's another class where the teacher left the room to get his gradebook. While he was gone, a couple of students in the back of the room started telling each other jokes. When the teacher got back, the interpreter told the teacher on those kids and encouraged the teacher to give them detention. The teacher didn't. (This was a different interpreter.)
I met with the director of the deaf department in her office and saw some filing cabinets. I asked what they were and she said they were where the deaf students records were kept. I asked if I could see mine, and she said I couldn't. (I later found out that I had a right to look at them as they were MINE.) She also said that I had a permanent record for a violent action I did to another student. Apparently, I gave another deaf student a black eye by hitting him with a door... and that she had already talked to my parents about it in my IEP (or ARD) meeting. Well, first of all... it never happened. My parents don't even know anything about this meeting nor have they ever heard of this happening. Second of all, I was 5' tall (I had a growth spurt during my senior year) and the deaf student I supposedly did this to was 6'6" tall and the size of a football player. He had a history of beating up people, but the teachers always let it slide because they said he was "special". :roll:
It was my mainstreamed teachers that were the best. I wouldn't have made it through school if it wasn't for them (and the good interpreters, of course).