Does an orange band ties around a tree means it will be cut down??


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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There is a huge beautiful maple tree behind my condo, it's up on a small slop . It's the only beautiful tree near my condo and I when I took Marty out tonight I saw the orange rubber ties around the tree and on a branch. I am hoping the tree is being as a marker to show it's on condo property and not on the field that is cut down. I hope the orange band does not mean the tree will be killed . :(
I dunno. I guess it all depends on location's procedure... Around here, they spray paint white "X" on trees that will be cut. You'll find out whether if it'll be cut down or not.
I've seen them use it for surveying, hopefully that is what they're doing in your area.
A nursing home for people that have Alzheimer is being build on the field behind my condo. I am not sure who land the tress is on , my condo or the person that brought the field. They could care less about beautiful tree , they are only interest in how much $$$ they can made by stripping the land and throwing some building together. I could go to the city hall and try to find who the tree belong to .
There could be reasons for that...

Usually if you see "X"painted on the trunk, I believe it is common sign for the tree to be removed. Ie. Developments, sick trees, or danger of falling down.

Other can be used for surveying...

Or the specific colors used for awareness such as cancer, or things like that.
There could be reasons for that...

Usually if you see "X"painted on the trunk, I believe it is common sign for the tree to be removed. Ie. Developments, sick trees, or danger of falling down.

Other can be used for surveying...

Or the specific colors used for awareness such as cancer, or things like that.

I will have to take a better look tomorrow and see if there is any "X"painted on the trunk . The whole field been mowed down, and my dog found some fresh coyote scat on my back yard. I took Marty out tonight and he was growling at something and did not want to pee. The coyote could be feeling very threating about losing it hunting ground and giving my dog more warnings . With winter coming the food supply will be harder to find and the coyote has already came right up my dog and me .
I am very concerned about my dog now. I feel bad for the wildlife's getting forced out of their homes , but I do not want them right my yard.
Coyotes is a common sights in the residential areas when they don't have any wild land to roam on. They get hungry and try to snatch pets from the yard for foods. We had reports of coyotes in another town and was captured and relocated into the wild. The more developments we build, the less land for those wild animals unfortunately.

I will have to take a better look tomorrow and see if there is any "X"painted on the trunk . The whole field been mowed down, and my dog found some fresh coyote scat on my back yard. I took Marty out tonight and he was growling at something and did not want to pee. The coyote could be feeling very threating about losing it hunting ground and giving my dog more warnings . With winter coming the food supply will be harder to find and the coyote has already came right up my dog and me .
I am very concerned about my dog now. I feel bad for the wildlife's getting forced out of their homes , but I do not want them right my yard.
Coyotes is a common sights in the residential areas when they don't have any wild land to roam on. They get hungry and try to snatch pets from the yard for foods. We had reports of coyotes in another town and was captured and relocated into the wild. The more developments we build, the less land for those wild animals unfortunately.

At one time the street I lives off of was all farm land and wetland. One famer is trying to sell their land and once that is sold and developed there will less land for the coyotes to hunt on and the wild turkeys will have to find a place to look for food too. There will be no open land in my city in another 40 years not unless my city get smart and buy some.

I tried to see if there was a 'X 'mark on the tree and had Marty with me , bad mistake . I could not see one but I was not able to se the whole tree as the last condo manger had a lot of yard trash dumped near the tree and that made it hard to walk up the small hill.
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Last night when walking Marley we saw a beautiful deer. We were having problems with skunks. Animal control came out and placed some traps. I have never seen a coyote around here. That would scare me with my dog too.
I will have to take a better look tomorrow and see if there is any "X"painted on the trunk . The whole field been mowed down, and my dog found some fresh coyote scat on my back yard. I took Marty out tonight and he was growling at something and did not want to pee. The coyote could be feeling very threating about losing it hunting ground and giving my dog more warnings . With winter coming the food supply will be harder to find and the coyote has already came right up my dog and me .
I am very concerned about my dog now. I feel bad for the wildlife's getting forced out of their homes , but I do not want them right my yard.

Last night when walking Marley we saw a beautiful deer. We were having problems with skunks. Animal control came out and placed some traps. I have never seen a coyote around here. That would scare me with my dog too.

Did you two ever notice how similar your dog's names are?
Last night when walking Marley we saw a beautiful deer. We were having problems with skunks. Animal control came out and placed some traps. I have never seen a coyote around here. That would scare me with my dog too.

I would be very careful around a deer, they'll attack if they feel threaten. If you had a lot of deer near you , check yourself and dog from deer ticks. My last dog got lymes disease from deer ticks .
I would be very careful around a deer, they'll attack if they feel threaten. If you had a lot of deer near you , check yourself and dog from deer ticks. My last dog got lymes disease from deer ticks .

No, we haven't seen a deer in a really long time. The last deer my family saw, my daughter hit it with my car and it was killed. It actually hit her but the end results were the same. A cop witnessed the whole thing. She was driving home from a night school performance. The deer came down a hill, crossed the street and jumped the bushes in the median. Boink.....into my car causing $3,000 worth of damage. My daughter was more upset about killing the deer.

Family members jokingly called her "Bambi Killer" which was sad.
No, we haven't seen a deer in a really long time. The last deer my family saw, my daughter hit it with my car and it was killed. It actually hit her but the end results were the same. A cop witnessed the whole thing. She was driving home from a night school performance. The deer came down a hill, crossed the street and jumped the bushes in the median. Boink.....into my car causing $3,000 worth of damage. My daughter was more upset about killing the deer.

Family members jokingly called her "Bambi Killer" which was sad.

My dad and mom where out driving and dad hit a deer and killed it so he decided to put it in the trunk of his car and eat it. A cop pulled my parents over a few miles later and said "OK let me see the body you put into your trunk!" Dad said " I hit a deer and was bringing it home to eat." The cop said " you can't do that , I will take it and give it to soup kitchen " I bet the soup kitchen was at the cop's house.
to keep deer away use hair where they roam or garden they hate that.
Is it possible coyote interbreed with dog?poor things we killing everything,they been in america longer than humans
to keep deer away use hair where they roam or garden they hate that.
Is it possible coyote interbreed with dog?poor things we killing everything,they been in america longer than humans

The coyote around here bred with wolves , so they're bigger than coyotes. I agree, man is messing up the balance of nature then we end up having no natural predators to keep down the number of deer , rabbits etc.
I love how there's 15 replies already on the banal subject of a tree.
Hey did you fogure if the tree was going to get cit down?

No not yet. I can see the bulldozer in the field but I had not see any people
working there. If I can someone Monday I will ask them. There are a few trees with an orange marker on them . It's going to look awful having a building there after seeing a flied for 30 years. A famer use to grown food on the field and he would let me pick the veggies. A lot of food got wasted so the animals had all kind of veggies to eat , now they will have nothing . The rabbits will end up eating our lawn up , they had stripped part of our lawn down to soil so the grass no longer come back. I am really bummed out about the animals losing their food supply just when winter is starting.
Here in my area orange is for surveying. Like the others said, usually a X is the symbol to be cut down. Sometimes the orange ties are also prior crime scenes that have been cleared to be opened ( all evidence collected ) but they want to know where it was.