Does AD Make You Hungry?

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Here's something I invented!

Need to lose weight? Don't visit AllDeaf!

Oh, wait... that's just a myth that hasn't been proven yet. :roll:

Keep visiting AllDeaf! ;)
Oh yes, after I came home from work, I snack into some chocolate. If no chocolate, I get my hubby out to get me some from the store. Ain't I bad! :giggle:
Here's something I invented!

Need to lose weight? Don't visit AllDeaf!

Oh, wait... that's just a myth that hasn't been proven yet. :roll:

Keep visiting AllDeaf! ;)

I don't have a problem with my weight right now I am at 129 pounds :D
If we could hook the computer into a treadmill like a generator, and the computer would only work while we walked, we could visit AD and lose weight at the same time.
wow interesting!!!

I visited any forums to read and make posts to forget my appetite... :dunno:
Heh, I don't think I've really gave it a thought, not that it matters though.

I only eat when I feel hungry, not when I think I am hungry. So, if I were to surf on AllDeaf, I might eat. I might not eat. Either way goes. :)
C'mon guys I can't be the only one :giggle:
Alldeaf makes me stay up too late which causes me to eat another meal. So yeah, as a side effect of staying up late. It won't be a problem once school starts up again.
Speaking of multi tasking - Whenever I on AD, I eat, drink, Watch TV, Surf the net, chat on IM and chat on VP at the same time......NOT :lol:

Yeah, sometimes it makes me hungry but it is always my home :)
Speaking of multi tasking - Whenever I on AD, I eat, drink, Watch TV, Surf the net, chat on IM and chat on VP at the same time......NOT :lol:

Yeah, sometimes it makes me hungry but it is always my home :)

It's almost midnight and I am eating a moon pie :giggle:
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