Doctor Who Quiz(for fans)

i think matt going to be best yet...first thought he was bit wet and foppish just opposite
i think matt going to be best yet...first thought he was bit wet and foppish just opposite
That's what I thought of him when I first started his early episodes. I guess he has improved.
I just watched a very old black & white Doctor Who episode starring the First Doctor! :)

It was the 5th episode... "The Keys of Marinus". Very interesting.
1. The 9th Doctor :)
2. I'm a fan of both.
3. Glasses.
4. Hmm, I've only really seen Rose, Martha, and a tiny bit of Donna. I guess I like Rose the best, because the Doctor loved her and that somehow made me love her, too.
5. I'd like to go back a couple hundred years and meet some of my ancestors in Scotland, maybe.
6. The Face of Bo. :) :) :)

I'm still slowly making my way through the 10th Doctor's episodes, so I'm not totally caught up yet.
1. The 9th Doctor :)
2. I'm a fan of both.
3. Glasses.
4. Hmm, I've only really seen Rose, Martha, and a tiny bit of Donna. I guess I like Rose the best, because the Doctor loved her and that somehow made me love her, too.
5. I'd like to go back a couple hundred years and meet some of my ancestors in Scotland, maybe.
6. The Face of Bo. :) :) :)

I'm still slowly making my way through the 10th Doctor's episodes, so I'm not totally caught up yet.
How far are you now? I'm also going through the 10th Doctor episodes. :)
How far are you now? I'm also going through the 10th Doctor episodes. :)

The last one I watched was episode 6 in season 3, "Evolution of the Daleks." I tend to watch in fits and spurts, and I haven't had a good marathon in a while. Maybe when I can finally get caught up on my biology homework I'll reward myself with some Who! :hmm: How far are you?
The last one I watched was episode 6 in season 3, "Evolution of the Daleks." I tend to watch in fits and spurts, and I haven't had a good marathon in a while. Maybe when I can finally get caught up on my biology homework I'll reward myself with some Who! :hmm: How far are you?
I recently finished "The Waters of Mars", one of the specials episodes for Series 4 involving the 10th Doctor. The next is "The End of Time", which is the episode where the 10th Doctor becomes the 11th Doctor before Series 5 begins.

I saw a few episodes out of order (a couple with the 9th Doctor and a few with the 10th Doctor), but decided to start from the beginning with the 9th Doctor recently. Been renting them all on DVD. :)

I'm also watching the old episodes starting with the 1st Doctor. A lot of episodes are missing or unavailable. So, I'm watching what I can for what's available. :)
To those who are caught up on The Doctor...what did you think of the goodbye to the Ponds?
the cybermen scared me and my sister and i agree the daleks are cute but have annoying voices...


what about the empty child????? or the weeping angels? i had a dream about flying with the 10th doctor in the tardis and I wake up and my sister is standing over me posed as a weeping angel scared me pretty good. but i got her back because i can do a good dalek voice & she hates the daleks
what about the empty child????? or the weeping angels? i had a dream about flying with the 10th doctor in the tardis and I wake up and my sister is standing over me posed as a weeping angel scared me pretty good. but i got her back because i can do a good dalek voice & she hates the daleks
Those were creepy ones, but for most people... the most popular ones are the Cybermen and the Daleks.

My wife doesn't watch Doctor Who as often as I do, but the two enemies she knows very well are the Daleks and the Cybermen.

I do think the Weeping Angels are creepy. I remember seeing that one episode that introduced the Weeping Angels.
in merlin the dragon flys off beacause he is old and merlin got to wing it on his own.the daleks scared crap out of me as a kid..i never worked out how they got upstairs in early days..egg whisk and drain plunger plenty of imagination and worth millians amazing
1.What's your favorite Doctor? Ten, definitely ten.
2.Bowties or sneakers? Sneakers
3.Hat or glasses? Glasses
4.Companion(s) favorite? Rose or Rory. But I love Jack too, just like him better in Torchwood then as a companion.
5.You want to visit where with Doctor? I'd go anywhere with the Doctor, but I think I'd like to see the Earth in 500 years or so, see what the future holds.
6. Alien(s) favorite? I'm not sure it counts, but I loved the Master!
I just watched a very old black & white Doctor Who episode starring the First Doctor! :)

It was the 5th episode... "The Keys of Marinus". Very interesting.

william hartnel....i was one of those children who stood behind tv terrified seeing william hartnel as first dr Who with darleks....we never queried how they got upstairs..BEAM ME UP SCOTI was concept never known of then.
you going to love merlin i no say anymore about it dont want ruin it for you

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