Do you wear hat/cap when you are go out to fancy restaurant?


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Mar 23, 2005
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I did worn it at all time but don't let upset them if get correct or wrong...

Please use your opinion or whatever.
I have 3 different caps -- 2 of them are from Alaska and one of them from Canada. Sometimes, I do wear them at restaurant. I love to wear them ! :thumb:
Well it used to be very socially unacceptable, but times change. I see hats a lot when I'm out. So, if it floats your boat go for it.
If meeting in a social situation hat is fine but for business and social events of importance then I do not wear a hat.
I rarely wear hats.. only when I am in the mood though. But I don't wear them at fancy resturants tho
Fancy Resturant: We prefer pay respect the Fancy resturant and take the cap off.

Fast Food Chain Resturant: Doesn't matter depend cap off or stay on.. either way.
Yeah I do wear hat but depened on restuarnt like fancy must wear off be nice and respect :)
yes I wear it backward

I wear it forwards, Studies have shown that people who wear their hats backwards will have eye problems later on so start wearing your hat forwards and you will be happy you did and the hat forward plus sunglasses offer double protection !!!! :) :thumb:
I'm not a fan of wearing hats since it doesn't blend very well on me. However if I were to wear hats, It would depend on each restaurant. Some restaurants will request the customers not to wear hats but some are lentient on that.
I wear it forwards, Studies have shown that people who wear their hats backwards will have eye problems later on so start wearing your hat forwards and you will be happy you did and the hat forward plus sunglasses offer double protection !!!! :) :thumb:

Link ?

I don't have the link and I read it somewhere. I think in Reader's Digest, not sure where or Prevention magazine ? I am going to bed soon. It is something that is obivously common sense. Have a good night and God Bless !!!!! :angel:
I was raised in England know that it´s bad manner to wear cap/hat at indoor (anything like resturant, visit in the houses, etc...)

I taught my children to take cap/hat off when they visit to fancy resturants...
I used to wear my Cowboy hat when I went out to fancy restaurants with my black trenchcoat I also used to have. One of my ex-girlfriends kept them grrr. But hey if that's what it took to get that psycho woman out of my life, so be it. She's gone, been gone, and always will be GONE!! ahahaha
I wear it forwards, Studies have shown that people who wear their hats backwards will have eye problems later on so start wearing your hat forwards and you will be happy you did and the hat forward plus sunglasses offer double protection !!!! :) :thumb:

That's a myth.