do you trust the COPS?

In a BARN?!?!? In KANSAS?!?!? BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You are OWNED, dumbass!!! :rofl:

I wasn't collecting semen from the best of my knowledge. But umm.. I felt good that day.

Best part of it all, it wasn't that messy.
You know, nut, then all of an instant it's clean. No need for some face towel in my case.
Being a deaf or HOH person, do you trust the cops?

If you are in an interaction with the police, do you ever wonder if they can communicate with you? And the other way around?

I've had some bad experiences with cops, and some that were less than good.

The worst was when I wanted to talk to a sheriff's deputy who was parked on the shoulder of the road. He wasn't giving anyone a ticket; he was just observing traffic. I went to talk to him and he got all crazy and the next thing I know he has his sidearm drawn (pointing at the ground). I kept telling him that I was deaf, but he was too amped to listen much. He was finally able to communicate that he wanted me to get back in my truck. So I did that and he came up on the passenger side with his sidearm still out. He wanted to know if I had any weapons. I told him no. He wanted to know what I wanted, so I told him that I just wanted to ask him where a dumpster was that I could use. He told me about ten miles down the road. I just said kthanxbye and got the he11 out of there.

I must be some big scary badass to get that kind of reaction from an armed law enforcement officer.

Some other encounters were't all that great either due to communication issues.

So whenever I see cops taking an interest in me, I get a little nervous. Not that I am doing anything illegal. It's been at least 15 years since I have any kind of traffic tickets. But it's hard to think that all cops are going to be rational and can communicate effectively given the experiences I have had.


Hi - I'm from NJ... right next to NYC so you can see that I'm next to #1 largest police force in USA. And no I have not had a single bad incident with cops like yours. I'm a friend with couple of NYPD.

One thing that was "deaf-friendly" moment - I got pulled over for going thru red late at night... or was it speeding? I don't remember cuz it was several years ago. The officer walked to me and shone flashlight at me. He saw that I'm wearing hearing aids so he put the flashlight to his lips - Can you read my lips? because it was pitch-black dark. out.

I nodded yes and he said - "good. my stepdaughter is deaf." then he asked for my license and papers. checked it out... didn't even go back to his car to verify everything. we had a little chit-chat and then he said - drive safe. good night. As for other cops - I told them that I am deaf and I can read lips. They do their best to make communication as easy as possible... even though I got pulled over for wick stuff like speeding, etc. They kept their cool.

I understand about your situation but you have to understand that cops (and I would) have to make a "discriminatory" or "stereotypical" judgment. if you dressed like a punk, he will assume you are a punk. You know what I'm saying? It's his life on the line, you know? He's heard it all, seen it all about his officers getting killed/hurt.

Sorry to see your thread getting hijacked but I lol'ed though :aw:
Can I be really naive for a minute and say I did not know that vibrators existed 25 years ago. For some reason, I feel like they've only been around as long as I've been aware of them. Ah, self-centeredness at its finest. It's like being in first grade and discovering that your teachers don't live at school.

Mind blowing, indeed.

They used to have steam-powered ones back in the 1800s. It was reserved for doctors' office to cure female hysterics.

Ponder on that one a bit.
They used to have steam-powered ones back in the 1800s. It was reserved for doctors' office to cure female hysterics.

Ponder on that one a bit.

At first I laughed and thought this was a "In my day we walked to school up hill both ways in the snow and had steam powered tvs that only worked twice a week" story. And now I realize you are serious.
They used to have steam-powered ones back in the 1800s. It was reserved for doctors' office to cure female hysterics.

Ponder on that one a bit.
I knew about that. Doctors would come over to the house and basically masturbate the women while the husband stood aside watching.

I did a google search for oldest vibrator and found this
[ame=]YouTube - Medival Vibrator[/ame]
Looks like a hand powered vibrator.
PSH - that tour guide looks like she's tried it out when nobody's around :lol:

and jiro oh yes, im sure she tried it out.

indeed indeed I believe she did. did you see how she's smiling during the whole time? she didn't even blush or show any hint of embarrassment. :hmm:
Never been problem with the transit police officers on the trains. The transit police officers knew me many times on the trains. Sometime transit police helped me in case of my wheelchair's wheels stuck in the gaps between the train and platform.
I guess it can come down to knowing them and being around them.
Hi - I'm from NJ... right next to NYC so you can see that I'm next to #1 largest police force in USA. And no I have not had a single bad incident with cops like yours. I'm a friend with couple of NYPD.

One thing that was "deaf-friendly" moment - I got pulled over for going thru red late at night... or was it speeding? I don't remember cuz it was several years ago. The officer walked to me and shone flashlight at me. He saw that I'm wearing hearing aids so he put the flashlight to his lips - Can you read my lips? because it was pitch-black dark. out.

I nodded yes and he said - "good. my stepdaughter is deaf." then he asked for my license and papers. checked it out... didn't even go back to his car to verify everything. we had a little chit-chat and then he said - drive safe. good night. As for other cops - I told them that I am deaf and I can read lips. They do their best to make communication as easy as possible... even though I got pulled over for wick stuff like speeding, etc. They kept their cool.

I understand about your situation but you have to understand that cops (and I would) have to make a "discriminatory" or "stereotypical" judgment. if you dressed like a punk, he will assume you are a punk. You know what I'm saying? It's his life on the line, you know? He's heard it all, seen it all about his officers getting killed/hurt.

Sorry to see your thread getting hijacked but I lol'ed though :aw:

Cool. I agree that cops do get nervous when they approach strangers for what they did something illegal.
so I got pulled over for a speeding or looking wierd on the roads for a few times. :o Most of cops are friendly but I could tell that they looked nervous when they approached me. I did my best by keeping my hands in sight that way they know its all safe. I keep signing, "what did i do " in front of cops. It is the kind of hints to make the cops aware that i am deaf. THen cops asked me if I could read their lips. I keep signing, "no not really only write and paper or sign" with my best smile. Sometimes I can read people lips but when it comes to cop, and i rather for the paper and pen to prevent from lots of misunderstanding. Anyway, They took out of their pads and write on the pads. ;) some of them did sign in body languages to communicate with me. I had some lucky moments and some UNlucky moments.
I like police, but a hate a bad cop. Some mean you no harm and do their job the way a cop is suppose too, but sometimes there is a bad apple among them.
I don't trust cops really, as they jump to conclusions and accuse innocent people of stuff they haven't even done!

Long story that I don't really want to get into

But the police officer based at my high school was okay, she was supportive, used to talk to students if they had any problems etc.

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