I am going to straightforward to you, Chimajo. Sorenson is not doing any business with customer's need. I am not going to do all detail because ZVRS is not giving you freebie and rather to wear diaper under brand name with big S. Reason to that Sorenson did not give you facts about FCC by Ron who is Vice President Community Relations. Again I find that he is BS with you and even the lady name Sarah who is doing leave a message for you. Again, she is giving you another diaper. There is no guide or empowerment or anything that "We Can!" while Sorenson have some miss spot.
For example; are you aware that the hearing people can dial number to your Sorenson or even Purple dialed to your device does not ring until the interpreter on phone with hearing. The interpreter is one who ringing your videophone, not the hearing people. Let me tell you, the ZVRS is one have empowerment for you and hearing, if hearing dial with default provider from ZVRS... it will ring your videophone, not the interpreter. Even, we don't have to deal with the Sorenson's damn handwriting or print with sloppy and we asked, what is that word is c or is that e from whiteboard.
It is funny as begin when VRS start up with BIG DEAL until narrow our time into that spot that we are looking for FEATURE. Again, the community is rather do free while Sorenson's feature is SLOW.
I do not want being Sorenson's customer, the reason... SLOW. I rather the device built with UPnP and that my friends who have device and can hook on the device. Not the trainer or installation to come by for them and waiting without get or make calls.
Again, I rather to have full access like what hearing people and not just third wheel with Sorenson. Sorenson did good service until its has change and the Ron, Vice President Community Relations is BS and should be Vice President BS Relations.