Do you think sexuality is on a sliding scale?

I am 100% straight..the idea of doing a woman...eeeewww!
That is just it. There is a continuum. It isn't cut and dried. One could, for instance, be bi in orientation, but limit their sexual contact to opposite sex as a result of what they perceive to be societal judgement and religious belief.
Right but at the end of the day they are still bi. Right?
Right but at the end of the day they are still bi. Right?

That's what we're saying. To me, bi is a person who would have sex AND a relationship with men or women.

EDIT: I wrote my own definition of bi, because others disagree with me and say bi is simply sexual attraction to both sexes, without the relationship part. I disagree and think who you have a relationship with should be a factor in determining your sexuality.

I'm not 100% straight, and I'm not 100% bi--I'm definitely not gay. So that's what we're saying, it's sort of like a rating from 1-10. If one was straight, 5 was bi, and 10 was gay. I'm between 1-5 somewhere. That's what we mean that it's not just straight, bi, and gay, end of story. In my opinion, sexuality is a little more complicated than that.
Wirelessly posted

I may be a hetero but am not 100% straight. I'm leaning to asexuality more, due to my lack of desire for sexual activites and have less affection to both genders... through my preference seems affect to men a bit more.
100 % lesbian. Have never, could never and never will have sex with man :iobarf:
Sound like you been brainwash with other lesbian without being curious at all.

I do think it's gross to have sex with girl until I enjoy it. With male... I did and I don't appreciate it. So... That's me being natural. Doesn't hurt to TRY. Did you, I ask ya?

Remember in my other posting, I said I was already a lesbian before I was born. So I have no interest to 'try'. Yes, I do have many male friends and I do love them but I have NO desire to have sex with them. (platonic love).. Feels like they are my 'brothers'...
there are 3 different kinds of love - agape love, platonic love and eros love.
I just happen to have 'platonic love' for men and some women, too.
For those that are straight, you (straight females) have never thought how pretty other female is without being sexually attracted to her? I think that's what it is.

Sometimes I would hear something from purely straight guy that "if he was gay or female, he would do it with that famous handsome actor." I mean that is coming from a guy that loves only women. That kinda made me think that sliding scale does exist.

But why does labels exist in our society? I think it's just how our brain were set up as. Watch how parent teach babies to identify food. Point at red odd shape and say it's "apple." Baby learn to see that as "food" then "apple" then later on, as a "fruit." To make thing simpler, but of course not always for the best. Without labels, we may get confused.
I don't think that being gay or straight is an all or nothing thing. I've always viewed it on a sliding scale. If my fantasies are any example to go by, I'd say I'm much more interested in men than in women. I see myself as being straight with leanings toward Bi.
Sound like you been brainwash with other lesbian without being curious at all.

I do think it's gross to have sex with girl until I enjoy it. With male... I did and I don't appreciate it. So... That's me being natural. Doesn't hurt to TRY. Did you, I ask ya?

I don't think she's brainwashed. Some people just aren't hetro and they know it long before they met other gays.
I think its all dependent on the situation. you cant neccisarily help who you have feelings for, if you choose to act on them is your descression obviously. No one is 100% this or 100% that. I dont know why people are so quick to judge or put labels on things, apparently it makes people feel better when they can put people in seperate categories and critize each to their liking.
I identify as being lesbian, of course it took me a number of years to get comfortable with this portion of me.

I never dated in school, and I was automatically labeled as being different. I was bullied but later it came up in a discussion with an old classmate and come to find out everyone had suspected me of being homosexual. So the label was applied before I had even come to terms with my sexuality and my attraction to women. I went to a very small, very rural school where things such as homosexuality were often frowned upon and it was grounds for bullying. The teachers only did so much so I was largely left to deal with it on my own.

Out of school I had dated 2 or 3 guys before I met my now-ex husband. I will say that my sexuality did NOT contribute to my divorce in any way. I have never been able to connect into a deep relationship with a man, ever. I find my relationships with women tend to be closer and much more intimate and definitely more respectful.