What scientology is
I think she'll suffer if she feels like she has to yell, but is stopped by the beliefs.
Liebling:-))) said:
I visit google but it didnt say clear what Scientologists is. Perhaps anyone knows what it is.
Scientology was a religion made up by a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard by writing a book and publishing it. Wikipedia's list of central beliefs of Scientology is:
* a person is an immortal spiritual being (termed a thetan) who possesses a mind and a body, accompanied by a lesser "genetic entity";
* the thetan has lived through many past lives, stored memories of which can cause problems in the present day;
* a person is basically good, but is "aberrated" by the memories of traumas.
* Total infallibility of everything Hubbard (Source) has written or spoken.
Here's the
What they do is have different levels of counseling, which they call auditing to deal with the thetan thing. They make people tell them all of their secrets and pay a lot of money to go to higher levels until they know everything about them and have all of their money and things.
They also don't want people to talk with their families and friends anymore. They also disallow members to see psychologists or to use psychiatry drugs. It is said that people get brainwashed by them and that Scientologists would do criminal things for their or the church's benefit. I've seen autopsy pictures of someone who died because they didn't allow her to get food and water, causing dehydration. They've also broken into IRS's office.
If anybody tries to expose them, they'd have their lawyers sue you for bazillions of dollars to crush you and send goons if they think you're that bad.
That's why there are people who call them a cult.
I think the Scientologists are picking up movie stars like Tom Crusie to get publicity to try to get more people to join to suck more money out of them.
They're legally a religion in the US and Australia, but in some European countries, they're considered very dangerous.
Here's a
site that exposes them.