Do you support suicide assistance?

Do you support suicide assistance?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • No

    Votes: 16 34.0%
  • Don´t know

    Votes: 8 17.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters
I can give you an example: my brother was under hospice care at home at the time of his death. He was also on very high doses of morphine. We were told by hospice to increase his morphine dosage to whatever was necessary to eliminate his pain.


I'm also sorry for your loss. :hug:
Living Will? wow your country surely works fast! What's living will? Assisted Suicide?

Well, I would say yes to "Assisted suicide" because the patient can reject medication, treatment, thearpy, etc from the doctor if he/she want to when she/he know it's no chance to save her/his life.

Well, the people have no problem to agree each other to end their beloved one's suffering until Terri Schavio's case... The lawmakers decide to fix the law for living will after happened at Terri... Look at the parents and husband of Terri fought each other for long years over her... The parents want to save Terri's life but Michael see different and claim that he knows his wife... It wakes us up because the similar case could be happened to us... that's why they decided to have a living will...

The living will application, the patient get from doctor. If a patient is interesting in making a living will, then he/she should ask the doctor for the specialist advice. It's doctor's obligation to explain cons/pros about treatment etc, rights, etc to help the patient's decision either he/she want to continue to live under machine, or whatever or not. The living will go direct to patient's doctor, one of families and notar or lawyer for keep if any happened to him/her then the parents and spouses won't say anything against it because it's his/her decision, not everyone.
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I think you need to read her story again, She was disable with brain damaged, not in coma, she could breathe on her own only thing she was dependent on a feeding tube. Doctors did recommended therapy, her husband was the one gave it up, He went to court 14 times to put her to death. I really don't want to sucked in a debate about Terri. I know about her because I was there the day she died at the Pinellas Park hospice.

Yes, we debated with plenty links of both sides to against each other over doctors/expert's view on Terri's situation at other threads and aware that she was in a permanent vegetative state for long 15 years.

over 15 years? which is too long. They work hard on her for long 5 or 6 years but her health situation remain the same. It's unfair to leave her suffer like this rest of her life.

Yes, Michael went to court dozen of times because Terri's parents went to court to against Michael.

Michael's decision to agree with the doctors for say that it's no chance to improve Terri's health.

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:confused: They didn't put her to sleep, Her feeding tube was removed, they starve her to death.

I personally disagree with tube removal to starve her death. They should do something like shot to put her sleep like what they did with suffering pets.
Exactly. In order for a patient to be able to even request physician assisted suicide, they have to have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, have had a diagnosis from 3 different doctors stating that they will live no longer than 6 months, and that the 6 months they will be alive will be excrutiatingly painful. Likewise, the request for PAS must be submitted 3 separate times prior to granting the request, to insure that the patient is not acting on a whim. If the request is granted, the physician can only prescribe the necessary medication. The patient must be capable of taking this medication by their own hand. They must also undergo an extensive psychological examination showing that they are fully aware of what they are requesting.

In fact, most patients who even request PAS end up dying from their illness before the process of request can be completed.

Exactly, I cannot understand why someone compared assisted suicide with commit suicide.
I support assisted assistance; however, I want to bring something up to share with you.

Will the life insurance company issue a fat check to benefactors of a person who dies of assisted suicide? As matter of facts, they will NOT issue a check to them when their loved one commits suicide.

My husband & I questioned life insurance company before we join. They explained that the life insurance is not included is: kill by spouse in domestic volience, commit suicide, etc. We brought "assisted suicide" up in our question to them. They explained that one of us will get money unless they get a certification by our doctor to confirm spouse's termnial illness, permanent vegetative state or dead brain...

Yes, I would advise you to check with life insurance company if you are unsure about your life insurance policy over assisted suicide issues.

Why do we have to put our beloved and dying pets to sleep while we are not allowed to have loved and dying ones to do assisted suicide or euthanasia? Why cannot we do it while we can do it to our pets? We are living things and so are our pets.

Yes I second that.

I cannot understand why some people support to save the pets from suffering because they said that it's cruel to let the pets suffer but suffering human? *scratch my head*
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I know that the insurance companies never do issue a check when an individual commits suicide. However with the terminology of "assisted suicide"--they'll probably won't issue a check because suicide is suicide by the eyes of their rules.

Thanks Royale for bringing the insurance into the discussion. I never would've thought of that.... :hmm:

No, they will know the difference between commit suicide and assisted suicide because the patient get the assisted by the doctor to save her/his suffering accord their wish when there're no chance for her/him which is total different as commit suicide because they intend to end their life by themselves which is not unacceptance... Of course they would require a certification by your doctor to prove that your spouse suffering from a terminal illness, permanent vegetative state or dead brain... Without get certificate from doctor then you will get no cents from life insurance.
The hospics just call it dying with dignity and painless. But what people don't see is the morphine speeds up the death process by drowning the respiratory system. Some stop breathing all together due to the morphine relaxes the system so much that the person just dies.

Yes, I witnessed my MIL. It's horrible to see her suffer... brain tumor.

She screamed like crazy when the strong pains comes... the emergency doctor came to house to give her morphine shot. She slept a lot... when the pain comes... she screammmmmm.... then again emergency doctor came and gave her morphine shot... I was cried when I look at her... We respect her wish for hope to stay alive to see our boys goes their first school..... instead of end her life... She think she can beat brain tumor... She was under heavy morphine until one day after my hubby's birthday, she can't breathe ... the ambulance rushed her to clinic and then 15 minutes later she died due lung clot after 3 months suffering. We all suspected that its something do with morphine shot to cause lung clot to kill her... because the doctor told us that she might stay alive up to one year or more without surgery and with surgery... 20% chance to save her life... maybe brain damage? maybe paralysis? maybe dead on operation table? She decided for no surgery to aviod risk. She said that she would for surgery if the doctor said 50%-50%. It could be that morphine is the responsible why her life is short than we expect?

Due my experience for witness my MIL, I rather to receive assisted suicide over receive morphine shot to calm my pain down when I know it's NO chance to improve my illness.
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I competely understand, I know how difficult it is to watch someone you love suffering, I will probably feel sad, anger, guilt or confusion but I'm against the "killing". I'm sorry...:(

but what about pets? We agree to "killing" the pets to save their suffering, don't we? We also agree that it's cruel to let the pets suffering, don't we?
Originally Posted by Babyblue

I just wish others can understand.

if a person is terminally ill they are facing certain death let them choose to do it with dignity.
I know I would want to.

I am one of those people that has a living will.

And I do as well. I want to make sure that I have that choice for myself.

Me, too. We are consider to have one but we talked about those issues with my boys on the same time as we saw on TV about Terri Schiavo's case... My boys said that it's cruel to leave Terri suffering like this for long years...

I would repeat my decision when I want to discuss with my children over assisted suicide and get them to respect my wish to let doctor to put me die peaceful only if they cant do anything to save my life. Why should I suffer all the months or years and living under the machine?
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That's exactly how my mother felt. She had pancreatic cancer and refused chemo treatments. Towards the end of her life she experienced a great deal of suffering (pain, vomiting, etc.). She kept telling me over and over again how much she wanted to "go home" so she could finally be at peace. Two days before her death, I heard her constantly moan in pain and watched her vomiting blood (sorry to be so graphic) and had to call 911. It was one of the worst and most difficult moments of my life seeing my mother in that kind of condition. As for the issue of assisted suicide, I voted "I don't know," but on second thought, I'd have to vote "yes." I never want to see anything like what my mother went through again. Once is enough.

:hug: I know what it alike when I withnessed my MIL... I am truly sorry for your loss of beloved mother, and feel with you how you withnessed your mother suffer... :(
freckles's post
however I vote no on committing suicide.

:confused: I do not see anything that I created a thread with poll over commit suicide?
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It's easy for people to say "No" when they have never experienced the suffering of a family member.

And if they have and they still say "No", well, that's not very considerate is it?

And that is why the physician is limited to merely prescribing medications. The patient must, under PAS regulation, take the medications by their own hand. And why, it is also called an assisted suicide, and not murder or euthanasia.

Yes, that's right.
To me, " assisted suicide " is like encouragin' a patient to take away his/her life. That's a commit murder to me. You are encouragin' it to let a patient to end his/her life by offerin' this. And, I disagree this kind of idea when offerin' to less patient's sufferin' or pain.

I think it's best to leave a patient to make her/his own decision without anyone's suggestion or offer to commit suicide his/her life. I mean, WITHOUT encourage. It's not your place to make a decision when the pain or sufferin' is involved. It's not your place to make a decision when to die in peace.

That's why we have living will to make our own decision either we want to end our life or not by the doctor's assistance. I :ty: Terri Schavio's case to make a new law for living will.

The doctor can't put suffering patient to death without get the permisson from patient's relatives or living will.