Here's the link if you're interested
Schizotypal personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Short description of it:
Schizotypal personality disorder , or simply schizotypal disorder , is a personality disorder that is characterized by a need for social isolation , odd behavior and thinking, and often unconventional beliefs.
I want to point out some of what link said how its for me so here's my explaination.
Link said this part.
The schizotypal individual develops a fear of, strong objection to, or incapacity for social interaction, due to the sum of their past social experiences being negative in nature. As infants they do not learn how to interact with others, and as children and adults this inability quickly makes them a target for other people. Eventually, the individual learns (most often unconsciously) to see people as harmful and a source of negativity, suffering and ostracization.
My statement to this:
I've had load of negative experience from other people so I developed extremely mistrust with stranger, even my own family I always worry if my dad or brothers'll come in room to rape or kill me in my sleep, I never drink my drink if someone moved it or saw them touching it because I think they spit in it or put poison in it or put their germ on it to get me sick on purpose that's with my family or strangers only but with my fiance jason or his close family member I'm fine if they move my drink. And I don't really try to makes friend with people because I always believe they don't want to be my friend at the point I almost believe some kind of higher being or spirit told everyone to not to be my friend and to be mean to me but I know its irrational thought but it does come across my mind sometimes but I never believed it.
Link said this:
This leads to the development of "ideas of reference," in which the schizotypal individual believes that events are of special relevance to them or that benign events are somehow related to them (e.g., sees two people laughing and believes that the people are laughing at them). The individual may realize that their ideas of reference are
irrational, but maintains them nonetheless.
my statement to that:
I always constantly think if I saw people laughing, they're laughing at me, or if someone's near me talking and if I saw them looking at me I'd think they're talking about me.
Link said this:
Odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior and is inconsistent with subcultural norms (e.g., superstitiousness, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, or "sixth sense"; in children and adolescents, bizarre fantasies or preoccupations)
My statement:
I believe that if I ask for something in opposite of what I want it will come out in opposite of what I asked for so I get what I want for example if I'm approaching to traffic light I'll say red light over and over again to makes it go green by time we got there
And other one is sometimes I get anxiety of choking or anything related to eating/swallowing food/drinks I'd touch my right ear because somehow I think it help preventing whatever might happen in swallowing food or drinks.
Link said this:
Unusual perceptual experiences, including bodily illusions
My statement:
I have weird idea that I think my hip are huge often when its only 33 inch around
Link said this:
Odd thinking and speech (e.g., vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or stereotyped)
My statement:
Let say I say most random things because I lack in skill of initating and keep convo going with people so I'll talk about what I saw on egypt documentary to people in middle of their turn when someone's driving. And I don't know if my thinking is usual so no comment on that lol
Link said this:
Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation
Inappropriate or constricted affect
Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar
My statement:
Yeah in high school I hated to match clothes so I wear most mismatched clothes possible. And sometimes I'd behave in unusual, weird manner and don't remember or realized what I did.
Link said this:
Lack of close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives
Social anxiety that tends to be associated with paranoid fears rather than negative judgments about self
My statement:
Yeah its obvious in my other many posts that I don't have any friends only 2 and I'm not close to my family at all they're practially strangers that lived with me for most of my life and I'm still working on bonding better with my fiance jason I've been with him for almost 2 years its very difficult for me.