Since I was born with normal hearing, I don't have any experiences with regards to that, but I do with regards to my blindness. I was born totally blind. The first time I remember being "different" was when I was in the first grade. I was quietly reading a Braille book when someone placed their hands on the book and asked me what those "bumps" were.

Since I couldn't see, I thought everyone read the same way I did. No one had explained to me that blind people read Braille and sighted people read print.
Now that I think about it, I do have an experience with regards to feeling different as it relates to my hearing. I was 15 years old at the time and had received my first pair of hearing aids. It was the first week that I received them. I'll never forget the moment I walked into the room and the first thing my itinerant teacher asked me was, "How do you like your new hearing aids?" I could have just about died from embarrassment because I didn't want anyone to know I wore aids *and* was blind. (Hope that doesn't sound insulting...I don't mean for it to be. It's just the way I felt at the time.)