Do you remember your childhood?

I can remember both the bad and good things about my childhood.
I can remember both the bad and good things about my childhood.
How bad? Allright I remember food that my grandmother did when I was little, and that was really bad. Maybe badder than worse:laugh2:
Sorry if I'm joking. I like to make jokes, when I'm in good mood.
I remember when I was 6, my oldest brother convinced my other brother and & that it was safe to open the Christmas presents to peek since he knew how to reseal them and didn't think our parents would find out.

The next morning, Christmas Day, we got to open everything, then got the belt across our backsides and had to give all of our gifts to the local charity for children who got nothing. We were then grounded to our rooms for a week.
I remember when I was 6, my oldest brother convinced my other brother and & that it was safe to open the Christmas presents to peek since he knew how to reseal them and didn't think our parents would find out.

The next morning, Christmas Day, we got to open everything, then got the belt across our backsides and had to give all of our gifts to the local charity for children who got nothing. We were then grounded to our rooms for a week.

That was harsh .... :shock:
That was harsh .... :shock:

My father was really good at being strict. Another time, I was 10 and had been grounded due to a bad report card. Same oldest brother said dad wasn't home and he knew how I could sneak out of my room so I could ride bikes. I climbed out the window, crawled over the rooftop and started going down the TV antenna pole, when I see my father, waving from his home office. I got another 2 weeks and my brother got 3 weeks.

When this same brother got caught smoking at 13, he was grounded for 4 months. The last month of school and all summer long. The only time he was allowed out of his room was for dinner, school and church. No church youth trips or fun was permitted either, only the services.
yes, that was harsh.

I remember good and the bad. But my parents were not abusive. I just remember my mother would just fussed at us at every broken toys and such everytime she come in there to help us clean our room .
I wouldn't say my parents were abusive, just very strict. At least I didn't get into as much trouble as my 2 brothers. I was the baby and learned from their screw-ups.
How bad? Allright I remember food that my grandmother did when I was little, and that was really bad. Maybe badder than worse:laugh2:
Sorry if I'm joking. I like to make jokes, when I'm in good mood.

The emotional abuse I got from bullies, being left out at school in the classroom, and frustrations with not knowing what is happening around me.

My parents' one big fight and my mom's fights with her ex boyfriend.
I wouldn't say my parents were abusive, just very strict. At least I didn't get into as much trouble as my 2 brothers. I was the baby and learned from their screw-ups.

My parents were also very strict, but they understood a child's curious mind too.

I would have gotten in trouble for opening gifts, but my father would not make me give them to charity. He would take them away from me for maybe two weeks.

The weirdest punishment I got was getting my head shaved bald. My older brother and I had gone across the street to play with friends without asking permission or telling my parents where we were.

My dad was waiting for us with clippers ;)

While he was cutting my hair he said "I'll bet you remember to do the right thing now ... and your friends will remind you when they see your bald head".
I remember I couldn't find my mom or dad anywhere inside or outside and I was getting scared, and all a sudden both show up (inside). Now I think about it...... I think I know what really happened LOL
I remember all the good times with my mother and all the wonderful things she taught me, including how to read and reason.

I remember all the bad times in the concentration camps for children our society calls "schools."

Very little in between.

Could you explain, please? If you don't feel comfortable explaining, you don't have to. I just am not sure what you meant by what you said about those "schools"? I might know what you mean, but am not sure. Feel free to PM me if you want to tell me in private.
Video games (Atari and Nintendo 8-bit), hairstyles, popcorn makers, Looney Tunes, Animaniacs, eating sweets and playing hide-and-seek with my siblings and friends pretty much made up my childhood from the mid '80s to the mid '90s. You know, the Generation X way (born in 1961 to 1982).

I think Generation Y is from 1983 to 1995, Generation Z is from 1996 to 2009, and Generation Alpha is from 2010 to whatever future year determined before Generation Beta.
Could you explain, please? If you don't feel comfortable explaining, you don't have to. I just am not sure what you meant by what you said about those "schools"? I might know what you mean, but am not sure. Feel free to PM me if you want to tell me in private.

Hearing schools.

I was born left handed in a time when schools made an all out effort to change you to right handed. I was also a halfbreed in a time when it was said with a sneer that would put Elvis to shame, or into green envy. Made friends with a CODA who taught me to sign in a time when you could be suspended for signing "Hi" across the school grounds.

Needless to say school was not my favorite part of childhood, and contains few, if any happy memories. Most hearing kids have been seriously traumatized during their school years and have bad memories, even those with mostly good experiences.

I have to concede to a bit of envy when Deaf people talk about going to a Deaf school. They all seem to have had wonderful experiences.

Sometimes I think that is why authority tries to push deaf kids into mainstream -- So they will all go to hearing schools and have miserable childhoods just like the hearies.
Hearing schools.

I was born left handed in a time when schools made an all out effort to change you to right handed. I was also a halfbreed in a time when it was said with a sneer that would put Elvis to shame, or into green envy. Made friends with a CODA who taught me to sign in a time when you could be suspended for signing "Hi" across the school grounds.

Needless to say school was not my favorite part of childhood, and contains few, if any happy memories. Most hearing kids have been seriously traumatized during their school years and have bad memories, even those with mostly good experiences.

I have to concede to a bit of envy when Deaf people talk about going to a Deaf school. They all seem to have had wonderful experiences.

Sometimes I think that is why authority tries to push deaf kids into mainstream -- So they will all go to hearing schools and have miserable childhoods just like the hearies.

I grew up in Massachusetts and did not live far the Boston School for the Deaf and when my parents and school found out I was HOH they did not send me to one of the best school in the country for deaf and hoh students!
My dad could had afford to send me there! I was left in a public to fail and stayed back 2 years! I remember once waiting for a bus when I was in my
20's and I starting talking to a woman that was very well educated and she wanted to know why my speech was so poor and I told I was HOH. When the woman found were I grew up she was shocked that I was not send to the Boston School for the Deaf! She there was no need for me to have a speech
defects and she was really upset I got such a horrible education! Needless to say , hearing all this made me very upset! The woman was a college professor and I wish she had been my mother!
I have a very good memory and remember everything. A mixture of good and bad. Some abuse but it was not an every day occurance. Some very wonderful memories as well.
I learned early on to take the good with the bad and that the ones who knock you down are sometimes the very first ones to pick you up and help. I saw a very good movie once that kind of explains life in a good way to me anyways. called THE WAR OF THE BUTTONS. If you get a chance to see it , please do! You'll love it I think. and I believe it is closed captioned.
Love, Kristine
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Of course, I do remember much of everything from the age of 2. I remember my first bad word at 2 1/2 years old was giving a middle finger to my brother. I remember at 3 years old when my little sister was chasing me, she ran into the wall and got big cut on her forehead, bleeding all over in the foyer hall. I will never forget bad events such as fights, dramas from other people, cops, bad people's names, etc. And of course, I will also never forget good, wild times and parties. I remember how much filthy, graffitis were all over on those subway trains in NYC at 3 and half years old riding along with my father for his business work. I remember my first time on a big plane in 1984, my dad was so frightened and nervous 'cause at the same time it was his first time on a plane. My bf does remember pretty much of everything such early on at 2 years old. Memories are very important for many cases. Keep writing journal or diary does help a lot to remember when you are getting older.
I don't know why but I seem to remember the bad times more then the good times.