Do you love your hearing aids?

Do you love your hearing aids?
If you do why?
if u dont why dont u?
Is there anything that you dont like about them?
if there is wot is it?
I love mine!! I've had them almost my whole life and I enjoy educating people about them, turning them off during alarms (woot!), being able to hear music, movies, cell phone conversations (bluetooth FM system means hands free DIRECTLY into my cool!) and all the other things they allow me to do.

That being said, I do need a break from them and usually only wear them when with someone else!
I love my hearing aid. My mom told me this story that I used to do when i was a little girl; I justtt got my hearing aids when i was 4 years old. I lost my hearing when i was 3 to autoImmune hearing loss. And My mom put them on me for the first time and I did NOT like it at all because I wasn't used to them. And I would hide them under a chair and my mom would panic trying to find them because we had a golden retriever and afraid that my dog might eat them. But I got used to it as I was growing up. I stopped wearing a hearing aid on my left ear beacuse I got a cochlear implnat. But i got a new hearing aid on my right ear which works great. And alot of the people were so curious about my remote for my hearing aid. and they would go "omg thats like so awesome!!"
Speaking of 'OMG, that's so awesome" that is the same expression from my friend about the VPAD last night! :lol: