do you know what caused you to not hear?

I'm HoH and have been gradually losing my hearing due to a disease I acquired in 3rd grade, called Histoplasmosis

Interesting. I am have acquired blindness due to Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome, but it has nothing to do with my hearing loss.
Interesting. I am have acquired blindness due to Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome, but it has nothing to do with my hearing loss.

That makes since that it affected your eyes since you had Ocular Histo. I contracted a different form of Histo which affected my ears and left calcium deposits on my lungs...I didn't even find out it affected my ears until the follwing year during the yearly hearing exam at my elementary school...even after visiting an ENT, they told my mom that it was a minor hear loss in just my left ear and I was not tested again until a couple weeks after I graduated from college and it was discovered that I had been gradually losing my hearing over the years and now have moderate hearing loss in both ears...