Do you know signs for Mafia, godfather or hit man?

Have you been interpreting for mafia 101 course?

As for La Cosa Nostra, I assume, I'd spell it, then make it up like family and tommy gun??? lol
Maybe even the mob follows ADA guidelines for their staff meetings. ;)
I'm guessing that's an iconic reference to the era's Italians wearing mustaches. Probably not politically correct but that's the nature of sign language. :lol:

Right. :lol:

We have a large Italian community here. I'm not surprised though considering the fact it's bordering right onto New York.
That's International Sign for Mafia. It is better than signing with "M". :iobarf:

Hmm, I've never seen it used as a reference to the mafia, just Calgary or the cowboys. The mafia I described is the one I see in Canada among the ASL users.

Just because it's too "SEE" for your taste doesn't mean it isn't a part of the language.
Hmm, I've never seen it used as a reference to the mafia, just Calgary or the cowboys. The mafia I described is the one I see in Canada among the ASL users.

Just because it's too "SEE" for your taste doesn't mean it isn't a part of the language.

The old sign for MEXICO is signed with an M, and it predates SEE if my mentors are correct about their facts.
Hmm.. If you are in too deep, you might quit anytime, and request for witness program..
Sign for mob

I have seen "mob" signed like this:

Take your dominant hand and make an "m". Now, act like you are stabbing yourself in the chest.

An older deaf person from another state (with Mafia presence) uses this sign for Mafia:

Both H-hands; right hand at upper lip, left hand below lips. Both hands move outward, repeating. Looks kind of like stroking a mustache.