Do you know of a free website that is reliable?


Active Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Do you know of a free website for nonprofit organization that is reliable and good uptime? It must have no ads as it is for deaf-blind people.

I was reading this link: Disadvantages of Free Hosts - 100 Best Free Web Space Hosting and wonder if there is such a website that is reliable and offer good support.

Thank you for any help.
Do you need a full domain or just a webhost?

I may be able to cater your needs. I run my webserver off another webhost but have lots of space to be used.
PM me with your details, letting me know what you intend to do and such.

Most free sites have a downside to it, one way or another.
in my opinion, i believe that that is the only thing one should pay for when it comes to developing a web site. something the site doesn't say is the inconvenience of switching your site to another web host.

often times, you are really only getting a folder on their website. say your website is called, but you host it on a free server. the server puts 'deafness' in a folder on the server which becomes ',' which is not really your site. this is just some place holder on the server to store whatever you want. this is something that geocities used to do. it isn't really giving you a web site address, but it gives you a simple folder on their server (web site). if you are lucky enough to find the same web address you started out with (in this case '') not having the technological knowhow to create a url redirect to point your old page to the one you get in real life can cause you to look and seem unprofessional.

the lack of support is a huge problem. often times this includes basic functionality such as setting up emails, but it's integral when you want to create a website like which uses the open source vbulletin. getting support for open source programs on a website is integral to the development of a site. it can be done cheaply if you know where to go.

i recommend, because of their attention to the needs of the non-technically minded. they offer full support for most open source applicatons, give a great hosting package, have something like 50 email addresses and it's only about 75$ a year, or 7/bucks a month.

and no i don't work for them. but i have used them for 10 years with 12 websites.
:wave: I highly recommend *Talkspot


Very easy to learn.

Very easy to use.

Excellent Tech Support.

I'm willing to assist as needed, when I can create the time. (I'm busy fishing :giggle: often, like later on this morning, weather and seas permitting)


You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

It’s Free! No commitment, no obligation, no credit card needed. Yes, it really is absolutely free!

Hope this helps.

*no affilations, usual disclaimers.
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