Oh my God, my dear Bullym0m. I can’t believe when I read your post. It’s VERY sad that you & your family had been through bad time through Angela & Rose. I understand how you suffer over their bitch on you.
I’m glad that you did thing right is move out to start your new life to forget weird town.
CAS must have known that it's impossible to watch the children every seconds for 24 hours!!!
EVERYDAY? What a waste time! It’s waste CAS’s time to listen Angela’s false report. They should check the poor children who were abused by their parents or grandparents. They were killed by their own parents. What a terrible world!!!
Liza, its super that you did is to move out to settling down at your new house at last!!!
8 years? OMG, you should take Vampy’s suggestion to add “hidden camera”. I understand how you feel

Yeah, Liza’s suggestion over fence sounds good to protect from weird neighbor but mine is plant large bushes (read my story). I’ll add the picture of bushes tonight.
Cheri, George sound not normal person, isn’t he? Weird person…mmmmhhhh
Here is my :fu2: story!
We rented cheap one bedroom apartment with 5 widows in 6-block apartment to save up for our future house. We lived at 2nd floor of our apartment from 1985 to 1988. We are one who is young & fresh married who live in 6-block apartment. My God, they drive us real crazy with their rules!!! Blah.
We followed the social apartment rules. Around 65 to 70 years old widow who live next mine. We shared to clean the stairs every Saturday & we agreed that we should clean our stair at only Saturday morning. One week her then next me, then her then me…
Well, one Saturday morning I was stressed to prepare the cakes, snacks etc for our visitors to forget my turn to clean the stair. The lady knocked my door to remind me about clean the stair. I told her that I would do it tomorrow morning. She said NO WAY, please do it right now. I told her to do for me then I will owe her 2 weeks clean stair. She said NO WAY, Please do it RIGHT NOW. I had no mood to repeat this to her so I shut the door. Guess what!!!
She phoned my mother-in-law to complain about me so my mother-in-law rushed to us & jump & call me nasty name without ask me what’s wrong. It makes me angry & told her to get out until she calm her behavior down. She stood & said to me that she won’t go until I’m agreed to clean the stair right now. I said to her: “Don’t dare to tell me what I do that I’m fucking not kid anymore then please leave. Thank you. It shocks her that I’m firm person so she looked around my basket then took it to fill to clean stair for me. It makes me real mad.

I won’t let her to make me feel guilty so I said to her “It’s your problem for not respect me then shut the door to consider my plan for the visitors. She spoilt my happiness over that stupid stair. (My hubby works at Saturday, that’s time). (It’s only few mins away walk between our apartment & her house).
That’s time the hot weather at Saturday or Sunday was around so we let our wash at laundry right way to hang our clothes at our garden. Guess what! 5 widows are complained that “hang the wet clothes” at weekends are out of question because they want their “rest” at garden without “bother” from wash hang. I told them that we work full time & have no time to wash & hang the wet clothes. Their replied: We should let our wet clothes to dry by machine instead of hang them outside. They demand that we should hang our wet clothes & housework under weekday instead of weekends. I told them that there is no rule shown which & when I should hang my wet clothes. I ignored their complaint. They complaint to my mother-in-law again & come to tell us to remove our wet clothes to hang at her garden. I said to her: NO WAY, please respect that we have time at weekends to do housework & wash our clothes etc instead of weekdays. We didn’t break the rules. My mother-in-law tried to explain us to respect them because they are old people. I told her that I has the right to use our garden to hang our wet wash & has the right to use my OWN housework plan because we live at our appartment & pay the rent for that. We would not change our plan because of this. We are fucking exhausted after work all the day & we need our break under weekdays. We have our time to use at weekends.
They complaint again to her that we made noises at bathroom. (Flush the water at toilet).
We got a letter from council with warning & new rules to protect 5 widows that we should be quiet & wash time, housework etc.
1. Please don’t flush the toilet from 10pm to 7am.
2. Please don’t use shower/bath from 10pm to 7am
3. Do housework & wash clothes from 8am to 12noon. No afternoons!
4. No wet clothes to hang at garden or housework at Sundays.
We opened our mouth totally after read the rule. I kept on saying: That’s F**KING WICKED & bitch people, then my mother-in-law called us nasty names & ashamed for us what the people think about us etc blah. :rl: We told her to leave our apartment until she respect us. It’s too much for us so we agreed to look for land to buy to build our house & want to move away ASAP. It took us months to find the land with reasonable price then go to building company to draw our dream house etc. etc. etc.
We finally broke our news to our parent-in-law about our country house in countryside which 4 km away from her & town. She blows her head up to roof & accused me for steal her son away from her…I repeated her to respect us because we are an adult & lead different life than her. Terrible situation so we broke our contact for 2 years after move out to our new house. We make up peace again after 2 years no see & love our house. …. We have nice neighbors with no anger… Amen!!!
One thing, we only have little problem about our neighbor Anita & her family: They always nosey our property & keep on stared like stupid on us every time we sat at our balcony to have our relax or have BQQ party at our garden etc. etc. We’re tired of their stupid staring. I suggested her & her family to come to share with us but they said no, then carried on watch us so we planted our 10 feet bushes to protect our privacy life & have extend a new winter-garden for our 2nd living room to rid of balcony to avoid their nosey at 2 years ago. We used our privacy at other side of our garden with nobody see us. Now is our problem solved!!! Amen!
Now we have country house & do what we want.