Do you have....


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Dec 20, 2003
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Do you have neighbors that are rude, obnoxious (-offensive) or have problems with?

We have (^Angel^ and myself) neighbor kids that are mean to our three boys and we have had to call the police several times to no avail because no matter what these kids have done, they will lie right through their teeth sure makes us really upset that these neighbor kids seem to always get away with it each time! Not only that, their constant mockings and standing around near our property line like they have nothing else better to do except to 'watch' us anytime we're outside! It's crazy... :pissed: and sure wished these kids would have the decency to try to get along instead of creating problems! Even their mother don't seem to be around when these unruly neighbor kids do things such as throwing sticks in our property, calling the boys names, etc.! Yet, when the police shows up, the mother always seem to hurry outside and sit down like if she had been watching everything!

So, I created this thread to see if any of you have had your share of problems with neighbors now or in the past...please share your experiences.... :)
Have you ever considered setting up a video camera and leave it on whenever your kids are outside? That might catch them in the act?

I've had problems with one neighbor once. He jogged every night and had this mean expression on his face. One night, he was riding his bike while we were kicking a soccer ball back and forth. My friend kicked the ball into the street and it was obvious that the ball was in the street. This guy kept riding his bike and ran into the ball causing himself to fall down. He got up and took the ball then proceeded to yell at us as if we kicked the ball into him. We told our parents and they thought we were lying. A few days later, I was at my friend's house and this guy was jogging by again. He then looked at us as if we were spying on him and started yelling at us. We then went into the house to avoid a confrontation with him. When we walked in the house, he then came to the front door. He started kicking on the door yelling at us and telling us to open the door. We didn't answer the door. We told our parents again and this time, they finally believed us. My parents called the cops and the police came to inspect the door and saw footprints. This guy was spoken to and he lied to the cops telling them that we were harassing him. Jeez! A few months later, that guy moved away. Whew!
VamPyroX said:
Have you ever considered setting up a video camera and leave it on whenever your kids are outside? That might catch them in the act?

I've had problems with one neighbor once. He jogged every night and had this mean expression on his face. One night, he was riding his bike while we were kicking a soccer ball back and forth. My friend kicked the ball into the street and it was obvious that the ball was in the street. This guy kept riding his bike and ran into the ball causing himself to fall down. He got up and took the ball then proceeded to yell at us as if we kicked the ball into him. We told our parents and they thought we were lying. A few days later, I was at my friend's house and this guy was jogging by again. He then looked at us as if we were spying on him and started yelling at us. We then went into the house to avoid a confrontation with him. When we walked in the house, he then came to the front door. He started kicking on the door yelling at us and telling us to open the door. We didn't answer the door. We told our parents again and this time, they finally believed us. My parents called the cops and the police came to inspect the door and saw footprints. This guy was spoken to and he lied to the cops telling them that we were harassing him. Jeez! A few months later, that guy moved away. Whew!

Dang, what a nutter! Sure am glad that stupid prick moved away when he did! :pissed:
I wish I could put a video on my ex's kids and prove what they've done to us and the ex wife as well -- with all the scheming she's done and caused trouble for us. *sigh* Well, past is past...I just am glad that they're out of our lives for good and never to see them again ever! :laugh2:
I agree Roadrunner..Ur neighbor is one nightmare on Elm Street.. Heh!

I had a neighbor name George of course he always seem to get in my business, I used to live upstairs and then he moved in downstairs half that time he knew I was pregnant Ok? after I had Jordan, he would wake up every 3 hours want to be fed, diaper change.. etc. and George first came up stairs banging on my door saying he couldn't sleep because, he heard my baby cried every 3 hours, and I said that's what babies do when they get hungry every 3 hours... George bitched about everything even little things...He didn't like the facts that I come home from work Late at nights and he hears me come in the door downstairs and I am like :roll: and When he is mad at me he would parked his car in front of my car so I couldn't leave for work. (ugh!) He would leave me notes on my car door telling me the lists of things he did not like he didn't like my friends coming to visit me in the afternoons, earlier evening cuz he wants some quiet time in his house (wtf!) I felt like Living in hell, Seriously He spends on his time worrying about what I do when he needs to mind his own business.. I felt sorry for him in a way of saying I am sure he wouldn't have a girlfriend if he keeps it up.. ha!
Yes Vamp, we've been considering putting in place one of those small mini-cams to help us prove our case to the sure will be a useful tool to back us up with...and besides, this has been an ongoing situation for the past 8 years!

Gee Cheri...aren't you sure this George isn't the "George of the Jungle"? he belongs in the jungle! :lol: Then surely he won't have to worry about anyone except for the lions, tigers...etc.,....but on a more serious note, this guy sure is nuts and can't keep to himself no matter what...for goodness sakes, c'mon...babies will always cry and make noises...everyone knows that...but parking his car in front of your car is totally ridiculous and uncalled for...along with the other things you've mentioned as well!

I do recall the time when my second daughter was almost two years old and being in an upper apartment, the guy living below would usually gripe about all the noises she would make such as falling down, crying, etc.,...sure wasn't pleasant to come home when this guy would be staring down on us, never smiling or saying 'hello' daughter can't help it for what she does....
Roadrunner said:
Yes Vamp, we've been considering putting in place one of those small mini-cams to help us prove our case to the sure will be a useful tool to back us up with...and besides, this has been an ongoing situation for the past 8 years!

Gee Cheri...aren't you sure this George isn't the "George of the Jungle"? he belongs in the jungle! :lol: Then surely he won't have to worry about anyone except for the lions, tigers...etc.,....but on a more serious note, this guy sure is nuts and can't keep to himself no matter what...for goodness sakes, c'mon...babies will always cry and make noises...everyone knows that...but parking his car in front of your car is totally ridiculous and uncalled for...along with the other things you've mentioned as well!

I do recall the time when my second daughter was almost two years old and being in an upper apartment, the guy living below would usually gripe about all the noises she would make such as falling down, crying, etc.,...sure wasn't pleasant to come home when this guy would be staring down on us, never smiling or saying 'hello' daughter can't help it for what she does....
8 years!? Damn... you really do need a camera!
Roadrunner said:
Do you have neighbors that are rude, obnoxious (-offensive) or have problems with?

We have (^Angel^ and myself) neighbor kids that are mean to our three boys and we have had to call the police several times to no avail because no matter what these kids have done, they will lie right through their teeth sure makes us really upset that these neighbor kids seem to always get away with it each time! Not only that, their constant mockings and standing around near our property line like they have nothing else better to do except to 'watch' us anytime we're outside! It's crazy... :pissed: and sure wished these kids would have the decency to try to get along instead of creating problems! Even their mother don't seem to be around when these unruly neighbor kids do things such as throwing sticks in our property, calling the boys names, etc.! Yet, when the police shows up, the mother always seem to hurry outside and sit down like if she had been watching everything!

So, I created this thread to see if any of you have had your share of problems with neighbors now or in the past...please share your experiences.... :)


you're not only ones.. So am I had hell #$@#% experince simlair like yours.. (mumbling) Hearing my stories..
Years back of 1994, We were bought townhouse and moved in July 2nd 1994. We have not chance to makeover and stay plain walls.. Met nice neighbour (really asshole, I never knew her) and along w/us. Few wks later, Neighbour lady asked us, Can I join ride your car along to drop her son off at babysitter. My hubby (was not married me yet) He willing happy to take her along to drop her son off at babysitter then she asked him another ride to go shopping. His mind 'wtf'... She willing pay you for gas. He say okay, sure.. I was waited waited for longest hours during my preggy was full term.. Made me feel growing turned hate my man (he is my hubby).. Started Worried 'bout my man and hasn't arrived home yet. Finally He arrived home around after 4 hours later and got neighbour's lady son return. I was kind fury at her but postive.. wait until She gets into her home.. I was blew my man, Why fuk'n taking tooo long??? He explained me everything... I was so mad.... Neighbour lady heard us.. No wonder why my home is really extremelly thin wall.. No wonder why she came and offer us babysit our kid.. I say uh, okay.. bye.. Few wks later.. I thought I could use her for babysit my son (1st child).. Neighbour lady (her name is Angela) Angela say NO... I'm very busy.. I was said uh, wtf.. fuk.. I took my son along w/me to go out the food shopping... then came back home haul food bags w/my son. Pretty exhausted.. due my preggy.. (sigh)... Few wks later.. It came contraction.. Angela offer us , look after my son.. I told her NO.. We gone out to hospital.. and drop my son off at Day care. Few Days later, We got back home from hospital.. Angela run and peek my precouisly daughter.. and offer us look after my baby.. I told her no... I want spend time w/my baby alone... I can tell, She turns into angrily... I ignore her..

Angela ask my man, I need ride for emergency.. to go Vet.. My man said, uh, I have to spend time with my gf... Angela really mad.. and screaming at my man.. He gave it up.. fuk'bitch, take her along to go vet emergency.. Find NOTHING! fuck bitch she is... I was so mad.. and cannot wait until Angela get back... Finally I was BARGING her and huge fight... Finally She become ememies us. I'm glad she is.....

Whoa... CAS (Children Assoication Services) "child protection" came over my home.. I said what??, Worker said that you're left two child out and gone out for store.. I was said, NO!, I was stayed home all the time.. My god.. Neighbour reported.... which it's fucking false report.. I was so kind piss'n off big time.... Angela contsantly call CAS almost everyday..... CAS came over my place almost "everyday" checking on us.. I said what fuck problem....
Few months later.. I felt unhappy.. and wanted to move out.. I realized that place really creepy... Police came over my house, Checking our cupboards and fridge.. I asked what the problem ? why you not promptly manners ask me first before go inside.. Police said.. got a call from CAS that you have no foods to feed your kids.. I said.. FUCK OFF HELL NO.. I have nothing hide.. I have plenty plenty lotsa foods... Police got red face and embrassement.. I asked why dare you doing that ? Police condiser press the charge false information next door...but CAS say no to police.. I was so angrily and upsetting more more.... My man and I were spoked my man's mom about this... She said must stay that house more 2 or 3 years.. I said NO..

Too much tragic emotions for us...and also got 3rd child boy but... We really suffered goes through hell....
5 year later, CAS came over my place and took our children away.. I was so mad and punched the wall... I asked what fucking going on why ??? CAS no discuss w/us and no an interpreter present... NONE OF IT.. I was falling down and depression stage. We went searching and find the 1st lawyer.... and went over to the court.... lawyer forced us sign the paper.. In my mind, wtf, my lawyer is believed CAS worker bitch lady her name is ROSE.. My god.. I was cried cried and upsetting more.. no kids around w/me for 3 mos... and visit rights at CAS office to seeing our children. Unhappy stage for 3 mos.. decide to search another 2nd lawyer... I heard of my friend who has excellent lawyer and won the case... In my mind why not.. and asked her.. can I have your lawyer name please.. my friend gave me... I contacted 2nd laywer... we came over visit 2nd lawyer.. and discussed everything.. My 2nd lawyer said THAT CRAZY.. NOT SUPPOSED THERE IS 100% PREJUICED! We were shocked... and glady happy.. went processing quicker ... 2 days later and went over to the court.. finally we won the case.. PAH.. there has no case... Worker lied to judge that We did spanked my child too much abused.. I said HELL NO... never did.. My lawyer trying to manage w/me finally I'm calmed... *sigh* Not happy w/bitch Rose ever I seen..

Finally we got our children back home... Angela really pissed off w/us that we got kids back.. Angela kept contstantly calling CAS that we are left out kids outside alone.. CAS came and told us that you're left out kids alone outside.. (wtf) pissed off big time... never did happend.. Few years later We were begged to my man's mom please help us and sell our home and want move out of town.
Come more another a year, Getting Worst... My lawyer decided speak it out w/my man's mom.. Finally move her ass.. My mom in law realized that worst and more more attending CAS and court too much.. cost us expense on lot of money flew for cost lawyer and court etc etc.... Unhappy budget goes into straining down... due behind the arrears to pay Student loan (my man was attend post secondary college for change his field career). Finally For Sale.. Angela pissed off and want us STAY.. fuck off get lost bitch...

Pah, We moved out August 3rd 2000.. I did stood up and _,|,, Angela saw my finger... call CAS.. wtf.. Im not KID .. hahahha *dispearing* moved to different county border... Buh-bye Middlesex of County... My bitch Rose really pissed off and want us stay on middlesex of County.. cuz I'm in West Elgin of County. Rose cannot get into border of West Elgin and did went over... once... I called my lawyer... My lawyer really mad at Rose.. and contact head of Supervisor....about Rose did cross over border.. Head of Supersvisor CAS contacted another jursction CAS ageny.. finally nice lady worker.. came over my place and checking our kids.. My newest worker name Adri.. She is damnest best lady ever I met.. She tell us.. you're family fine why Rose whines... Checking us for 3 mos and checking kids at school.. Went smooth and fine perfectally.... We are living isolation farm house.. in Dutton,Ontario. LOVE IT.. CAS gave us close the case.. Yahoooooooooooooooooooo.... We are happily... unfortunally Landlord decide eviction us for no reason becz my eldest son touch "a cow" He didn't... wtf landlord.. Moved to St Thomas and living townhouse co-op temporary... kick us out not satisfty w/my eldest son.. geez.. He is A.D.D. fuk.. I decided to call CAS ask for help.. where can I find specialist counsellor for my son.. he kept contstant problem and hurting my two kids.. fed up.... Adri happy help us and to get one for my son.. *pah* cuz I has no knowledge of West Elgin county.. that why... so far went smoooth...

We are glad out of picture Angela and Rose too... *chuckles*
P.S. Really this story summary but really extremelly LONGEST STORIES bitch Angela/Rose too... from 1994 to 2000 Glady moved out 2000..
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Yes, 8 years is a long time..... :pissed:

Since the day those people moved in next door from us which was 8 years ago, when her oldest daug was already in trouble with the law, she broke in serveral houses around our area and already have a record from the past, and still it didn't stop us from becoming neighbors or having my boys play with her other youngest sister and brothers until the day, the youngest sister pour pop all over my son who was only 2 at that time all because he kept following her by wanted to play too, and then the ' name calling ' were being called toward my boys, of course I didn't get upset because they were just kids but did went up to their house and talked to their mother, but it didn't help very much because she wouldn't work with me on having her children get along with my children and be friends without harming one other or calling eachothers names etc..... She thinks they did nothing wrong.....

The children next door wasn't only just picking on my children but hitting and doing other damage toward my home....They threw rocks on our puppy we used to have when she was chained up in our back yard, they lite up a matches by trying to burned serveral tree bushes in our front yard, threw eggs on our driveway, using sticks by scretching the side of the house ( this is still going on ), threwing rocks and digging dirt up by making huge holes in our yard and using a plactic bat by hitting on the car that is parked on our drive way, the list will go on and on.....No matter what I do, nothing works because each time we call the police, the mother will protect her kids by believing every word they say.... :roll:

I'm soo tired of my boys coming home crying because they get beaten, hurt or having names being called toward them and paying to fix the damaged they made toward my home and yard!....Sometimes I do wish that those people who used to live next door from us never moved, none of this would have ever happened....

We're going to look around for a hidden video camera, since this will never end until we do something about it.... :pissed:
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WTF.... those neighbors have no lives of their own! :roll:

RR/Angel, have you considered building taller fences?

Cheri, just wondering-- still have that neighbor?

Bullymom, good idea that you moved out of that crazy town... :laugh2:
But I don't get it.. CAS should have seen some kind of pattern with your neighbor's erratic behavior and simply ignored her. Maybe you could get some kind of... anti-intervention order on Rose, so she doesn't cause further harm to you. Maybe you could sue her to get all of your court costs back for the emotional pain and distress of false lawsuits and statements. Teach her what is not acceptable.

Well... my hubby and I rented the basement apartment from his sister, but that turned out to be a BAD idea. Very, very noisy for my hubby... with all the loud stomping. The ceiling light fixation almost hit me, as it fell on the floor-- glass shattered everywhere. Sis refused to fix stuff and kept postponing on installing the night lamp (street lamp?). Really hard to see things when walking down the stairs outside. There were just too many things to hate having a neighbor/landlord like that to count. We just plain hated it, and decided to get a new house. That's what we did-- and I'm happy with the new house :) :) We have some interesting neighbors. They dont bother us, really-- but they are friendly. There's an aging busybody that walks on the street and sits on her walker, and just listens to conversations if people are standing outside yakking. LOL. In the middle of the road, literally. But it doesnt bother me, really. She seems to be very lonely and quiet. I wave to her whenever I see her :)
^Angel^ said:
Yes, 8 years is a long time..... :pissed:

Since the day those people moved in next door from us which was 8 years ago, when her oldest daug was already in trouble with the law, she broke in serveral houses around our area and already have a record from the past, and still it didn't stop us from becoming neighbors or having my boys play with her other youngest sister and brothers until the day, the youngest sister pour pop all over my son who was only 2 at that time all because he kept following her by wanted to play too, and then the ' name calling ' were being called toward my boys, of course I didn't get upset because they were just kids but did went up to their house and talked to their mother, but it didn't help very much because she wouldn't work with me on having her children get along with my children and be friends without harming one other or calling eachothers names etc..... She thinks they did nothing wrong.....

The children next door wasn't only just picking on my children but hitting and doing other damage toward my home....They threw rocks on our puppy we used to have when she was chained up in our back yard, they lite up a matches by trying to burned serveral tree bushes in our front yard, threw eggs on our driveway, using sticks by scretching the side of the house ( this is still going on ), threwing rocks and digging dirt up by making huge holes in our yard and using a plactic bat by hitting on the car that is parked on our drive way, the list will go on and on.....No matter what I do, nothing works because each time we call the police, the mother will protect her kids by believing every word they say.... :roll:

I'm soo tired of my boys coming home crying because they get beaten, hurt or having names being called toward them and paying to fix the damaged they made toward my home and yard!....Sometimes I do wish that those people who used to live next door from us never moved, none of this would have ever happened....

We're going to look around for a hidden video camera, since this will never end until we do something about it.... :pissed:

I'm gonna laugh at your neighbors' kids if I ever see them. Let them know their behavior is extremely silly. That always seem to shock dem bullies, and they eventually stop doing it. Your poor kids... :( Gee! Sure hope it gets better. Taller fences, taller fences!
:shock: I'm so flabbergasted at how cruel and terrible your neighbours were towards you! It's pure hell having to put up with nosy neighbours and those who simply don't have a life and decide to pick on their neighbours over little and unimportant things and making them into a big deal. :roll:
The neighbours I have around where I live -- all basically are nice...friendly...we say hello whenever we pass on the street and so forth. Haven't had any trouble with them since I moved here 6 years ago. Very peaceful street, thank goodness for that.

I did have an annoying couple of neighbours when I lived in Los Angeles back in the early 1990's. They were deaf...they lived 3 doors down the hall from where I lived with 3 roommates. We lived in an apartment and on the 3rd floor. One of the deaf neighbours had a MAJOR crush on me..oy vey. :roll: He'd ask me out on a date EVERY single time I saw him in the hall or whenever he came around to visit with my other roommates. He used that excuse just to see me. Gee!

That bloke was simple minded, so I did try to explain to him that I wasn't interested, but had to give up on that because he'd threaten to kill himself if I didn't go out with him and kept on saying 'I love you', and 'Please, can you go on date with me?'
I had to go to extremes in avoiding bumping into him whenever I had to go out. It was horrific because he was totally obsessed over me. Thank goodness, I moved out when the lease expired...2 years later. *sigh*

I know some of you will pop in here and start clamouring about how come I didn't press charges against him as he was stalking and threatening me...well, I'm a softy...I don't like doing that type of thing unless I truly do feel like my life's in danger. What he did was all talk. No actual actions at all. So, in general, he was quite harmless.

As for the other deaf person -- roommate of the besotted neighbour (the one who liked me) -- Paul was like a carer for James (the infatuated stalker). Paul was just an annoying little prick. Always tried to butt into my roommates' and my life and tried to tell us what to do with our monies, lifestyle, etc etc.

James was 37 years old whilst I was not even 21. :roll:
Liza said:
Cheri, just wondering-- still have that neighbor?

Yes Liza, Matter of facts when I was out of state last year for a cook off shows I came home and Noticed George brought a house next door to me and he still bothers me but not only me but My Children also...One time he came to my driveway with his girlfriend's car and his car and washed his car in my driveway (wtf!) What's wrong with his own driveway? Seriously he is acting like he owns this property. and another times my son Markus and Jake my nephew were outside playing caught with a soft ball and he would open the window and yelling at my son and Jake and telling them to go play somewhere else.. and he even flipped his middle finger out at them also. :roll: He also came over to cut the grass on our property he ran over all the flowers that were near the tree I was like what in the world is his problem? He has problems with everyone, even this young lady moved Upstairs where I used to live at and he yelled at her about her friends being around and etc... and there another Lady who lives alone but older he would bother her too..
Wow BullyMom quite a story you got there.. I feel for you Girlie.. Matter of Fact is that some people make false reports on others and having some people's Children taken away cuz of false reports that not right at all!

When I read ur post BullyMom I can't believe how many times Angela has reported you and the child service came over and how many times they find out that the report wasn't true.. they still came over? that is so wrong I am sorry to say that they are wasting their time on the wrong family when they are to go after the ones that are real abuse, neg. and etc...No wonder why there so many Children out in the world being killed over a abused when child service step in late because, they are not looking at the right place.
Liza said:
Taller fences, taller fences! :fingersx:

:giggle: ....We're just talking about that the other day, about building a taller fences around our yard and I will keep this on my ' need to buy ' list! :ty: Lizagirlyie!...

Sorry to hear that Bullymom, I sure dislike people who calls up the child service on others that they dislike..... :mad:

Waterrat, We do live on a peaceful and most quiet street where everyone would get along, even wave at one other but however the only issue we and the rest of our neighbors have is the people who lives next door from us, it the children who goes on their property and cause damaged or just go on there when no one is home or around...It's mostly the mother's fault for not controlling her children, watching them or teaching them between right and wrong, and also most of all showing respect for their neighbor's property!
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Thats why i hate living in towns!!!!
dang busybodies,nosy,suspicious,troublemakers cuz they have no
You might consider moving out in the country...nice, quiet and peaceful!
Thats where we live! and loving it!!
Oh my God, my dear Bullym0m. I can’t believe when I read your post. It’s VERY sad that you & your family had been through bad time through Angela & Rose. I understand how you suffer over their bitch on you.
I’m glad that you did thing right is move out to start your new life to forget weird town.
CAS must have known that it's impossible to watch the children every seconds for 24 hours!!!

EVERYDAY? What a waste time! It’s waste CAS’s time to listen Angela’s false report. They should check the poor children who were abused by their parents or grandparents. They were killed by their own parents. What a terrible world!!!

Liza, its super that you did is to move out to settling down at your new house at last!!!

8 years? OMG, you should take Vampy’s suggestion to add “hidden camera”. I understand how you feel :ugh: :pissed: Yeah, Liza’s suggestion over fence sounds good to protect from weird neighbor but mine is plant large bushes (read my story). I’ll add the picture of bushes tonight.

Cheri, George sound not normal person, isn’t he? Weird person…mmmmhhhh

Here is my :fu2: story!

We rented cheap one bedroom apartment with 5 widows in 6-block apartment to save up for our future house. We lived at 2nd floor of our apartment from 1985 to 1988. We are one who is young & fresh married who live in 6-block apartment. My God, they drive us real crazy with their rules!!! Blah.
We followed the social apartment rules. Around 65 to 70 years old widow who live next mine. We shared to clean the stairs every Saturday & we agreed that we should clean our stair at only Saturday morning. One week her then next me, then her then me…
Well, one Saturday morning I was stressed to prepare the cakes, snacks etc for our visitors to forget my turn to clean the stair. The lady knocked my door to remind me about clean the stair. I told her that I would do it tomorrow morning. She said NO WAY, please do it right now. I told her to do for me then I will owe her 2 weeks clean stair. She said NO WAY, Please do it RIGHT NOW. I had no mood to repeat this to her so I shut the door. Guess what!!! :pissed:
She phoned my mother-in-law to complain about me so my mother-in-law rushed to us & jump & call me nasty name without ask me what’s wrong. It makes me angry & told her to get out until she calm her behavior down. She stood & said to me that she won’t go until I’m agreed to clean the stair right now. I said to her: “Don’t dare to tell me what I do that I’m fucking not kid anymore then please leave. Thank you. It shocks her that I’m firm person so she looked around my basket then took it to fill to clean stair for me. It makes me real mad. :pissed: I won’t let her to make me feel guilty so I said to her “It’s your problem for not respect me then shut the door to consider my plan for the visitors. She spoilt my happiness over that stupid stair. (My hubby works at Saturday, that’s time). (It’s only few mins away walk between our apartment & her house).
That’s time the hot weather at Saturday or Sunday was around so we let our wash at laundry right way to hang our clothes at our garden. Guess what! 5 widows are complained that “hang the wet clothes” at weekends are out of question because they want their “rest” at garden without “bother” from wash hang. I told them that we work full time & have no time to wash & hang the wet clothes. Their replied: We should let our wet clothes to dry by machine instead of hang them outside. They demand that we should hang our wet clothes & housework under weekday instead of weekends. I told them that there is no rule shown which & when I should hang my wet clothes. I ignored their complaint. They complaint to my mother-in-law again & come to tell us to remove our wet clothes to hang at her garden. I said to her: NO WAY, please respect that we have time at weekends to do housework & wash our clothes etc instead of weekdays. We didn’t break the rules. My mother-in-law tried to explain us to respect them because they are old people. I told her that I has the right to use our garden to hang our wet wash & has the right to use my OWN housework plan because we live at our appartment & pay the rent for that. We would not change our plan because of this. We are fucking exhausted after work all the day & we need our break under weekdays. We have our time to use at weekends.
They complaint again to her that we made noises at bathroom. (Flush the water at toilet).

We got a letter from council with warning & new rules to protect 5 widows that we should be quiet & wash time, housework etc.

1. Please don’t flush the toilet from 10pm to 7am.
2. Please don’t use shower/bath from 10pm to 7am
3. Do housework & wash clothes from 8am to 12noon. No afternoons!
4. No wet clothes to hang at garden or housework at Sundays.

We opened our mouth totally after read the rule. I kept on saying: That’s F**KING WICKED & bitch people, then my mother-in-law called us nasty names & ashamed for us what the people think about us etc blah. :rl: We told her to leave our apartment until she respect us. It’s too much for us so we agreed to look for land to buy to build our house & want to move away ASAP. It took us months to find the land with reasonable price then go to building company to draw our dream house etc. etc. etc.
We finally broke our news to our parent-in-law about our country house in countryside which 4 km away from her & town. She blows her head up to roof & accused me for steal her son away from her…I repeated her to respect us because we are an adult & lead different life than her. Terrible situation so we broke our contact for 2 years after move out to our new house. We make up peace again after 2 years no see & love our house. …. We have nice neighbors with no anger… Amen!!! :angel:

One thing, we only have little problem about our neighbor Anita & her family: They always nosey our property & keep on stared like stupid on us every time we sat at our balcony to have our relax or have BQQ party at our garden etc. etc. We’re tired of their stupid staring. I suggested her & her family to come to share with us but they said no, then carried on watch us so we planted our 10 feet bushes to protect our privacy life & have extend a new winter-garden for our 2nd living room to rid of balcony to avoid their nosey at 2 years ago. We used our privacy at other side of our garden with nobody see us. Now is our problem solved!!! Amen! :angel:

Now we have country house & do what we want. :D
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We are fortunate enough to have a decent set of neighbors on either side of our home. One is a single mom, or separated, not too sure. Has an 11 or 12 year old son. The other is a divorced middle aged woman, living with her single daughter and her three grandchildren.

Of course, like any garden, we have our share of "weeds." Not too long ago, there was a kid who roamed the streets like he owned 'em...chin up, chest out, fists curled. He was a real paisan, if you know what I mean? Anyway, lived with his mother and her husband. Used to break into people's houses, steal money and take off. He wouldn't really break in, though...see, since it's a quiet enough area, sometimes people would leave their doors he would go in and have a look around if no one was home.

One of our neighbors across the street always keeps a lookout for us. He has even left us a note telling us about kids who had jumped on our car while we weren't home.

:::sigh::: The good news is - that kid and his mother and her husband moved. Thank god. Don't need his kind around!

Hope it works out with your neighbors, Roadrunner. :( But hey, good news - you'll be living in NY for a few days come the day after tomorrow...LOL!
LOL... oh, oh! Make that taller and ELECTRIC fences :) Would that work?

I also wanna add something really strange about what Imp said about other neighbors living north of us-- he said we had to be careful with our behavior cos they are super nosey, and would "scold" his parents for any "inappriopiately unchristian" behavior... hmm, say, like skinnydipping in our inflatable pool outside. Or parading around naked in the house... :giggle:
ELECTRIC fences?...ooooo, I like that idea! :twisted: ..heh

*Cheering* skinnydipping, skinnydipping, skinnydipping....If they saw you, they might send a priest or minister out to your place.... :giggle: