Do you have memories of hearing?


New Member
Jul 27, 2011
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Hi, new to the forum, after lurking for some time. :)

I'm hearing, trying to immerse myself in Deaf Culture as much as I can. A friend has a sister who is deaf, she went deaf around 3 -- I want to get to know her better. Anyway, a question occurred to me -- one I didn't want to ask her, for fear of it just coming out wrong, or making her feel uncomfortable. Y'know, stupid bumbling hearing person, all that.

But I was wondering if it's possible she had any memories of when she could hear (around age 3). I have certain memories (at least I THINK I do) from when I was 3, but nothing from before such a big change in my life as I'd imagine hearing loss might be.

Wondering if anyone out there who lost hearing at a similar age had memories of sounds, voices, anything? Thanks.
I actually remember the opposite...

When I was very little, I was severely hoh... I know that part of it was the number of ear infections I was having, as well as being born preemie, and some other factors. When I was 3.5, I had a couple of surgeries, and I remember waking up and screaming because I could *hear* and it *hurt.* I remember before my surgery, seeing mouths move, I remember a time with no sound.
That's interesting. That must have been a big shock, having all those sounds coming at you when you were in a quiet world before.

Are you hearing now?
I am not hearing now... Growing up, I had mild to moderate loss, but over the years I have steadily lost my hearing. My last audiogram (about 6 months ago) put me at the severe to profound range.
I became deaf at 3 or before 3. So,no, I dont have any memories of hearing. I think my parents discovered my deafness b/c I wouldnt talk.
I became deaf at 3 or before 3. So,no, I dont have any memories of hearing. I think my parents discovered my deafness b/c I wouldnt talk.

exactly same story as mine
I have LOTS of memories of hearing *normally* I hear now just very limited and not well haha ...I didn't start to go deaf until age 16
I only remember the first time I got HAs, at 34. I never hear properly before that and, for the first time, when my audiologist turn them on, and I hear his voice, I cry. Sob really.

The first thing I do is go to the ocean. I always, always want to hear it. I didn't know rain make 'pitter patter' sound on the ground. I did not know what it was like to hear bird chirp chirp in trees. I also didn't know how loud my babies were! Yikes!:giggle:

Life was too loud for this Deaf gal and I'm quite fine not hearing the things I love. I'd much rather take it all in visually.
I don't remember I was 3 y/o. I think at that time I was normal until 4 y/o, my parents began to notice my reaction is different kinda odd with the way I moved closer to TV trying to listen, then turned the sound louder. That's what happened I couldn't hear. I remember the first time I started to wear hearing aids at 5.
Well - I had HA's from ages 7-10 and 38-41 or so. I do not think I ever in my life heard anything clearly. I remember hearing of some sort, but never real good hearing. Now, all I have to go on is my memories of when I could hear anything.
exactly same story as mine

cool, I did a lot of speech therapy when I was in kindergarten. Local newspaper wrote a story about deaf kids and my picture was in the paper. I dont know my family still have it or not. I really dont care.
I was born prematurely, which is common with twins, and I was born :deaf:. While they said I only had a mild to moderate hearing loss as a young child, I don't remember any sounds growing up before I entered school and was first given HAs.
While I was looking over the threads or posts here, I was born deaf. I got to thinking that I had been without the hearing aid until I was 8 1/2 years old, almost 9 years old (never own hearing aids at all).

When my mother took me to the audiologist to get my first hearing test and then tried out both hearing aids on me but I rejected hearing aid on my right ear as I felt funny with no sounds at all (vibration). I did not like it at all. Then the audiologist put the hearing aid on my left ear and I just perked up at the strange sound that I have never heard. It was just only noise sound, not clear. When I stepped out outside of the audiologist's office and there were all kinds of noises and boy, I sure don't like this hearing world at all. I liked my quiet world better than this. Everywhere is sooooo noisy. My mother made me wear hearing aids every waking hours. :ugh: I still wear my hearing aid today on my left ear, only when I feel like taking the hearing aid off. :roll:
Last words I heard before I became deaf, those words were coming from my mother right before I slipped into coma then became deaf. That is all I can remember unless more memories are buried somewhere in my mind will open up to me. I became deaf at 2 and half.