Do you have any plans for Passover/Easter?

I plan to see parents, sisters, brother, in laws, and my nieces and newphews this easter. I plan to give them the tour of my new apt as well.

Congrats on your new apartment, Deafskeptic! Let's us giving her a house warming party! Whoo-hoo!
Enjoy with your family. Happy Easter!!!
Congrats again! :)
Just to give to my granddaughter, a book and a small pink toy rabbit.

Aww.. how old your granddaughter is? Don't you mind my asking?
Thanks for reminding me about toys, which I forgot all about. I have to go and buy some for my great-niece before I stop by. She just turned 3. (She and her parents just flew down here from GA... I can't wait to see them!!!)
Enjoy your family!
Happy Easter, Botti! ;)
<--Gotta work at the walfart during easter :(. I think I might do sumthing with the girls this Sat and maybe do it same time I do my big 38th birthday with them this day.
That was nice of you to ask, Sosie. For Pesach my family and I will go synagogue of which my mom and I are members. I go to spend time with my family and because I am a Jew, not so for traditional, institutional, patriarchal aspect of Judaism, which doesn't appeal to me.

Chag Sameach, Sosie and to whomever it applies :D

Also, Happy Easter to folks....

You are welcome! :)
I am not a jew but my sister's husband is. (My sister converted years ago... ). They have their two grown daughters and they also have a granddaughter and another one on the way. The girls are jewish as well. The oldest daughter is a Rabbi. The youngest daughter is soon to be a doctor. (I remember I went to attend the Sabbath service and watching the girls reading Hebrew language from the Torah to become bat mitzvah at age 13. It was interesting and nice service.
I am getting used to their traditions, etc. I have eaten kosher foods so many times. They are really good and delicious. (I am done making some chocolate cake with fresh raspberries... *whew*.. )
Enjoy with your family. Chag Sameach, Dogmom!!! :)
Pesach (Jewish Passover) started today... but I'm in no mood celebrating for anything :(

On Sunday, (Christian Passover) depending on the weather, I'll just go for a walk with the shelters dog... nothing biggie for me thus...


Awww... I am so sorry to hear that. I hope they will call you.
Chag Sameach to you, Jamie!!! :hug:
None, I plan to stay home......... Like always lol.

Aww.. I am so sorry to hear this. Do you have any family or friends who can invite you? I do hope they will invite you. I pray for you.
Happy Easter, I Shed Misery!!! :hug:
Flying to Arizona tomorrow to spend Passover with my brother's family and my father. Our first time together since I lost my hearing. Wish me luck!

Chag Sameach and Happy Easter to all!

Have a safe trip, DeafDoc1!
Wishing you a lot of luck and Happy Easter!!! Let us know how's your Easter holiday went?
Jamie Lynn.... sad u....? Am sorry..... :aw:

Shelter dogs will be very grateful! My furry babies send you lots of kisses and tail wags ....and Rottie butt-wiggles!:hug:

Me, too, Suki, my invisible cat sends you a lot of love, Jamie. :hug:
We are staying home, I'm cooking and we gonna rent movies then later maybe play a game of apples to apples. ;)

:wave: Cheri,
It sounds like fun with your two sons. That will keep them busy.
Happy Easter to you and your family!! :)
My boys and I are going to Church, afterwards most likely to one of their favorite parks...then home for dinner! Roast, red potatoes, broccoli, rolls and tea.....peaches for dessert. Supposed to be cool and rainy here!

Happy Easter to all!...It's so nice to be here!

Those foods sound good!! Yummy!!
Happy Easter to you and your family! :)
Well! I don't know what to do on Easter Day. Look at me, I can't even lick my genital. I don't want them to see me like that.


:lol: I could use the laugh, Webexplorer. Thanks for sharing it with us!!!
Happy Easter!!! :)
Ty and Same to you and all ! Hope everyone is well and have a big blessed one!! Special day, remember today is the begining of the year in God's eye's so make good, Turn all things over and remember to tell Him heart desire, yes he knows but you must speak and following your heart!!!
Happy Passover to all!!:D

Thanks, Abella. Same to you, too. :)
Chag Semach!!
I don't know what I am going to do this week-end.

I really wanna see my long-lost cousins that I have not seen since 1988 (or 1989). I am like about 15-20 minutes from them in the next county. We were supposed to meet last month, but something else came up.

Maybe on early Sunday, I can drive to another state to surprise my grandmother and parents. :) I think that would even make my grandmother so happy. :)

I am sure they will be more than happy to see you. Have a safe trip if you are planning to stop by. Happy Easter, Brian!!! :)
We stay at home during Easter weekends and will visit my youngest son´s Godmother on Easter Sunday.

It is so nice of your youngest son's Godmother to stop by and spend a day with you all on Easter day.
Happy Easter to you and your family! :)
How do you say Happy Easter in Germany?
I don't know...probably stay home or go out to walk somewhere.

Awww.. I am so sorry to hear that. I wish I invite you over but I know that we live tooooo far away. Oh, darn!!! Maybe one of your friends will call and invite you. Who knows? (Or why not call and invite your friends over?)
Here's a :hug: from me.
Happy Easter, Seq!!!
I am thinking going to Easter Carnival in my hometown, it is a 3 days events. :)

It sounds like a lot of fun. Have a great time if you are going there!!!
Happy Easter, SG!!! :)
Thanks... yes I was meant to join to the synagogue but cancelled everything. Right now my life is upside down so I was in no mood for a celebrationg with hundredth of people :(

I stayed home and checked out some soccer. Unfortunately I quickly lost interest too so I went to bed...

I hope the shelter will be able to give me some dogs to walk out on Sunday :shrug: I might have to give them a call today to see whether they are open to public.

:hug: Jamie

PS. To everybody else HAPPY EASTER!

I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are OK. I am worried about you. Here's a :hug: from me, Jamie!!!
:wave: Eat Ham, Potato Salad and go fishing!

Hope some bunny brings me CHOCOLATE, lot's of chocolate. :giggle:

Friendly reminder: please don't drink and dye eggs.

Me, too, I hope some bunny brings me some! I am addicted to "chocolate lovers" :giggle:
Happy Easter, Dreamsfloatjoe!!! :)