Do you have any plans for Passover/Easter?

We stay at home during Easter weekends and will visit my youngest son´s Godmother on Easter Sunday.
I don't know...probably stay home or go out to walk somewhere.
I am thinking going to Easter Carnival in my hometown, it is a 3 days events. :)
Jamie Lynn.... sad u....? Am sorry..... :aw:

Shelter dogs will be very grateful! My furry babies send you lots of kisses and tail wags ....and Rottie butt-wiggles!:hug:

Thanks... yes I was meant to join to the synagogue but cancelled everything. Right now my life is upside down so I was in no mood for a celebrationg with hundredth of people :(

I stayed home and checked out some soccer. Unfortunately I quickly lost interest too so I went to bed...

I hope the shelter will be able to give me some dogs to walk out on Sunday :shrug: I might have to give them a call today to see whether they are open to public.

:hug: Jamie

PS. To everybody else HAPPY EASTER!
:wave: Eat Ham, Potato Salad and go fishing!

Hope some bunny brings me CHOCOLATE, lot's of chocolate. :giggle:

Friendly reminder: please don't drink and dye eggs.
My holidays just started and i don't go back to work until wednesday!, Racing is off schedule this weekend. So I am going to spend next 3 days chilling out, dog walking, gardening, do DIY around my home. On monday I am going to my deaf best friend house for easter dinner and dogs walking with alot of deaf friends from all over the places.
Will have dinner over at my grandma's who lives less than 5 mins from here, while my mom, stepdad will be there too as well.
Shopping on Saturday ..

Girls Clothes Gifts and Candies

Staying home Sunday

Roast Chicken Dinner with Fresh Fruits blends with low sugar Vanilla Ice Cream! :D

Happy Easter and Passover to Aders! :)
Going to in-laws' for dinner. Same old same old...
Well! I don't know what to do on Easter Day. Look at me, I can't even lick my genital. I don't want them to see me like that.


Boy - It'll be a busy-filled weekend for me.

The kids and I will be heading out for a 3 hours drive to Western KY to visit my mother tomorrow after I get off work. And, then cross over the bridge to head over to Indiana to visit my father and his side of the family.

That also will give me a chance to see my grandmother (who has ovarian cancer) - I want to try to see her as much as possible before she gets to the point where she dies.

Then - On Sunday, we'll (the kids and I) be going to the deaf church (in the town where my mom lives at) and meet up with some old friends to go out for a lunch to chit chat. When all is done - Here comes another 3 hours drive to come back to home. :)
Im going home to my moms after Adams birthday party Saturday.

We'll celebrate Adams fisrt Easter w/friends from church... and spend time w/those we love!!

Later we'll celebrate my dads life in his memorial service.
Easter? Probably go back out on the boat. Hang out for the day, and have dinner with family. :) If weather permitting. So far Easter is suppose to be a wonderful sunny day here!

We are going to color eggs. Tomorrow, for Good Friday.
We're staying home and we are going to cook grill Sirlion steak, potato salad, homemade dressing, baby lima beans, devil eggs and cake on Easter Sunday.
That was nice of you to ask, Sosie. For Pesach my family and I will go synagogue of which my mom and I are members. I go to spend time with my family and because I am a Jew, not so for traditional, institutional, patriarchal aspect of Judaism, which doesn't appeal to me.

Chag Sameach, Sosie and to whomever it applies :D

Also, Happy Easter to folks....

oh. I am so interested about passover. my bf is jewish but he isnt religious about it.
Stay home! I will cook ham, potatoes, veggies and pound cake with orange glaze. Sound delish!

Other than that I'll hide Tyler's loots somewhere in the house and eggs as well. He loves that! :)

Those foods sound good and... delicious. I love pound cake with Orange glaze, which I have not done making for a long, long time. I was thinking of making some tomorrow.

It sounds like fun. I am sure Tyler loves that. Have fun hunting, Tyler!!! :hug: