Do you have any plans for Passover/Easter?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2007
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I will be at my sister's to celebrate Passover this Friday. Also, I will be at my deaf friends' to celebrate Easter on Sunday. I will make some foods and desserts for them.

How about you guys?

I just wanted to say Happy Passover and Happy Easter to everyone!!! :D
Pesach (Jewish Passover) started today... but I'm in no mood celebrating for anything :(

On Sunday, (Christian Passover) depending on the weather, I'll just go for a walk with the shelters dog... nothing biggie for me thus...

Stay home! I will cook ham, potatoes, veggies and pound cake with orange glaze. Sound delish!

Other than that I'll hide Tyler's loots somewhere in the house and eggs as well. He loves that! :)
I plan to see parents, sisters, brother, in laws, and my nieces and newphews this easter. I plan to give them the tour of my new apt as well.
Just to give to my granddaughter, a book and a small pink toy rabbit.
That was nice of you to ask, Sosie. For Pesach my family and I will go synagogue of which my mom and I are members. I go to spend time with my family and because I am a Jew, not so for traditional, institutional, patriarchal aspect of Judaism, which doesn't appeal to me.

Chag Sameach, Sosie and to whomever it applies :D

Also, Happy Easter to folks....
Jamie Lynn.... sad u....? Am sorry..... :aw:

Shelter dogs will be very grateful! My furry babies send you lots of kisses and tail wags ....and Rottie butt-wiggles!:hug:
Flying to Arizona tomorrow to spend Passover with my brother's family and my father. Our first time together since I lost my hearing. Wish me luck!

Chag Sameach and Happy Easter to all!
We are staying home, I'm cooking and we gonna rent movies then later maybe play a game of apples to apples. ;)
nu, DeafDoc, it's luck u need? Maybe also some gefilte fish and some matzoh ball soup and some horseradish, kishke, charoset ....oh my dad misses the kishke...

or lamb stew, or endive...if Sephardim.....

well, Good Luck! :wave: :aw:
My boys and I are going to Church, afterwards most likely to one of their favorite parks...then home for dinner! Roast, red potatoes, broccoli, rolls and tea.....peaches for dessert. Supposed to be cool and rainy here!

Happy Easter to all!...It's so nice to be here!
Well! I don't know what to do on Easter Day. Look at me, I can't even lick my genital. I don't want them to see me like that.

I will be at my sister's to celebrate Passover this Friday. Also, I will be at my deaf friends' to celebrate Easter on Sunday. I will make some foods and desserts for them.

How about you guys?

I just wanted to say Happy Passover and Happy Easter to everyone!!! :D

Ty and Same to you and all ! Hope everyone is well and have a big blessed one!! Special day, remember today is the begining of the year in God's eye's so make good, Turn all things over and remember to tell Him heart desire, yes he knows but you must speak and following your heart!!!
Happy Passover to all!!:D
I don't know what I am going to do this week-end.

I really wanna see my long-lost cousins that I have not seen since 1988 (or 1989). I am like about 15-20 minutes from them in the next county. We were supposed to meet last month, but something else came up.

Maybe on early Sunday, I can drive to another state to surprise my grandmother and parents. :) I think that would even make my grandmother so happy. :)