'just hang in there' is bullshit, im not gonna put up with the crap that hearing or Deaf give us. By my reckoning the hoh people cops the worse, because it is in a 'no man's land', (pardon the sexist term- im not refering to gender- just in general ok), we cop it hard because we dont get the benefits of doubt which Deaf politics serves up to the 'rights to interpreter' OR 'rights to employment in that- English doesnt matter' , but this is not the case with hoh, English Does matter, theres no -in-between "verbal interpreter" unless there's a social worker, but the problem is that social workers is now becoming exhinct. furthermore it is Hoh people (who dont generally bang on "Deaf rights", mainly because 'Deaf rights' is largely perceived to do with Rights to interpreters (which then supports the HEARING interpreters (GRRR, ok theres a very few deaf/hoh whose are intrpreters, besides the point ok), so it compels hoh to believe 'there nothing we can do' , and more nothing we can do about abuse from hearing people - "their loss" some of you might say. I used to 'agree' with it, but i never felt comfortable about it, so after a long time, and some experiences, and some learning I now, dont approve of this bullshit. If something wrong, we should be able to complain, and with me saying this now, i think we should take a good hard look at what 'Deaf Rights" really mean or what it Should mean. Hoh/deaf (small d) needs to step up and say 'enough is enough, time for us to be counted'
I have already dropped hints there and here in this post, at reasons why hoh gets is worse than the cosy-up Deaf. its like you never see Deaf hanging around hearing people, or function totally as a full fledge worker/citizen, in private and public spheres of life, its always some 'work' sorted for them then home and in the 'tiny community' hidden away from the hearing people. Hoh people are much more likely to be scattered, they dont get the 'group mentality' because there isn't any. and 'just hanging in there' means just that - to continue lliving isolated and accepting all 'owns rights' are effectively nonexistent, except in circumstances where it is 'obvious' by 'today standards' of 'whats right and whats wrong' (sic) i have to say we' still got another fifty years to go to match up. in so saying this, I still think Deaf politics is shit, its all abotu squibble of who's overcome the most and how much popularity they have gained 'community' as far as i see it, theres still fuck all done. Deaf doctors are likely to be late deafened, or hoh at a 'high functioning' level of heariness and or 'high level of assimilation to the hearing society', its doesnt rub up the right way with 'what or who counts as a real Deaf person, groans even this itself paints a misleading picture to the hearing world about what constitutes as a sucessful deaf person.dammit, we have to stop the 'prefered lies', right?