Do you guys embrace your hearing loss/deafness?!

i did knowing what Bebonang is mean when she say word "normal" for hearing people. i knowing she not mean deaf people not normal like hearings. stop attack and PEACE. not get your panty is twist.
Again, it's the double standard that applies here. I've said it, other people have said the word "normal hearing" or "normal" and they get a round of feigned outrage but those people already knew what they meant when they used the word "normal" just as we already knew what Bebonang meant when she said it. This is what Audiofuzzy was pointing out on the use of "normal" in AD. No sweat off our backs here. Just an observation.
I agree about double standard. Some people here can get away be all kinds prejudices, some cannot. Some can use certain words, some cannot. Some can use sarcasm no consequence, some cannot. Some people popular, some not. Is not fair, but life not fair. :dunno:
I agree about double standard. Some people here can get away be all kinds prejudices, some cannot. Some can use certain words, some cannot. Some can use sarcasm no consequence, some cannot. Some people popular, some not. Is not fair, but life not fair. :dunno:

Sarcasm is's even encouraged. :)
Hi! This is my very first post! :)
I grew up hearing. I first saw sign language at sunday school at Brush Prairie Baptist Church in Washington when an older deaf girl had two interpreters. I must tell you I am weird not typical girl. I thought she was like royalty with the two lady seving her and the glasses and big metal hearing aid with wires. I thought Geri was cool. She showed me at Camp Melacoma the ABCs. I began hungering to communicate with any deaf person I saw, but nobody would teach me sign because I could hear.
In high school I took at WSD what I later found out is fake sign english. What a waste as everyday our hearing teacher drilled us in tences, am, is, I, and some signs wrong too.
I skip to just a year and a half ago. A lot of losses in my life, gramma died, family stole and hate me, and my job began to discriminate. I started having deaf customers, seeing deaf on the bus, everywhere deaf!! I asked God if you want me to go back to college and learn ASL give me huge sign because I am kinda slow. Sunday a woman who played celo was deaf and my silly music pastor begged me to interpret! Yeah you know how we both felt. Ok, so last September I began sign. I learned more than I dreamed!
I chuckled when I read how hoh kid, Mark Drolsbaugh, heard mumbly sentences...because I do that. I got written up at work for being angry, but I was talking normally. Then on the bus I bent down to lipread a man's mustache laden mug when he continued talking while tying his shoe. More and more until I was told in spring this year by an audi that I have 30 decible hearing loss left ear. Moreover....hold on your isn't from all my ear infections! It turns out over the years I have progressive sensorineural hearing loss that is assymetrical....and he thinks it is recessive dna.
Dude! I am deaf??
Weird girl me, I feel I am happily HOH! :)
I feel weird at the word loss, because I lost nothing. I have merely exchanged a bit of my gift of hearing for a bit of the gift of deafness, and I am so curious how this will make me into the person I am destined to be!
I actually got accepted for fall at Gallaudet, where I will transfer a senior. I want to become a Deaf community advocate to make changes in how born hoh/ deaf kids get educated, so it equals the playing field and every child will have a chance at the American dream!
Is it wrong to be proud of being hoh?
As I see in my hearing college acts of rudeness and bigotry and oppression against other hoh/ deaf students, which opened my eyes, I began to feel comraderie to the Deaf.
Am I a traitor?
I was laughed at and belittled by a student a few weeks ago for mishearing. I stopped being hearie that moment. I told him loudly for all my class to hear that it isn't I can't remember or pronounce the words, I CAN'T HEAR IT! I AM HARD OF HEARING!
So next quarter I plan to be brave and request a notetaker. This is good experience, as now I know the truth.
As thr hearing world oppresses, and deaf support me, where do you think I want to be?
At this point if Deaf will accept me, I am about ready (even though I have hearing) to join up.
and i forgotten add that i never worn hearing aid or cochlea implant. i am enjoy peaceful and no sound living in silent world with deaf. my parents both profound deaf and they is taught me that i not need force myself be hearing. bec the world have deaf community and i am feeling comfortable with deafs accept me who i am. hearing people whine and show me pity "ohhhh poor adri cant hear, she need hearing aid and ci" is so annoy!!!!!!!

Check that quote you made.

Maybe even take time to socialize and get to know us before trying to establish as a major militant presence.

Where did you go to school?

Um...he didn't quote as there are no quotation marks.
Also, why did you name call him a 'militant' when all he did was openly express his not understanding why a deaf mom and dad who undy deafness would fear their own child being deaf too. It is a fair statement, not a personal attack on you. No names were mentioned and no attack words given...but by you.

So I am curious why you lashed out to silence his curiousity? Are you dealing with some personal issue and now trying to defend your feelings? Instead of being so defensive, why not speak openly what you think the reason a deaf mom and dad would be scared of a child born deaf to them? Then you give understanding not opposition.
I'm actually in the process of embracing my hearing loss. I've been deaf since birth and I was one of those kids who were forced to learn speech and be implanted at an early age. My speech is actually pretty good, but deteriorating. Why?

I haven't worn my CI in 2 years. I decided that since I was born this way, I'll just be deaf. I was meant to be deaf and I don't see anything wrong with it. I am a very silent person and absolutely insistent on writing down what I need. My boss at work even told me, "Deafies are only equal to hearies if they use their voice." That offended me greatly because I know of some complete "mutes" who are incredibly intelligent and far off intelligent than "regular hearies."

Deafies/hearies differ greatly because they both grew up in different cultures. Hearies think it's okay to implant and teach speech, mainstream them while the deafies are all about language, putting them in a deaf school, etc.

I was a child of hearies. The only thing I can tell you... I was raised mainstreamed. I just started learning ASL 6 years ago. Deafies assume that I'm an interpreter all the freaking time because of the way I sign.

I wish I was raised in a deaf institute. I was oral for the majority of my life just to please my parents.

Fortunately, I've noticed that my parents are more accepting of it. They used to ask me all the time where my CI was just so I could hear them hollering that it's dinner time. I started taking it off a few years ago... But now, the last time I saw them, it took them a week to just... ask where my CI is... I know it cost them about 4k. But this is me. My body and my life. I am forever grateful for them. It's just that I make choices, too. My mom FINALLY started signing to me 2 years ago and started saying, "I love you" in that ILY sign and she never did that before. I think they're really starting to realize that this is me. They gave birth to me. Accommodate me and love me for who I am.

I really think that my future will be a lot brighter now. And more loving, too.

I really can't wait to move home and have everything I've ever wanted... Love and a real family I never had.

It's true that time does heal all. Parents may be shocked and try to fix you at first, but they'd accept you eventually like mine did. It just hurt me a lot, but hey... It's okay in the end. <3

You said it all. Totally inspiring. *applause*
I am newly HOH and daily learning that its okay to be who God made me. I was ok being hearing, but being fake hearie isn't worth it. After the comments from another student when I heard wrong several times( solved instantly when prof wrote words for me)I decided to not play hearing student anymore. If teachers, staff and students have an issue with my being HOH and not like them, I will inform them bullys are not welcome on campus. I wish you a peaceful joyful new year as Deaf. I am filled with more peace and joy in my soul now too. *smile*
Um...he didn't quote as there are no quotation marks.
Also, why did you name call him a 'militant' when all he did was openly express his not understanding why a deaf mom and dad who undy deafness would fear their own child being deaf too. It is a fair statement, not a personal attack on you. No names were mentioned and no attack words given...but by you.

So I am curious why you lashed out to silence his curiousity? Are you dealing with some personal issue and now trying to defend your feelings? Instead of being so defensive, why not speak openly what you think the reason a deaf mom and dad would be scared of a child born deaf to them? Then you give understanding not opposition.

WHy is it hearing people always want to jump in and tell me what's what the moment the arrive?
i wish i knew what hearing people are thinking this way when it comes to the sound issue or try to fit into the society.

I admit that I rather be deaf and ASL user. However, i do like my HAs that i do not mind hearing the sounds or voices but it would be nice if HA costs like 50 bucks, just the same as the cell phone!!!!
i did knowing what Bebonang is mean when she say word "normal" for hearing people. i knowing she not mean deaf people not normal like hearings. stop attack and PEACE. not get your panty is twist.

Right! :lol:
Ok, so we have abnormal hearing then?


If that's your interpretation... :shock:

I am just teasing you... It's so common that we refer to the hearing people as having normal hearing. You should give some latitude to the use of "normal" as having a double meaning. I guess its up to you to decide how you read it as.
Ok, so we have abnormal hearing then?


Mine is! And I'll admit it.

So from what I gather - "normal hearing" = no hearing loss. Except that some people take offence at that definition of "normal hearing" because to them, not having any hearing is also normal.

So we have a phrase that can be defined by the person using it, or by the person reading it, and if the person reading it doesn't care for the person using it, then it's fair to get upset. But if the person reading happens to personally like the person using the phrase, then it's ok.

Welcome to Alice in Wonderland, I guess.
Mine is! And I'll admit it.

So from what I gather - "normal hearing" = no hearing loss. Except that some people take offence at that definition of "normal hearing" because to them, not having any hearing is also normal.

So we have a phrase that can be defined by the person using it, or by the person reading it, and if the person reading it doesn't care for the person using it, then it's fair to get upset. But if the person reading happens to personally like the person using the phrase, then it's ok.

Welcome to Alice in Wonderland, I guess.

Ok, so what's abnormal deafness then? Hearing?


Really, some people do get their knickers in a twist over that one. We all know what they mean when they say "normal hearing" as in having no hearing loss.
Ok, so what's abnormal deafness then? Hearing?


Really, some people do get their knickers in a twist over that one. We all know what they mean when they say "normal hearing" as in having no hearing loss.

Who said abnormal deafness?
When you are debating something and use the word "normal" just be prepared to be picked apart. Just saying.

Oh no sweetie. no "just saying".

You have to explain to me why I have to be "prepared to be picked apart"
but for example, not Mz Bebonag, hmm, Missy Cheetah?

I have never ever seen you jumping on Bebonang for using
the term "normal hearing" but if I use it - you'd be on me like white on rice
and WHY ??????
because you don't like me but you like her, is that so?
have guts for once and tell the truth.

And just for argument sake , since you said so yourself -
The word "normal" is a word that is usually used to describe the majority. Most of us prefer not to use that word because it indicates that anyone that is not in the majority is "abnormal".

No, wrong -
- when one says "normal hearing" one does not describe the majority - one describe the HEARING the majority have.
Therefore, one can not indicate that anyone is "abnormal" - at best, their HEARING is abnormal - and yes, it's true for we can't hear!.


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