Do you ever want to date a rich person with......

You can be rich even without money. I'm rich - I don't have a lot of money but I have two wonderful girls, blessed with lots of wonderful friends, and my life is pretty good. That's what I call rich. :)
^^ I know what you mean by that. You are rich in life and full of adventures, is that correct? ;)
You can be rich even without money. I'm rich - I don't have a lot of money but I have two wonderful girls, blessed with lots of wonderful friends, and my life is pretty good. That's what I call rich. :)

Yea, I will take that over any 200 feet yatches, trips all over the world, a closet full of designer brand clothes, and jewelery. :)
I want to dating the rich mean lady. Let her control me whatever she pleasant. :D
Get marry... be patience as live in shit live.
Then get divorce, earn money. woo woo. Me in newspaper tell in the world, I ditch on mean celebrity.
No I wouldnt date someone rich... but if it happen that i date someone who is rich.. i would tell him to donate money to animal shelters, womens shelters etc.. and buy simple cars that save money on gas but maybe hybrid? .. not have to be fancy manison but "Green" house that would save electricity bills and cool in summer. It would be cool to taste to travel world and experience eerything.. but life in rich lane doesnt suit me as I am simple and country gal. :)