Psst.. It is so obviously that Kalista was my dog Curly. Because... They always fascinated passionate sexual
How come you deny yourself, you never told them that we were former sisters? Our Dad was Abraham Lincoln. I notice, you have hairy on your chin. You got it from your reincarnation Dad. You tend to wear black hat everytime I saw you in the social. Walked into your bedroom notice alot of books, candles and ink pen all over in your desk. Old suit and brush for your beard on your chin. We were involved in the civil war in Gettysburg, PA. We travel together on the horses. You could not live without the horses. I can see why, you were the Linclon's Family. Our mom, Mary had clear blue eyes, long lashes, light-brown hair. your eyes are blue. You can't deny yourself.
I am tired of your smooching all over my face everytime I saw you.