Do you believe in death penalty

Do you believe in the death penity?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 42.4%
  • No

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Only for certain reasons

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • other

    Votes: 2 6.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wirelessly posted

jillio said:
Wirelessly posted


I really don't like the death penalty very much, and I don't agree it need to be completely banned. Some people just dersves (sp) to die...

Is that really man's decision to make? Humans, by nature, make mistakes and are biased. Should we really be deciding who lives and who dies?

So your questions suggest the death penatly should be banned cos no one should make decision for the murders to die? No matter how many times someone murder some people, like repeat crimes?

That sounds you defend murders instead of victims, to me.
Two wrongs will never make it right.

Even though victims do suffer, it is everyone's suffering. But to revenge or retalation is not acceptable because it is STILL wrong period.

Wirelessly posted

So your questions suggest the death penatly should be banned cos no one should make decision for the murders to die? No matter how many times someone murder some people, like repeat crimes?

That sounds you defend murders instead of victims, to me.
Wirelessly posted

Besides if you execute someone like Hitler, what good will it do?

There was a reason why he and his followers committed suicide.
Exactly! They committed sucide because they knew they will suffer more if they surrender and get caught by 5 allies.

Wirelessly posted

Besides if you execute someone like Hitler, what good will it do?

There was a reason why he and his followers committed suicide.
Now ask yourself, those victims that were suffering by the guy we just executed in Utah, are they happy now? I don't think so and that guy that just executed, is this very guy suffering or just in peace worry nothing about who is going to assault him in prision? Right now, I bet you that this executed man is sleeping and laughing peacefully... who gets suckered? Of course the victim that wants him executed still suffering.

Wirelessly posted

How so?
Wirelessly posted

Interesting. Well, I don't agree with you. Also, I heard from the opposite. Some victims' families are relief when murders die, and move on. Of course, I know they can't bring their decreased victims back to live. At the least, they are free from re-live the fear and suffer...
Even though victim may relieved from this however there are STILL hundred, thousands of sociopaths out there waiting to hit their own victims, did it (one man's execution) solve the problem? Did they really put these victims to true freedom from being murdered? I can't see this as possible, and these victims who thinks they are free are in high risk of getting hit again by other murders that has not caught yet.

I believe in hard labor to pay for the damages. I rather see these scumbag work ass off 12 hours a day 6 days a week. With a minute earned for time off each day they work and if they screw up that accumulate minutes will be forfeit. Do you think Sociopath want to work their ass off? That is where it is true punishment than just execute them.

Wirelessly posted

Interesting. Well, I don't agree with you. Also, I heard from the opposite. Some victims' families are relief when murders die, and move on. Of course, I know they can't bring their decreased victims back to live. At the least, they are free from re-live the fear and suffer...
Wirelessly posted

Well, personnel that murder families, children and rape innocent women can't be "rehab'd". I see it wrong to let them rot in jail with better living than the poor in the NYC. That's a insult... If you're gonna keep them for life, then put 'em to good use. If someone support support criminal rights, someone support the crimes committed...

Again, I don't agree with "revenge". Because, the execution is carried out by the state following the laws that protect society. It's NOT the victims' family executing the killer. Murderers kill innocent victims. People who are executed for capital crimes are NOT innocent victims. They are killers, rapists, and pedophiles. That is BIG difference between the criminals and the victims. The real reason for a death penalty *is* NOT to satisfy victims' families. I don't understand why would they think it will never solve anything to satisfy the families of victims for the "revenge"?? No. The reason is to show society that murder, rape, pedophilia, and certain other crimes, are so serious that they are punished by death or life sentence.

Well, I'm aware that no one "likes" the death penalty... No one wants it to happen to a family member... OK, look. We aren't gonna change each others opinions. I dont like the way the Justice System is letting hardened criminals get away with murder and rape makes me un-American in your eyes. I don't like flaws in the system either. I don't like death penalty, too.

Now, we are not gonna change each others views here. We each disagree with something the other looks at to a certain extent. I just don't like criminals, who have without-a-doubt killed or raped someone, getting away thanks to that piece of paper called the Bill-Of-Rights...

With that said, I'm done. I hope you have a good day and Happy Father Day.
That is why I support labor camp, to make them PAY for the damages. What I see is that the easiest for convict to get away is execution in most humane possible. That is EASIEST in my view. The next easiest is rot in jail, they do suffer but at very subtle plus slow path to death, finally the harshest of all is labor, no one wants to work for somebody else no matter what. So, in my POV, these convicts WILL be easily rehabilated if they undergoing serious labor camp. Once they gone though, they will think harder before killing anyone else, or commit crimes.

Wirelessly posted

Well, personnel that murder families, children and rape innocent women can't be "rehab'd". I see it wrong to let them rot in jail with better living than the poor in the NYC. That's a insult... If you're gonna keep them for life, then put 'em to good use. If someone support support criminal rights, someone support the crimes committed...

Again, I don't agree with "revenge". Because, the execution is carried out by the state following the laws that protect society. It's NOT the victims' family executing the killer. Murderers kill innocent victims. People who are executed for capital crimes are NOT innocent victims. They are killers, rapists, and pedophiles. That is BIG difference between the criminals and the victims. The real reason for a death penalty *is* NOT to satisfy victims' families. I don't understand why would they think it will never solve anything to satisfy the families of victims for the "revenge"?? No. The reason is to show society that murder, rape, pedophilia, and certain other crimes, are so serious that they are punished by death or life sentence.

Well, I'm aware that no one "likes" the death penalty... No one wants it to happen to a family member... OK, look. We aren't gonna change each others opinions. I dont like the way the Justice System is letting hardened criminals get away with murder and rape makes me un-American in your eyes. I don't like flaws in the system either. I don't like death penalty, too.

Now, we are not gonna change each others views here. We each disagree with something the other looks at to a certain extent. I just don't like criminals, who have without-a-doubt killed or raped someone, getting away thanks to that piece of paper called the Bill-Of-Rights...

With that said, I'm done. I hope you have a good day and Happy Father Day.
ain, is that really man's decision to make? Today, we decide that sociopaths don't have a right to life. Tomorrow we decide that schizophrenics don't have a right to life. And so on. It is still man deciding another man's worth
Not ALL sociopaths. Extreme sociopaths. It wouldn't be all " Oh sociopaths don't have a right to life so let's execute them enmasse" It would be on a very indivdual case by case basis. Just as an option to use if needed in really really bad cases.
Besides sociopathy isn't a mental illness. It's more like a state of being human while having no real human qualities like empathy.
I DO think however, that things like unpaid labor and max solitary, as well as making sure that sociopaths NEVER get out of jail should be used to isolate sociopaths from society.
Sociopaths are dangerous. Very. They cause a LOT of hurt and harm to people.
Is that really man's decision to make? Humans, by nature, make mistakes and are biased. Should we really be deciding who lives and who dies?

Humans do make mistakes...and humans also do crimes deliberately, for the hell/thrill of it, to "feel" how it feels to murder someone....That's why we have them tested by phycharists before passing on sentencing.....

As for "should we really be deciding who lives or who dies" another example is:...Should we be voting for the President of the USA?..Our Representatives? Mayors? Governors?....Who else is gonna do it if we don't vote?...So the "Public" decides....Same as for juries...who decide if it's a guilty/not guility offense......And if the offense is worthy of the death penalty...and vote upon it....The same as for our President, public servants, etc.

Who do you want to be deciding "who lives or who dies"?....Why should "the public" decide who will be President?.....And our Governors?....

I don't belive you feel "God" should decide if a person who has committed a very severe, heinous crime....should face the dealth penalty.

As for "hard labour"...that means more guards, housing, food, etc., at the taxpayer's expense. And the "risk" of inmates escaping and committing their horrific crimes over and over.

Has anyone ever thought what the "reason(s)" were for the Death Penalty?.....Not the crime itself, but why??...I feel it's to deter others from commiting crimes such as one that is deemed for the death penalty......

Someone that takes a human life deliberately....should not breathe the air on this earth.
Humans do make mistakes...and humans also do crimes deliberately, for the hell/thrill of it, to "feel" how it feels to murder someone....That's why we have them tested by phycharists before passing on sentencing.....

As for "should we really be deciding who lives or who dies" another example is:...Should we be voting for the President of the USA?..Our Representatives? Mayors? Governors?....Who else is gonna do it if we don't vote?...So the "Public" decides....Same as for juries...who decide if it's a guilty/not guility offense......And if the offense is worthy of the death penalty...and vote upon it....The same as for our President, public servants, etc.

Who do you want to be deciding "who lives or who dies"?....Why should "the public" decide who will be President?.....And our Governors?....

I don't belive you feel "God" should decide if a person who has committed a very severe, heinous crime....should face the dealth penalty.

As for "hard labour"...that means more guards, housing, food, etc., at the taxpayer's expense. And the "risk" of inmates escaping and committing their horrific crimes over and over.

Has anyone ever thought what the "reason(s)" were for the Death Penalty?.....Not the crime itself, but why??...I feel it's to deter others from commiting crimes such as one that is deemed for the death penalty......

Someone that takes a human life deliberately....should not breathe the air on this earth.

Actually it is cheaper to imprison a person for life than to put the person to death. And also, how many prisoners escaped to do horrendous deeds "over and over?"
Actually it is cheaper to imprison a person for life than to put the person to death. And also, how many prisoners escaped to do horrendous deeds "over and over?"

I know, that's been discussed before...but aren't our prisons "filling up" also??

As for how many prisoners have escaped...someone mentioned they prefer "hard labour" over the death penalty....what I said was that if that would be the case, it would cost us more....some could escape, and....again, another trial for "escape", more cost to the taxpayer for the crime they committed when they escaped plus the escape charge......Round and Round and Round...!...Same crimes over and over. It's best "dealt with/done/and moving on."
I know, that's been discussed before...but aren't our prisons "filling up" also??

As for how many prisoners have escaped...someone mentioned they prefer "hard labour" over the death penalty....what I said was that if that would be the case, it would cost us more....some could escape, and....again, another trial for "escape", more cost to the taxpayer for the crime they committed when they escaped plus the escape charge......Round and Round and Round...!...Same crimes over and over. It's best "dealt with/done/and moving on."

Quite the bloodthirsty bugger, aren't you? :lol:

(relax, I am just pulling your leg)
Prisons are not filling up because of lack of death penalty, but rather lack of proper rehab among repeat offenders.

Plus... no one have heard of Siberia? :lol: