I apologize, I read that as a new thread, but it appears to be a pre-existing thread, which I'm sure you know about. that's what I was referring to,
'what ticks me off about hearies' is well, a really old topic, i wanted to explore how might we determine our own destiny and make relevant to say why we say no to CI, say no to Oralism, say no to hearing's ignorances, and how we ought to politicalise this into an intact, do-able approach, namely how might we adopt Deafhood...
thats what i wanted.... like instead squibbling, moaning, complaining, and sharing the dislikes of how hearing people flatly ignores our existence, i was hoping to start discussion which would lead to some kind of constructive thinking...
so no, to me, that other thread wasnt a pre-requiste in anymore, maybe pre-existing, but heck i didnt even really contribute to the thread (cant remember now, but point aside), the whole thing about that other thread, its old, and unproductive which is why i created this thread...and hope we can discss further and really create ideas, i dont really wish to see more 'battles of wits' its fucking stupid and a waste of time, these ASL/BSL etc hates can just piss off, we already know what we wanted, and half of it is sitting in the unconscious mind, waiting to be realised, and maybe, lead on to a third movement of Deaf Rights...(unsure whats first and second, - mayb Stokoe's discovery of the ASL as a legitimate language, and 2nd wave is the "Deaf Prez Now" as Gallaudet?,,,but the Deaf Way conventions hasnt really gained momentum because of the almagamation aspect seems to be a hinderance...again right now i dont know all the answers (dont we all? ) and yet we all *whose wants to stand up and say "I'm Deaf and I'm Proud" would indeed wish to know more or have a more clearer vision to actualise these goals.