do u ever have crush that u fell for online or in person?

Originally posted by sweetstrawberry
I really crush on someone from online but I rather wait until met real person to person then will been feeling fall in love or not because I learn my lesson about last summer. I'm actually stupid but it's my first time.

right on :)
yes she is deaf colloage drgee aa she want more school i would like to take be happy for good life never know she not have kids she is 29 year old she is virgins whoaaa
Originally posted by Alex
Been there, done that. It's like a fantasy online, but when reality strikes, it's totally the opposite.

true, online I chatted with I sometimes fantastic but meet on person may be different maybe I 'd be shy :dunno: I haven't met anyone from online before
she want work for enter data i know its will be good pay when she move she want to dream home in america maybe good luck catch it hey she is jan 6... my is dec 19
Originally posted by mike
yeahh i know i hope it she want to move america she got for 20 year dream america so wait see if i can married her to move america ... wait see what going on hahaha she is nice girl nice body hoter hehehe wait and see on summer what happend

hehehe wait and see on summer what happend >what u mean by that? don't u love her?
been there, done it. It was not great. But I found a cool guy online, later I met him in real life. We still yak, yak, yak wildly.
Friendship is possible, and I have found good friends online. Thanks Freakychicky and Katziechicky!

I also married someone I met online, and rather unexpectedly.. that's how I ended up in Norway, being an American myself. Ha. He turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me, even after 3 years. ;) Talk about soulmates.

I guess it's different for everyone.
I've dated online and struck out, so im just gonna take it way easy this time around and not get hurt!
Originally posted by Oddball
been there, done it. It was not great. But I found a cool guy online, later I met him in real life. We still yak, yak, yak wildly.

hahahah Oddball
To those of you who have been hurt online and offline, I regret that you've had such a bad experience in life.
Originally posted by Liza
Friendship is possible, and I have found good friends online. Thanks Freakychicky and Katziechicky!

I also married someone I met online, and rather unexpectedly.. that's how I ended up in Norway, being an American myself. Ha. He turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me, even after 3 years. ;) Talk about soulmates.

I guess it's different for everyone.

and we ask you to please stay in Norway
never met or dated anyone from chatting on the computer. my ex girlfriend dumped me for someone she met online. he dumped he shortly after that. things have a strange way of working out.
one thing i will say is i'm over dating hearing women. no real offense, i've just had bad luck. i'm hearing myself, but would like to date a deaf/hh women. i have many deaf friends maybe i should do a little asking around. peace and god bless.
UMM I met my sweetheart on line, I fall in love with him on our 3 date he is so sweet and nice .. There is not many guy who can be sweet all the time
Originally posted by DrStar80
Actually Many girl who are fall in love with me but I was not mean to do that. I believe my talk is so wonderful to other people only girl.. that is how girl is fall in love with me. *sigh* i need to stop.

I defeniely agree with happens to me and my brother lots of times.. I just talk simply and they usually go all over me.. Wowies.. Well..I mean all girls..(ugly, not my type, diff races, pretty, hearing, deaf) man.. My bro and I gotta be careful...YIKES!:ugh:
i agree flirting online CAN get u in trouble especially if the woman takes it all too seriously and wanna meet IRL when i dont wanna :shock: -- that sort of thing has happened to me -- i know i should slow down on my flirtations and make it clear to them that im not looking for a relationship or anything -- just some good clean flirations and fun that would NOT go anywhere further -- ive even had a few women try to cyber me when im not interested in cybering with them :roll: i tend to change subject to try to get them off the cybering business and have some neutral chatterings -- it IS tricky yes

personally when i meet women IRL after some time talking to her online (on average 3-6 years) i tend to be shy first then i start to show my real personality :dunno: go figure -- alot of the women THINKS im *not* shy when i CAN be shy LOL
Originally posted by Fly Free
i agree flirting online CAN get u in trouble especially if the woman takes it all too seriously and wanna meet IRL when i dont wanna :shock: -- that sort of thing has happened to me -- i know i should slow down on my flirtations and make it clear to them that im not looking for a relationship or anything -- just some good clean flirations and fun that would NOT go anywhere further -- ive even had a few women try to cyber me when im not interested in cybering with them :roll: i tend to change subject to try to get them off the cybering business and have some neutral chatterings -- it IS tricky yes

personally when i meet women IRL after some time talking to her online (on average 3-6 years) i tend to be shy first then i start to show my real personality :dunno: go figure -- alot of the women THINKS im *not* shy when i CAN be shy LOL

YES FLY is SHY, She need to be FLYSHYFREE LMAO! no no seriously, i have met her irl and found her to be shy, after a couple of hours of getting to know her, She pretty much is FUN to be with and a good person all around!