Do the mothers get depressed when their babies are sold?

Cane Corso said:
Actually no, you are wrong. Dogs are not HUMANS. They do not think like Humans. I think you are making a major mistake if you are going to breed two dogs together. You better watch out of that father who might want to eat his puppies. It does happen a lot especially when people do not know a thinig about breeding two dogst together. You can believe in God, but do not be foolish enough to breed two dogs together when you really have no idea what you are getitng yourself into

Cane Corso, yes you are correct about mother and father animals should be separate if mother have babies.

I'm agree with others that animals have FEELING!

I have 2 cats and 4 kittens here. I noticed that mother Kim and her 4 kittens are unseparated which they are supposed to be separate after depend on Kim's milk for 8 weeks but they are not. They are still unseparate AFTER finish with mother's milk. (kitten birth date: 30.3.06).

I test them last Tuesday after read your posts here... I leave 4 kittens alone in the basement to play around (I have plenty things for cats to play with) away from Kim... Guess what? Kim went downstair and sit front of basement door and meow, meow, meow.... for want go in... I was like wow that she has a mother feeling... I let her go in to be with her 4 kittens. She is happy and lick her 4 kittens as 4 kittens lick back to her... purrrrrrrr.... purrrrr....

I consider my cats as my children... I know that animal and human are not same but I feel human as equal as animal because they have feeling, suffer, crying, happy, etc.
Liebling:-))) said:
I'm agree with others that animals have FEELING!

I test them last Tuesday after read your posts here... I leave 4 kittens alone in the basement to play around (I have plenty things for cats to play with) away from Kim... Guess what? Kim went downstair and sit front of basement door and meow, meow, meow.... for want go in... I was like wow that she has a mother feeling... I let her go in to be with her 4 kittens. She is happy and lick her 4 kittens as 4 kittens lick back to her... purrrrrrrr.... purrrrr....

Wow, that is very interesting ! I notice, my cat Garfield was at the vet due to spray surgery. Other cat, Pumpkin was so depressed to look around the house, she could not live without Garfield for the day. They always slept and played together. Garfield returned home from the vets. Pumpkin was very concerned to smell on his balls with stiches. Pumpkin became a nurse to take care of Garfield to sleep and lick him. Awwww, they are so adorable cats and cherish each other just like people !
sweetheart and Carso..
Both of you guys are debating..
Still no difference... Be try remember VARY personalities dogs cannot be SAME rest of all females whoever trying tend protectiong their litter.

You have seen your own eyes raised different enivorment dogs around surrodings.. POV otherwise Mother of litter will be always attached within up to 8 to 9 wks of age and will be ready to leaving the premiess. Mother can be upset and take while adapt litter is gone.. and will seeing their litter within few months visit.. *sniffing theirs* and become will not recoglized anymore.. The female dog will become terrorize their property.

I refused buy puppymills, what more.. They are kept constantly breeding breeding rapidly and suitable their pocket enough money to feed all litters?? Mostly high percentage neglect the dogs/puppies. They are want smell your pocket coming from $$$ all obession their cares for their living ridcouisly.. Not even care about Dogs/Puppies.. Just want $ That sick!
No love!

I'm breeder and experience knowledge and meeting the different breeder who owner of their breed and feedbacks.. Pretty awful lot information postive which their reason want properly giving lot of love and nursing litter.. well feed!
Rarely, Female dog will become depression.. I wud say.. RARE! not million times 1 in 1million alikely.

I'd rather you pretty please netural .. don't say you're WRONG blah blah blah.. that impact everyone think... Just respect others owner's preferences.. Not my business..
GalaxyAngel said:
sweetheart and Carso..
Both of you guys are debating..
Still no difference... Be try remember VARY personalities dogs cannot be SAME rest of all females whoever trying tend protectiong their litter.

You have seen your own eyes raised different enivorment dogs around surrodings.. POV otherwise Mother of litter will be always attached within up to 8 to 9 wks of age and will be ready to leaving the premiess. Mother can be upset and take while adapt litter is gone.. and will seeing their litter within few months visit.. *sniffing theirs* and become will not recoglized anymore.. The female dog will become terrorize their property.

I refused buy puppymills, what more.. They are kept constantly breeding breeding rapidly and suitable their pocket enough money to feed all litters?? Mostly high percentage neglect the dogs/puppies. They are want smell your pocket coming from $$$ all obession their cares for their living ridcouisly.. Not even care about Dogs/Puppies.. Just want $ That sick!
No love!

I'm breeder and experience knowledge and meeting the different breeder who owner of their breed and feedbacks.. Pretty awful lot information postive which their reason want properly giving lot of love and nursing litter.. well feed!
Rarely, Female dog will become depression.. I wud say.. RARE! not million times 1 in 1million alikely.

I'd rather you pretty please netural .. don't say you're WRONG blah blah blah.. that impact everyone think... Just respect others owner's preferences.. Not my business..

Do you truly know everything about having a litter? Do you have health gaurantees on your puppies? What is common health problems in Bulldogs? Do you know any? What are they? List em please. Do you have a contract that force your buyers to spay/neuter if they are going to buy a puppy from you? Do you ever refused anyone who is interested in buying one of ur puppies? What kinds of questions did you ask your buyers? I wonder if you do any formal health testing on your bitches and what kind of studs are you looking for?

The simple reason mother dogs are being protective of their litters from others, they have instinct to protect their babies. Bad mothers would eat their puppies, they do happen.
Cane Corso said:
Do you truly know everything about having a litter? Do you have health gaurantees on your puppies? What is common health problems in Bulldogs? Do you know any? What are they? List em please. Do you have a contract that force your buyers to spay/neuter if they are going to buy a puppy from you? Do you ever refused anyone who is interested in buying one of ur puppies? What kinds of questions did you ask your buyers? I wonder if you do any formal health testing on your bitches and what kind of studs are you looking for?

The simple reason mother dogs are being protective of their litters from others, they have instinct to protect their babies. Bad mothers would eat their puppies, they do happen.

Yes I do have health guartrantees agreement papers.. 1 year Heath guartrantee(sp)
My policy, If Bulldog get sick as such heart problems, kindey failure and no reason pass away.. signed by vet written and also will replace new next litter. (No Refund)
Freak Accident likely car accident or others.. Sorry, Cannot replace another bulldog litter.

High percentage Bulldogs have problem hips when turns aged.

If the buyer want as pet.. I have to take liter to the vet and have netured/spayed first before home placed within 1 week after.

I MUST shown the customer look into the pedigrees family tree bloodline history.. eg: to make customer feel satisfty.. due Health excellence.

My preference seek pedigree first before breed the bitchs from my stud to prevent corrput bloodline.
Cane you sure do question people too much!!!

You are NOT the only one who knows about things!
All animals have some sort of emotions, but they have different sets of emotions and different uses for emotions. Cats don't come up to you because you're tired or sad. They may just want a comfy place to sleep or to mark you as their own, for example.

I agree with Cane Corso about animals being different from humans. But I have noticed that she isn't saying that they are emotionless. I think she is saying that animals have different uses for their emotions than humans do, and they don't have the same ones we do either.
Dannie said:
Cane you sure do question people too much!!!

You are NOT the only one who knows about things!

Do you have a problem with that? Don't reply if you don't want to answer my cheesy questions. Simple! :whistle:
gnulinuxman said:
All animals have some sort of emotions, but they have different sets of emotions and different uses for emotions. Cats don't come up to you because you're tired or sad. They may just want a comfy place to sleep or to mark you as their own, for example.

I agree with Cane Corso about animals being different from humans. But I have noticed that she isn't saying that they are emotionless. I think she is saying that animals have different uses for their emotions than humans do, and they don't have the same ones we do either.

Thanks. Yes that was the main thing I was trying to point out.
Cane Corso said:
Thanks. Yes that was the main thing I was trying to point out.
You're welcome. I've studied this and read your posts so I knew what you were saying.
vrsterp said:
I would never buy a dog from a breeder at all.

You vrsterp... you always say something negatives against deafies... thats ENOUGH..... start POSITIVE THINKING....

SxyPorkie said:
You vrsterp... you always say something negatives against deafies... thats ENOUGH..... start POSITIVE THINKING....



vrsterp's post wasn't even referring to deafies, s/he was talking about BREEDERS. read more carefully the next time you decide to attack someone
Mother cats kill their young when kittens born disabled in some way or humans touched the babies too soon after birth. Mother cats depend on their smell to identify their babies. Its the survival instincts. :ugh2:

Yes, cats do have emotions and respond to different things that sometimes is puzzling to humans becuz they are not humans . When one of my 2 cats disppeared (think its killed by wild animal), the other cat sat on my lap for few hours everyday which it never done before. It seems to be mourning and confused about what happened to its brother cat. Cats dont mourn/grieve as long as humans do tho.
Nope you are wrong... Heath is right.. WHOLE of animals do have feelings... I knew it becuase I can feel animals' feelings pretty good.

Once, I was around 15 years old, I went to the house that is selling the puppies, it's Cocker Spainel breed. I was planning to pick the puppy to seeing if I like that or not somehow puppies' mother barked at me and growling, I was like whoa.. Then owner of puppies and dog told me that she don't want to give her babies away, she want to keep them to herself.. I was like aww then left, wont buy that dog becuase I respect that dog. I knew animals do have feelings PERIOD...

Yes, it is obvious that animals have feelings. I know as I've had 2 guide dog and several rescue animals.

I am against Breeding because there are so many animals in rescue centres. I am also against pet shops that sell live animals. If a pet shop sells animals I will not use it.

Don't breed or buy while shelter animals die.
I am too a breeder. I Breed Pugs and yes I do have all that I need to breed and sell my pugs before you ask. I do know all the health problems as well. I have bred Dalmations for years before my last Dal passed away due to seizures. After my girl and male stud passed away, we were not gonna raise anymore Dals, and one day I saw an ad in the paper for a male mixed Dal that was in the shelter. Normally I only went for purebreds with bloodlines proven and all. But that little guy in the paper just tugged at my heartstrings. So we adopted him, 2 months later we found he had seizures. The shelter wanted me to return him because of the high vet bills. I told them No he was our baby now lol. We had him for a year and he passed away. Mom got me 2 purebred pugs a male and female, that was her last gift to me before she passed away.

I do know when Bonnie had her litter she started ignoring them as soon as they were on *solid food*. So really, I believe it depends on the dog on how they feel about the litter being taken. All my past Dals and litters were the same. Now that Bonnie is done breeding. *She had three litters*. I am getting out of the breeding business myself. Getting just a little too old to be sitting up all night and worrying if the birthing process will go smoothly lol.

Cane I admire your wanting to stop the bad breeders, but remember not all breeders are bad. Until I got into pug breeding there were NO pug breeders in Ohio that were not puppymills.