Originally posted by Steel
well don't blame me for saying that! i read that in an article about dinouar bones and one sciencist said that a T-rex was proably warm blooded...but hey, that was BILLIONS of year ago...maybe reptiles USED to be warm blooded...lol. But think about evloution for a sec...you know that there were gators and sharks and birds back then...and some of them don't change at all...even though alot of dinouars excint, and there are still some speicies left...just like the gators...so how the heck did the gators survive?? perhas they hid in some caves or under water or whatever...they were proably warm blooded just to keep them live longer...i dunno it's just my opinon anyway...so i thought dragons were proably warm blooded reptiles too since SOME breathe fire...and you know not all dragons have wings and not all dragons breathe fire...etc so it's kind of confusing you know?