Do Dragons exists...?

:laugh2: dragons is not real at all, it's just some knights' stories!
knight's...? uh there were dragon tales before the knight and dragon tales...

dragons happen to live around 3,000 yrs ago or so...before Christ existed

it's real exist and find the bones in austra, but fire comes out the mouth is not evidence yet.
it's proably possibe because some reptiles are warm-blooded, but not all of them are, even a T-rex was considered a warm blooded dinouar...perhas dragons breath fire due to exteme high tempertures in their bodies and they always need to stay warm all the time so they can keep breathing fire and all that... hmmm that's pretty interesting right?
Originally posted by Steel
it's proably possibe because some reptiles are warm-blooded, but not all of them are, even a T-rex was considered a warm blooded dinouar...perhas dragons breath fire due to exteme high tempertures in their bodies and they always need to stay warm all the time so they can keep breathing fire and all that... hmmm that's pretty interesting right?

NO NO - all reptiles are cold-blood!
Illustrator is right that reptiles are cold-blooded. The reason why they're cold-blooded is because when they go into a shade (away from the sunshine), they become cold. They have to go out into the sunshine to get warm.

Warm-blooded living things don't do that at all times. They have fur/hair to keep themselves warm if necessary.

Correct me if I'm wrong. :D
no, cold blooded changes body's temperature while warm blooded have steady temperatures, which warm blood cant survive by changing body temp..

humans are warm blooded, their body must maintain approx 98 degree.
well don't blame me for saying that! i read that in an article about dinouar bones and one sciencist said that a T-rex was proably warm blooded...but hey, that was BILLIONS of year ago...maybe reptiles USED to be warm But think about evloution for a know that there were gators and sharks and birds back then...and some of them don't change at all...even though alot of dinouars excint, and there are still some speicies left...just like the how the heck did the gators survive?? perhas they hid in some caves or under water or whatever...they were proably warm blooded just to keep them live longer...i dunno it's just my opinon i thought dragons were proably warm blooded reptiles too since SOME breathe fire...and you know not all dragons have wings and not all dragons breathe fire...etc so it's kind of confusing you know?
Originally posted by Steel
well don't blame me for saying that! i read that in an article about dinouar bones and one sciencist said that a T-rex was proably warm blooded...but hey, that was BILLIONS of year ago...maybe reptiles USED to be warm But think about evloution for a know that there were gators and sharks and birds back then...and some of them don't change at all...even though alot of dinouars excint, and there are still some speicies left...just like the how the heck did the gators survive?? perhas they hid in some caves or under water or whatever...they were proably warm blooded just to keep them live longer...i dunno it's just my opinon i thought dragons were proably warm blooded reptiles too since SOME breathe fire...and you know not all dragons have wings and not all dragons breathe fire...etc so it's kind of confusing you know?

nope all reptiles are cold blooded. theres no such a thing as warm blooded reptiles.
Originally posted by Justin Sane
no, cold blooded changes body's temperature while warm blooded have steady temperatures, which warm blood cant survive by changing body temp..

humans are warm blooded, their body must maintain approx 98 degree.
