deaf service is MUCH WORTH USEFUL TOOLS!
Yeahh Those airport have deaf services. I had many time to use the deaf service in airport.
deaf service is much worth tools for deaf people who attend airport. They will put you first service as first class like they will put you in front of line, etcs.
1. When you purchase or show your e-ticket [confirmation number] to front of ticket clerk. They give the ticket to you.
2. If they tried to talk to you, You tell them, "I can't hear" or "I can't speak" nor "can readlip", then they automatically recognize you being deaf person. but they will not ask as offer you for deaf service. Unless you ask them for your require deaf service. They will provide you deaf services for real.
I remembered that Once I almostly miss the flight but I was lucky when I caught flight. I ran to boarding gate after my flight arrive at airport, I saw many people inline, I was cut their line. I stood in front of line by flight attetion, I show my service pass with ticket to flight attetion at boarding gate. I came into airplane. I saw two seat available.. I was like "whew thank god that flight attetion put me first service as first class. Deaf service saved my neck..
You should get deaf services if you attended airport. [[[
But In case: if ticket clerk did not offer you as deaf service, don't forget that ask front of ticket clerk for your require deaf service before you leave the front of clerk. Enjoy travel and good luck..